
OpenJS World Keynote: Communities at Work – Juan Pablo Buriticá, Latam — Stripe

During the OpenJS Foundation global conference, OpenJS World, we heard from many inspiring leaders. In this keynote series, we will highlight the key points from the keynote videos.

OpenJS World Keynote: Communities at Work – Juan Pablo Buriticá, Latam — Stripe

During the OpenJS Foundation global conference, OpenJS World, we heard from many inspiring leaders. In this keynote series, we will highlight the key points from the keynote videos. 

Juan Pablo Buriticà of Stripe gave an in-depth interview on what a good community is to him on June 25th, 2020. The interview spans questions from why “like a family” is a bad analogy for a team to how safety is important to a successful and positive environment. This thought piece can inspire individuals to think critically about how they frame their teams and communities. 

You can watch the full interview: 

Full Video Here

Introductions (0:00)

Like A Family (0:50)

Sports (2:05)

Music Communities (3:40)

Collectivity (5:25)

Education (6:18)

Culture (7:34)

Care (8:45)

Community Leadership (9:34)

Safety (11:10)

Self-Administration (13:08)

Thanks Juan Pablo! Check out the entire OpenJS World playlist here.