Electron Releases

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Release Notes for v31.1.0


  • Expose systemPreferences to utilityProcess. #42598 (Also in 30, 32)


  • Fixed an issue where MessagePorts could close unexpectedly with non-cloneable objects sent via postMessage. #42580 (Also in 30, 32)
  • Fixed an issue where fetch-dependent interfaces could be missing in Web Workers with nodeIntegrationInWorker enabled. #42597 (Also in 30, 32)

Other Changes

  • Updated Chromium to 126.0.6478.114. #42584

Release Notes for v31.0.2


  • Fixed an issue where navigator.usb.getDevices() could crash in some circumstances. #42462 (Also in 29, 30)

Other Changes

  • Fixed crash in gpu process when software compositing is enabled on linux with x11 platform. #42570 (Also in 29, 30, 32)
  • Updated Chromium to 126.0.6478.61. #42503