Programming Throwdown

Patrick Wheeler and Jason Gauci
Programming Throwdown educates Computer Scientists and Software Engineers on a cavalcade of programming and tech topics. Every show will cover a new programming language, so listeners will be able to speak intelligently about any programming language.

All Episodes

Intro topic:  Social Media Auto Responder LLMNews/Links:Amazon releases Amazon Q RiscV “Super Cluster” from BitluniDIY 256-Core RISC-V super computer 3 Vision Released 4o of the ShowPatrick: MyFirstMillion Podcast A Path Towards Autonomous Machine Intelligence of the ShowPatrick: Dave the Diver Turing Complete Topic: DevOpsWhat is DevOpsDevOps vs SREWhy DevOps is importantEngineering time is expensiveOutages can hurt company metrics & reputationBuild & Testing InfrastructureBazel & Build/Test IdempotencyBuild/Test FarmsBuildBarnGithub ActionsJenkinsInfrastructure as codeTerraformBlue Green DeploymentContinuous Everything!Continuous IntegrationContinuous DeploymentHow to Measure DevOpsBuild TimesRelease cadenceBug tracking / round trip timesEngineer SurveysTime spent doing what you enjoyDevOps Horror Stories ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

Jun 10

1 hr 25 min

173: Mocking and Unit TestsIntro topic:  HeadphonesNews/Links:Texas A&M University Physics Festival vs Cpp at GoogleLars Bergstrom (Google Director of Engineering): Rust teams at Google are as productive as the ones using Go and 2x those using Cpp Cosine Similarity Really About Similarity utils supply chain attackAndres Freund at Microsoft of the ShowPatrick:80/20 Running by Matt Fitzgerald A Movie Making Nerd Plug of the ShowPatrick: Shapez Android: iOS: Dwarf Fortress Mocking and Unit TestsWhat are Unit TestsBalance between utility, maintenance, and coverageUnit Test: testing small functionsRegression Test: Testing larger functionsSystem Test: End-to-end testing of programsWhat are mocks & fakesWhen to use mock vs. fakeMocking libraries in various languagesPython: ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

Apr 29

1 hr 35 min

172: Transformers and Large Language ModelsIntro topic: Is WFH actually WFC?News/Links:Falsehoods Junior Developers Believe about Becoming Senior PursuitTutorial with python code: Video example: PID without a PHD releases Gemma of the ShowPatrick: The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan (Wheel of Time) How to Make a Video Game All By Yourself Plug of the ShowPatrick: Stadia Controller Wifi to Bluetooth Unlock FUSE and SSHFS Transformers and Large Language ModelsHow neural networks store informationLatent variablesTransformersEncoders & DecodersAttention LayersHistoryRNNVanishing Gradient ProblemLSTMShort term (gradient explodes), Long term (gradient vanishes)Differentiable algebraKey-Query-ValueSelf AttentionSelf-Supervised Learning & Forward ModelsHuman FeedbackReinforcement Learning from Human FeedbackDirect Policy Optimization (Pairwise Ranking) ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

Mar 11

1 hr 26 min

Intro topic: Monitor setupsNews/Links:BlueScuti, Willis, beats Tetris accused of being an AI Product Billion if-statements to determine if a number is even or odd M4T of the ShowPatrick:Foundation by Isaac Asimov Propaganda by Edward Bernays Plug of the ShowPatrick: The Room Game Compilers and Interpreters (Request by Jessica W.)Machine CodeArchitecture SpecificAssemblySingle vs Two Pass CompilerHigh level LanguagesIntermediate RepresentationJVM ByteCode vs Machine Code for portabilityScripting/InterpretersJITProfile Guided OptimizationResources Complete ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

Feb 12

1 hr 25 min

Predictions:Jason VR for WorkLowering AI training cost/ improved efficiencyRISC-V takeoffPatrickAi claim of AGIAi peer reviewerAi Video GeneratorMore space vehicles reaching orbitEarly career, finding role at FAANG, liaising vs shipping code. Startup?3 part. 1. How and when current hype for AI will end? 2. Shape of the show 3. Upcoming in techWhat are essential programmer knowledge items?CS Student, how to organize life and goals? What purpose life should serve?What kind of programmer were you in college?Happy Holidays! ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

Dec 2023

1 hr 38 min

Intro topic: Testing your car batteryNews/Links:Tech Layoffs still going on Real-time dreamy Cloudscapes with Volumetric Raymarching Rascals Meta Quest 3 of the ShowPatrick:HyperLogLog Paper Jason: Eureka! NVIDIA Research Breakthrough Puts New Spin on Robot Learning Patreon Plug of the ShowPatrick: Techtonica: Jason:ESP32 development board: WEMOSTopic: HyperLogLogMotivationCardinality CountingLinearCountingHash + expectation of collision based on how fullBloom FilterLogLogUse first N bits as bucketUse max sequential 0s in each bucketAverageHyperLogLogHandle empty bucketsUse correction factor like linear counting for low counts (number of empty buckets) and high countsDistributingTransfer bucket counts ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

