Electron Releases

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Release Notes for v30.2.0


  • Enabled the Windows Control Overlay API on Linux. #42683 (Also in 31, 32)
  • Expose systemPreferences to utilityProcess. #42600 (Also in 31, 32)


  • Fixed a focus issue when calling BrowserWindow.setTopBrowserView. #42735 (Also in 31, 32)
  • Fixed an issue where fetch-dependent interfaces could be missing in Web Workers with nodeIntegrationInWorker enabled. #42596 (Also in 31, 32)
  • Fixed an issue where navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices could return broken results in some cases after calling session.setPermissionCheckHandler. #42807 (Also in 31, 32)
  • Fixed an issue where control could fail to return properly after saving a dialog using showOpenDialogSync on Linux. #42676 (Also in 29, 31, 32)
  • Fixed an issue where the user-specified default path did not work in some circumstances when using Linux dialogs. #42687 (Also in 31, 32)
  • Fixed potentially incorrect exit code in UtilityProcess. #42395 (Also in 29, 31)

Other Changes

  • Security: backported fix for CVE-2024-5493. #42590
  • Security: backported fix for CVE-2024-5831.
    • Security: backported fix for CVE-2024-5832. #42602
  • Security: backported fix for CVE-2024-6100.
    • Security: backported fix for CVE-2024-6101.
    • Security: backported fix for CVE-2024-6103. #42617
  • Security: backported fix for CVE-2024-6291.
    • Security: backported fix for CVE-2024-6293.
    • Security: backported fix for CVE-2024-6290.
    • Security: backported fix for CVE-2024-6292.
    • Security: backported fix for chromium:346197738. #42693
  • Updated Node.js to v20.15.0. #42613

Release Notes for v30.1.2


  • Fixed an issue where MessagePorts could close unexpectedly with non-cloneable objects sent via postMessage. #42582 (Also in 32)
  • Fixed an issue where navigator.usb.getDevices() could crash in some circumstances. #42461 (Also in 29, 31)

Other Changes

  • Fixed crash in gpu process when software compositing is enabled on linux with x11 platform. #42567 (Also in 29, 31, 32)