

Outreachy or Google Summer of Code mentor. Present or past.

Outreachy or Google Summer of Code mentor.

Event Timeline

@srishakatux @Pavithraes I've just created the badge. I'll award it to a few people. Is there a list of mentors? 😁

zeljkofilipin awarded this badge to recipient: Etonkovidova.
zeljkofilipin awarded this badge to recipient: Jpita.
zeljkofilipin awarded this badge to recipient: zeljkofilipin.

@zeljkofilipin How cool! :) The list of mentors are here for the rounds that just got over:, If you can grant me edit rights to the badge, I can award to some :)

@srishakatux I don't how to give you edit rights. 😬

zeljkofilipin awarded this badge to recipient: srishakatux.
zeljkofilipin awarded this badge to recipient: Isaac.
zeljkofilipin awarded this badge to recipient: Halfak.
zeljkofilipin awarded this badge to recipient: Rammanojpotla.
zeljkofilipin awarded this badge to recipients: Pavithraes, Medhabansal, xSavitar.
zeljkofilipin awarded this badge to recipients: jcrespo, Marostegui.
zeljkofilipin awarded this badge to recipient: maskaravivek.
zeljkofilipin awarded this badge to recipients: Samwilson, satdeep_gill.
zeljkofilipin awarded this badge to recipients: Eugene233, NavinoEvans.
zeljkofilipin awarded this badge to recipients: Yaron_Koren, Tim-moody, Georgejhunt, psinghal20.
zeljkofilipin awarded this badge to recipients: kostajh, Catrope.

@srishakatux I've added all Outreachy and Google-Summer-of-Code mentors from the pages you've listed. I couldn't find Thalia Chan.

zeljkofilipin awarded this badge to recipient: Abbasidaniyal.
zeljkofilipin awarded this badge to recipient: Chtnnh.
zeljkofilipin awarded this badge to recipient: diego.
zeljkofilipin awarded this badge to recipient: Vidhi-Mody.
zeljkofilipin awarded this badge to recipient: RexxS.

@zeljkofilipin Thalia's handle is Tchanders but for some reason when I try to actually tag her it breaks Phabricator.

unhandledexception.png (883×1 px, 87 KB)

@Mvolz Uh oh. Please create a ticket and ping @mmodell, he'll know what to do.

zeljkofilipin awarded this badge to recipient: MGerlach.
zeljkofilipin awarded this badge to recipient: calbon.
zeljkofilipin awarded this badge to recipient: Jayprakash12345.
zeljkofilipin awarded this badge to recipient: KCVelaga.
zeljkofilipin awarded this badge to recipient: Enterprisey.
zeljkofilipin awarded this badge to recipient: Madhurgupta10.
zeljkofilipin awarded this badge to recipient: SGill.
zeljkofilipin awarded this badge to recipients: .
zeljkofilipin awarded this badge to recipient: DD063520.
zeljkofilipin awarded this badge to recipient: AnBo-de.
zeljkofilipin awarded this badge to recipient: Gabinguo.
zeljkofilipin awarded this badge to recipient: Aleksandr.perevalov.

@Mvolz I was able to add this badge to many people today. What were you trying to do when you got the error?