Electron Releases

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Release Notes for v32.0.0-alpha.9

Note: This is an alpha release. Please file new issues for any bugs you find in it.

This release is published to npm under the alpha tag and can be installed via npm install electron@alpha, or npm install electron@32.0.0-alpha.9.


  • Fixed an issue where sources returned by the desktopCapturer API and screen.getAllDisplays() no longer matched on Windows. #42891 (Also in 31)
  • Fixed an issue where the File System Access API did not remember the user's last picked directory as expected. #42892
  • Fixed crash when resolving proxy with session.resolveProxy api. #42898 (Also in 31)

Release Notes for v32.0.0-alpha.8

Note: This is an alpha release. Please file new issues for any bugs you find in it.

This release is published to npm under the alpha tag and can be installed via npm install electron@alpha, or npm install electron@32.0.0-alpha.8.


  • Fixed a potential error when calling webContents.close() on a BrowserView. #42811 (Also in 31)
  • Fixed an issue where High Contrast Mode didn't apply to webContents on Windows. #42858 (Also in 31)
  • Fixed an issue where sources returned by the desktopCapturer API and screen.getAllDisplays() no longer matched on Windows. #42860

Other Changes

  • Updated Chromium to 128.0.6573.0. #42778