
  • Member Since: January 2nd, 2008
  • Location: Seattle, WA
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  • Created a topic, How to export entries marked as spam?, on the site Forums:
    I have a form with about 3000 entries marked as spam. …

  • Created a topic, BetterLinks 1.9.0 causes betterlinks-gutenberg.core.min.js 500 error, on the site Forums:
    After updating to BetterLinks 1.9.0, I get a status co…

  • Created a topic, Version 3.13.0 causing PHP fatal error, on the site Forums:
    After upgrading to version 3.13.0, WP Social Ninja cau…

  • Created a topic, No affect disabling full width, on the site Forums:
    I have the "Full Width" unselected under the Appearanc…

  • Posted a reply to BetterLinks 1.7.1 update adds block editor css issue, on the site Forums:
    Thank you. Fixed!

  • Created a topic, BetterLinks 1.7.1 update adds block editor css issue, on the site Forums:
    When updating from BetterLinks 1.6.3 to BetterLinks 1.…

  • Created a topic, A Hidden Gem, on the site Forums:
    This simple feature plugin allows me to set complex st…

  • Posted a reply to Checklist doesn’t save when saving draft or scheduling a post, on the site Forums:
    I can confirm this issue with the 1.1.2 version of Pre-Publish Checklist.

  • Posted a reply to Support for “inner” blocks?, on the site Forums:
    Thank you. That was the solution.

  • Created a topic, Support for “inner” blocks?, on the site Forums:
    I've tested two slider plugins to see if I could use t…

  • Posted a reply to Post List View Filter?, on the site Forums:
    @bsfherman, I'm a little surprised at your response. How do we know the Pre-Publish Checklist…

  • Posted a reply to Creating Custom Category Causes Fatal Error, on the site Forums:
    @johnstonphilip, excellent, that fixed my issue.

  • Posted a reply to Creating Custom Category Causes Fatal Error, on the site Forums:
    @johnstonphilip, here's what I have for you. I have deactivated ALL plugins except Pattern Manager.…

  • Posted a reply to Post List View Filter?, on the site Forums:
    Hi @bsfherman, I'm referring to the Filter feature shown in this screenshot. I have determined…

  • Posted a reply to Creating Custom Category Causes Fatal Error, on the site Forums:
    @johnstonphilip, thanks for the reply. Here's a screen recording of the steps: Whenever I…

  • Created a topic, Post List View Filter?, on the site Forums:
    I'm using Pre-Publish Checklist 1.1.1 and the plugin i…

  • Created a topic, Creating Custom Category Causes Fatal Error, on the site Forums:
    I'm using Pattern Manager version 0.3.0, and when crea…

  • Posted a reply to Hierarchical taxonomy error with version 3.0.4, on the site Forums:
    @rizaardiyanto, I installed the 3.0.5-beta4 and the problem remains. I get the same error as…

  • Created a topic, Hierarchical taxonomy error with version 3.0.4, on the site Forums:
    I have a hierarchical taxonomy created with ACF. When …

  • Created a topic, Pie Calendar in a Modal, on the site Forums:
    When inserting the Pie Calendar shortcode into a Kaden…

  • Created a topic, Some CPT posts not showing on Pie Calendar, on the site Forums:
    I have 3 posts in a custom post type (events) where I …

  • Created a topic, Pie Calendar for Media items?, on the site Forums:
    I noticed that the Pie Calendar meta box is showing fo…

  • Posted a reply to Conflict with PrestoPlayer, on the site Forums:
    @munirkamal, thank you for the temporary fix solution. And also thank you for looking into…

  • Posted a reply to PrestoPlayer conflict with EditorsKit, on the site Forums:
    Sure, here's a screencast: In the screencast, I show you PrestoPlayer working while EditorsKit…

  • Posted a reply to PrestoPlayer conflict with EditorsKit, on the site Forums:
    The developer of the EditorsKit plugin responded at the bottom of this support thread…

  • Created a topic, PrestoPlayer conflict with EditorsKit, on the site Forums:
    There seems to be a conflict with PrestoPlayer and the…

  • Posted a reply to Conflict with PrestoPlayer, on the site Forums:
    I can confirm that there is a conflict with EditorsKit 1.34.8 with Presto Player (…

  • Created a topic, “Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page”, on the site Forums:
    With Nelio Popups version 1.0.27, I get the error “Sor…

  • Created a topic, Cloudflare SSL certificate expired, on the site Forums:
    I'm trying to access the website (April…

  • Posted a reply to How to remove the “logout – user name” bar, on the site Forums:

  • Created a topic, Nice plugin with good developer support, on the site Forums:
    When I was testing Editor Block Outline plugin, I came…

  • Posted a reply to Change Default Settings, on the site Forums:
    Thanks, sounds great.

  • Posted a reply to Wayfinder conflict with new GenerateBlocks 1.7, on the site Forums:
    People who use GenerateBlocks usually use it as their primary block package, so it's used…

  • Created a topic, Change Default Settings, on the site Forums:
    Is there a way, even through adding a custom code in t…

  • Posted a reply to Wayfinder conflict with new GenerateBlocks 1.7, on the site Forums:
    @themolitor, I've heard back from the GenerateBlocks team. Here's their reply, which might give you…

  • Posted a reply to Wayfinder conflict with new GenerateBlocks 1.7, on the site Forums:
    @themolitor, thanks for the reply. Wayfinder worked perfectly with GenerateBlocks prior to their version 1.7.…

  • Created a topic, Wayfinder conflict with new GenerateBlocks 1.7, on the site Forums:
    In February 2023, GenerateBlocks released version 1.7 …

  • Posted a reply to Block Visibility panel remains open in version 2.5.0, on the site Forums:
    @ndiego, thank you for the detailed reply.

  • Created a topic, Block Visibility panel remains open in version 2.5.0, on the site Forums:
    On the Post editing screen, I've experienced on multip…

  • Posted a reply to Query Loop Block – Default output when no posts, on the site Forums:
    Thank you @fernandoazarcon2, that works. Of course, making a message field part of the GB…

  • Posted a reply to Query Loop Block – Default output when no posts, on the site Forums:
    @diggeddy, I don't see the GenerateBlocks Query Loop block having an Advanced > Additional CSS…

  • Posted a reply to Multiple Breakpoints, on the site Forums:
    In version 1.0.8 of Carousel Slider Block for Gutenberg, I see the Responsive Settings panel…

  • Created a topic, Using “allowed_block_types_all” with Carousel Slider Block for Gutenberg, on the site Forums:
    I use the "allowed_block_types_all" filter to simplify…

  • Created a topic, Simple and flexible, on the site Forums:
    Conditional block visibility seems like something that…

  • Posted a reply to Feature Suggestion: Control post types active with Nelio Popups, on the site Forums:
    Perfect. Thank you.

  • Created a topic, Feature Suggestion: Control post types active with Nelio Popups, on the site Forums:
    Hello, right now I am seeing the Nelio Popups panel in…

  • Created a topic, Function Disappears, on the site Forums:
    When using "check a user-defined function," I can plac…

  • Posted a reply to Uncaught TypeError: window.wp is undefined, on the site Forums:
    Hello, removing some of the delayed JavaScript files did get the pop-up to show, but…

  • Created a topic, Uncaught TypeError: window.wp is undefined, on the site Forums:
    I have a website where the pop-up has stopped working …
