Uri Levanon 🔜 Gamescom Cologne

Stockholm, Stockholms lÀn, Sverige Kontaktinformation
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15+ years of architecting ecosystems & building strategic partnerships in digital media.

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  • Ludeo

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  • Co-producer TedX Youth Israel 2011


    –nu 12 Ă„r 9 mĂ„nader

    Forskning och teknik

    Produced the innovation, art & inspiration experience at TedX Youth 2011, at Bialik-Rogozin School, Tel Aviv.

  • Producer


    –nu 17 Ă„r 4 mĂ„nader

    Chief producer for Kinnernet Israel 2007-2013
    Helping producing International Kinnernets since 2010

  • DLD Conference-bild

    DLD Tel Aviv - Innovation Show Producer

    DLD Conference

    – 2 Ă„r 2 mĂ„nader

    Produced the innovation & makers show at DLD Tel Aviv 2011-2013


  • TangibLaptop


    Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLqgQ5n4jBo
    Pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/tangiblaptop/

    The TangibLaptop is a portable, affordable version of the famous reacTable table synth (reactable.iua.upf.edu) - allowing basically anyone to run a mini-reactable from his laptop.

    The idea was to create a nice opensource free community where dj's, artists and producers can exchange ideas and use this nice app for their live performances (Bjork for example, uses the real

    Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLqgQ5n4jBo
    Pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/tangiblaptop/

    The TangibLaptop is a portable, affordable version of the famous reacTable table synth (reactable.iua.upf.edu) - allowing basically anyone to run a mini-reactable from his laptop.

    The idea was to create a nice opensource free community where dj's, artists and producers can exchange ideas and use this nice app for their live performances (Bjork for example, uses the real reactable...)

    An offshoot product is the Tangib Kabuki -> http://www.flickr.com/photos/rafael_mizrahi/1351911616/

    The project was developed and designed by Rafael Mizrahi and the GarageGeeks (www.garagegeeks.org).

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