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Remove name assignment.
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Ruben Verborgh
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To avoid the boilerplate for every different type of error, I combined the wisdom of some of the solutions into a createErrorType function:

function createErrorType(name, init) {
  function E(message) { = name;
    if (!Error.captureStackTrace)
      this.stack = (new Error()).stack;
      Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);
    this.message = message;
    init && init.apply(this, arguments);
  E.prototype = new Error(); = name;
  E.prototype.constructor = E;
  return E;

Then you can define new error types easily as follows:

var NameError = createErrorType('NameError', function (name, invalidChar) {
  this.message = 'The name ' + name + ' may not contain ' + invalidChar;

var UnboundError = createErrorType('UnboundError', function (variableName) {
  this.message = 'Variable ' + variableName + ' is not bound';

To avoid the boilerplate for every different type of error, I combined the wisdom of some of the solutions into a createErrorType function:

function createErrorType(name, init) {
  function E(message) { = name;
    if (!Error.captureStackTrace)
      this.stack = (new Error()).stack;
      Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);
    this.message = message;
    init && init.apply(this, arguments);
  E.prototype = new Error(); = name;
  E.prototype.constructor = E;
  return E;

Then you can define new error types easily as follows:

var NameError = createErrorType('NameError', function (name, invalidChar) {
  this.message = 'The name ' + name + ' may not contain ' + invalidChar;

var UnboundError = createErrorType('UnboundError', function (variableName) {
  this.message = 'Variable ' + variableName + ' is not bound';

To avoid the boilerplate for every different type of error, I combined the wisdom of some of the solutions into a createErrorType function:

function createErrorType(name, init) {
  function E(message) {
    if (!Error.captureStackTrace)
      this.stack = (new Error()).stack;
      Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);
    this.message = message;
    init && init.apply(this, arguments);
  E.prototype = new Error(); = name;
  E.prototype.constructor = E;
  return E;

Then you can define new error types easily as follows:

var NameError = createErrorType('NameError', function (name, invalidChar) {
  this.message = 'The name ' + name + ' may not contain ' + invalidChar;

var UnboundError = createErrorType('UnboundError', function (variableName) {
  this.message = 'Variable ' + variableName + ' is not bound';
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Ruben Verborgh
  • 3.7k
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  • 44

To avoid the boilerplate for every different type of error, I combined the wisdom of some of the solutions into a createErrorType function:

function createErrorType(name, init) {
  function E(message) { = name;
    if (!Error.captureStackTrace)
      this.stack = (new Error()).stack;
      Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);
    this.message = message;
    init && init.apply(this, arguments);
  E.prototype = new Error(); = name;
  E.prototype.constructor = E;
  return E;

Then you can define new error types easily as follows:

var NameError = createErrorType('NameError', function (name, invalidChar) {
  this.message = 'The name ' + name + ' may not contain ' + invalidChar;

var UnboundError = createErrorType('UnboundError', function (variableName) {
  this.message = 'Variable ' + variableName + ' is not bound';