Nov 2023

1 hr 29 min

Intro topic: What are expectations on developers that have nothing to do with programmingNews/Links:Pushing for a lower dev estimate is like negotiating weather with a Meteorologist python in excel Habits of Highly Effective Software Engineers pi 5 begins shipping of the ShowPatrick:Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Illustrated Edition The Pete and Sebastian Show Plug of the ShowPatrick: Obsidianobsidian.mdJason:Ink by Inkle GodotWhat is a game engine?Graphics, animation, particle effectsTilemapsEntity component systemsPhysicsSoundI/OInput handling (touchscreen, joystick)GDScriptWhy use a game engine?PortabilityAllow for testing individual components of the gameLibraries for ads, in-app-purchasesGodotOpen sourceFocused on 2-D but now many 3-D featuresGreat development environmentAI HeroStarted in phaser (development rut)Moved to Godot, rapid prototyping ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

Nov 2023

1 hr 28 min

Intro topic: Jogging MetricsNews/Links:Unholy LLM The reverse red herring "ens–tification" of TikTok Response letter to Godot is not the new Unity of the ShowPatrick:Math Games with Bad Drawings by Ben Orlin The Invisible Hook: The Hidden Economics of Pirates Plug of the ShowPatrick: Factorio (Desktop Game)Jason:AI Hero (iOS and Android)Topic: Desktop user interfacesWhat is a user interface?Web and Mobile UI toolkitsDesktop optionsQtCross platform, custom UI elementsQt creator, code generatorWxWidgetsCross platform, uses native UI elements WxFormDesigner, code generationCan look different on different operating systemsElectronLocal nodejs webserverHtml/JavaScript technologyRequires interprocess communication to use other languages  Jupyter notebooksMathematica-like notebook Not for distribution StreamlitPython to web compilerGame EnginesUnity, Godot, UnrealTips for building desktop UIUI is slow (startup time, interaction time)Separate the UI from the engine & business logic ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

Oct 2023

1 hr 26 min

- pganalyze: Weekly series "5mins of Postgres": How Postgres chooses which index to use: CMU databases courses: Postgres community: well as social links:- Mastodon: Twitter/X: @pganalyze, @LukasFittl- GitHub: @pganalyze, @lfittl- LinkedIn: , ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

Oct 2023

1 hr 12 min

Intro topic: Revisiting the power of SpreadsheetsNews/Links:LK-99 Isn’t a Superconductor Flows is llama.cpp possible? with open source large language models of the ShowPatrick: Math with Bad Drawings by Ben Orlin Overboard! Nhl=en_US&gl=US Patreon Plug of the ShowPatrick: ffmprovisr read_ods() read_excel()Topic: Differential EquationsWhy should programmers learn about DiffEqLaw of Large NumbersWhat are differential equations?When you know the rate of changeEigenVectors & EigenValuesWhat is Jacobian What is Jacobian? | The right way of thinking derivatives and integralsSpecial casesPartial Differential EquationsOrdinary Differential EquationsWhy solvers are importantNumerical Stability at larger step sizesExample: Fun ExamplesPredator-Prey relationships in scipy Physics Engines for games PageRank  ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

Sep 2023

1 hr 16 min

Things to consider when choosing a databaseSpeed & LatencyConsistency, ACID ComplianceScalabilityLanguage support & Developer ExperienceRelational vs. Non-relational (SQL vs. NoSQL)Data typesSecurityDatabase environmentClient vs Server accessInfo on Kris & Harper:Website: harperdb.ioTwitter: @harperdbio, @kriszypGithub: @HarperDB, @kriszyp ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

Sep 2023

1 hr 31 min

Episode 163 - RecursionIntro topic: Electric CarsNews/Links:Snake Game in 101 Bytes in a QR Code Rumors abound of vim passes away of the ShowPatrick:Little Book of Common Sense Investing by Jack Bogle Mistborn Saga: Plug of the ShowJason:reMarkable Stellarium (iOS and Android)Topic: RecursionWhat is itDivide-And-ConquerFibonacci numbersHow to (not) teach recursionPractical ApplicationsGraph operationsTree retrieval, balancingGraph SearchSpatial partitioningPitfallsStack sizeHow to solve problems with recursion(1) Consider the base cases(2) Build the recursive step(3) Look for ways the recursion will not terminate and fix(4) (rest are optional) Remove global contexts(5) Add memoization(6) Build solutions incrementally ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

Aug 2023

1 hr 29 min