Developer information

Har du laga eit flott innstikk og vil ha litt blest om det? Då er du på rett plass. Berre spør oss om å vera vertar for det. Då vil du kunna:

  • Hald styr på kor mange som har lasta det ned.
  • La folk skriva kommentarar om innstikket ditt.
  • Få vurderingar på innstikket ditt samanlikna med andre fine WordPress-innstikk.
  • Gje innstikket ditt blesting i det sentrale arkivet vårt.

Det finst visse grenser

  • Your plugin must be compatible with the GNU General Public License v2, or any later version. We strongly recommend using the same license as WordPress — “GPLv2 or later.”
  • Programtillegget kan ikkje gjera noko ulovleg eller moralsk forkasteleg (og me veit at det er eit subjektivt spørsmål).
  • Du må faktisk bruka Subversion-arkivet me gjev det for at programtillegget ditt skal koma opp på denne nettstaden. Programtilleggskatalogen vår er ein vertsnettstad, ikkje opplistingsnettstad.
  • The plugin must not embed external links on the public site (like a “powered by” link) without explicitly asking the user’s permission.
  • Your plugin must abide by our list of detailed guidelines, which include not being a spammer and not abusing the systems.

Submission is simple

  1. Sign up for an account on
  2. Submit your plugin for review.
  3. After your plugin is manually reviewed, it will either be approved or you will be emailed and asked to provide more information and/or make corrections.
  4. Once approved, you’ll be given access to a Subversion Repository where you’ll store your plugin.
  5. Shortly after you upload your plugin (and a readme file!) to that repository, it will be automatically displayed in the plugins browser.
  6. Check out the FAQ for more information.

Readme files

To make your entry in the plugin browser most useful, each plugin should have a readme file named readme.txt that adheres to the WordPress plugin readme file standard. You can put your readme file through the readme validator to check it.