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How DRY impacts JavaScript performance //
Faster JavaScript execution for the lazy developer
Mathias Bynens – Velocity Europe, November 2011
JavaScript & performance

          Rule #1: nothing to do with JS
JavaScript & performance
JavaScript & performance

                  What about
        the actual run-time performance
              on the client side?
“DRY leads to readable,
  maintainable code”
DRY JavaScript
     …if you do it right
So, where to avoid
What’s slow in JavaScript?
What’s slow in JavaScript?
1. The DOM
What’s slow in JavaScript?
1. The DOM

2. Function calls
What’s slow in JavaScript?
1. The DOM

2. Function calls

3. Lookups
DOM manipulation
// Create the element in memory
var el = document.createElement('p');

// Insert the element into the DOM
DOM manipulation
DOM manipulation
var div = document.createElement('div'),
    p = document.createElement('p');

// Bad
DOM manipulation
var div = document.createElement('div'),
    p = document.createElement('p');

// Better
DOM manipulation
DOM manipulation
var p = document.createElement('p'),

      i = 4;

while (i--) { // Add four <p> elements


DOM manipulation
var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(),
      p = document.createElement('p'),
      i = 4;

while (i--) { // Add four <p> elements

Function calls
// Function declaration

function foo(bar) {

    return bar;


// Function call

Function calls
Function calls
// other stuff…
Function calls
var $foo = $('.foo');
// other stuff…
Function calls
var $foo = $('.foo').show();
// other stuff…
Property lookups
var obj = {
     'x': 42,
     'y': {
         'foo': 'bar'

obj.x; // 42; // 'bar'
Property lookups


Property lookups
var foo = YAHOO.util.Dom.get('foo'),
    bar = YAHOO.util.Dom.get('bar'),
    baz = YAHOO.util.Dom.get('baz'),
    qux = YAHOO.util.Dom.get('qux');
Property lookups
var get = YAHOO.util.Dom.get,
    foo = get('foo'),
    bar = get('bar'),
    baz = get('baz'),
    qux = get('qux');
Array item lookups
var elems = document.getElementsByTagName('p'),
        length = elems.length;

while (length--) {
    if (elems[length].className == 'foo') {
        // do something with elems[length]
        elems[length].innerHTML = 'LOLWAT';
Array item lookups
var elems = document.getElementsByTagName('p'),
    length = elems.length,

while (length--) {
  elem = elems[length];
  if (elem.className == 'foo') {
    // do something with elem
    elem.innerHTML = 'LOLWAT';
Scope lookups
var foo = 42;
foo; // no scope lookup
Scope lookups
var foo = 42;
(function() {
  foo; // one scope lookup
// IIFE – see
Scope lookups
var foo = 42;
(function() {
  (function() {
    foo; // two scope lookups
Scope lookups
Scope lookups
var foo = 42;
(function(foo) {
  (function(foo) {
    foo; // ZOMG, no scope lookups!!1
Scope lookups
Scope lookups
(function() {
  // every time you use `window`
  // or `document` here
  // that’s a scope lookup
Scope lookups
(function() {
  var doc = document,
        win = window;
  // lookup once, then cache
Scope lookups
(function(win, doc) {
  // use `win` and `doc` here
  // no scope lookups
  // no performance penalty!
}(this, document));
Recap: what’s slow in JavaScript?
Recap: what’s slow in JavaScript?
1. The DOM
Recap: what’s slow in JavaScript?
1. The DOM

2. Function calls
Recap: what’s slow in JavaScript?
1. The DOM

2. Function calls

3. Lookups
Especially when used inside…
Especially when used inside…
• Loops
Especially when used inside…
• Loops

• Intervals
Especially when used inside…
• Loops

• Intervals

• Handlers for events that fire frequently
It happens to the best!
// Don’t do this:
$(window).scroll(function() {
It happens to the best!
// Don’t do this:
$(window).scroll(function() {
It happens to the best!
// Don’t do this:
$(window).scroll(function() {

// See
typeof performance != 'the whole story'
tips & tricks
   (not really)
New objects
var obj = new Object();
obj.x = 42;
obj.y = 'foo';
obj.z = false;
New objects
var obj = {
     'x': 42,
     'y': 'foo',
     'z': false
New arrays
var arr = new Array();
New arrays
var arr = [
Avoid switch
switch(foo) {
  case 'alpha':
    // do X
  case 'beta':
    // do Y
    // do Z
Avoid switch
var switchObj = {
     'alpha': function() {
       // do X
     'beta': function() {
          // do Y
     '_default': function() {
       // do Z
(switchObj.hasOwnProperty(foo) && switchObj[foo] || switchObj._default)(args);
Don’t use jQuery for everything
$('.foo').click(function() {
  // same as this, before jQuery 1.6:
  // $(this).attr('id');

  // also `href`, `checked`, `value`…
Don’t use jQuery for everything
$('.foo').click(function() {;
  // etc.
jQuery document ready
$(document).ready(function() {
  // teh coads
jQuery document ready
$().ready(function() {
  // heh
jQuery document ready
$.fn.ready(function() {
  // not pretty, but fastest solution
jQuery document ready
$(function() {
  // moar sexy, but slower
jQuery document ready
(function() {
    // move <script>s to the bottom
    // and just use an IIFE*

// * unless you use .appendChild() / .innerHTML on document.documentElement or document.body:
jQuery collection size
$('.foo').size(); // NO.
jQuery collection size
// jQuery source:
$.fn.size = function() {
     return this.length;

// …so, just use:
Use context
$('#foo .bar').addClass('baz');
$('#foo .qux').hide();
$('#foo input').removeClass('wut');
Use context
var $foo = $('#foo');
$('.bar', $foo).addClass('baz');
$('.qux', $foo).hide();
$('input', $foo).removeClass('wut');
this.location = ''

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