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Custom Error Decorator

This is based on George Bailey's answerGeorge Bailey's answer, but extends and simplifies the original idea. It is written in CoffeeScript, but is easy to convert to JavaScript. The idea is extend Bailey's custom error with a decorator that wraps it, allowing you to create new custom errors easily.

Note: This will only work in V8. There is no support for Error.captureStackTrace in other environments.


The decorator takes a name for the error type, and returns a function that takes an error message, and encloses the error name.

CoreError = (@message) ->

    @constructor.prototype.__proto__ = Error.prototype
    Error.captureStackTrace @, @constructor
    @name =

BaseError = (type) ->

    (message) -> new CoreError "#{ type }Error: #{ message }"


Now it is simple to create new error types.

StorageError   = BaseError "Storage"
SignatureError = BaseError "Signature"

For fun, you could now define a function that throws a SignatureError if it is called with too many args.

f = -> throw SignatureError "too many args" if arguments.length

This has been tested pretty well and seems to work perfectly on V8, maintaing the traceback, position etc.

Note: Using new is optional when constructing a custom error.

Custom Error Decorator

This is based on George Bailey's answer, but extends and simplifies the original idea. It is written in CoffeeScript, but is easy to convert to JavaScript. The idea is extend Bailey's custom error with a decorator that wraps it, allowing you to create new custom errors easily.

Note: This will only work in V8. There is no support for Error.captureStackTrace in other environments.


The decorator takes a name for the error type, and returns a function that takes an error message, and encloses the error name.

CoreError = (@message) ->

    @constructor.prototype.__proto__ = Error.prototype
    Error.captureStackTrace @, @constructor
    @name =

BaseError = (type) ->

    (message) -> new CoreError "#{ type }Error: #{ message }"


Now it is simple to create new error types.

StorageError   = BaseError "Storage"
SignatureError = BaseError "Signature"

For fun, you could now define a function that throws a SignatureError if it is called with too many args.

f = -> throw SignatureError "too many args" if arguments.length

This has been tested pretty well and seems to work perfectly on V8, maintaing the traceback, position etc.

Note: Using new is optional when constructing a custom error.

Custom Error Decorator

This is based on George Bailey's answer, but extends and simplifies the original idea. It is written in CoffeeScript, but is easy to convert to JavaScript. The idea is extend Bailey's custom error with a decorator that wraps it, allowing you to create new custom errors easily.

Note: This will only work in V8. There is no support for Error.captureStackTrace in other environments.


The decorator takes a name for the error type, and returns a function that takes an error message, and encloses the error name.

CoreError = (@message) ->

    @constructor.prototype.__proto__ = Error.prototype
    Error.captureStackTrace @, @constructor
    @name =

BaseError = (type) ->

    (message) -> new CoreError "#{ type }Error: #{ message }"


Now it is simple to create new error types.

StorageError   = BaseError "Storage"
SignatureError = BaseError "Signature"

For fun, you could now define a function that throws a SignatureError if it is called with too many args.

f = -> throw SignatureError "too many args" if arguments.length

This has been tested pretty well and seems to work perfectly on V8, maintaing the traceback, position etc.

Note: Using new is optional when constructing a custom error.

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Carl Smith
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Custom Error Decorator

This is based on George Bailey's answer, but extends and simplifies the original idea. It is written in CoffeeScript, but is easy to convert to JavaScript. The idea is extend Bailey's custom error with a decorator that wraps it, allowing you to create new custom errors easily.

Note: This will only work in V8. There is no support for Error.captureStackTrace in other environments.


The decorator takes a name for the error type, and returns a function that takes an error message, and encloses the error name.

CoreError = (@message) ->

    @constructor.prototype.__proto__ = Error.prototype
    Error.captureStackTrace( @, @constructor)
    @name =

BaseError = (type) ->

    (message) -> new CoreError "#{ type }Error: #{ message }"


Now it is simple to create new error types.

StorageError   = BaseError "Storage"
SignatureError = BaseError "Signature"

For fun, you could now define a function that throws a SignatureError if it is called with too many args.

f = -> throw SignatureError "too many args" if arguments.length

This has been tested pretty well and seems to work perfectly on V8, maintaing the traceback, position etc.

Note: Using new is optional when constructing a custom error.

Custom Error Decorator

This is based on George Bailey's answer, but extends and simplifies the original idea. It is written in CoffeeScript, but is easy to convert to JavaScript. The idea is extend Bailey's custom error with a decorator that wraps it, allowing you to create new custom errors easily.

Note: This will only work in V8. There is no support for Error.captureStackTrace in other environments.


The decorator takes a name for the error type, and returns a function that takes an error message, and encloses the error name.

CoreError = (@message) ->

    @constructor.prototype.__proto__ = Error.prototype
    Error.captureStackTrace(@, @constructor)
    @name =

BaseError = (type) ->

    (message) -> new CoreError "#{ type }Error: #{ message }"


Now it is simple to create new error types.

StorageError   = BaseError "Storage"
SignatureError = BaseError "Signature"

For fun, you could now define a function that throws a SignatureError if it is called with too many args.

f = -> throw SignatureError "too many args" if arguments.length

This has been tested pretty well and seems to work perfectly on V8, maintaing the traceback, position etc.

Note: Using new is optional when constructing a custom error.

Custom Error Decorator

This is based on George Bailey's answer, but extends and simplifies the original idea. It is written in CoffeeScript, but is easy to convert to JavaScript. The idea is extend Bailey's custom error with a decorator that wraps it, allowing you to create new custom errors easily.

Note: This will only work in V8. There is no support for Error.captureStackTrace in other environments.


The decorator takes a name for the error type, and returns a function that takes an error message, and encloses the error name.

CoreError = (@message) ->

    @constructor.prototype.__proto__ = Error.prototype
    Error.captureStackTrace @, @constructor
    @name =

BaseError = (type) ->

    (message) -> new CoreError "#{ type }Error: #{ message }"


Now it is simple to create new error types.

StorageError   = BaseError "Storage"
SignatureError = BaseError "Signature"

For fun, you could now define a function that throws a SignatureError if it is called with too many args.

f = -> throw SignatureError "too many args" if arguments.length

This has been tested pretty well and seems to work perfectly on V8, maintaing the traceback, position etc.

Note: Using new is optional when constructing a custom error.

added 243 characters in body
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Carl Smith
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Custom Error Decorator

This is based entirely off ofon George Bailey's answer, and uses CoffeeScript, but I thought it may still be useful here as it extends and simplifies the original idea. It is written in CoffeeScript, andbut is easy to convert to JavaScript. The idea is extend Bailey's custom error with a decorator that wraps it, allowing you to create new custom errors easily.

Note: This will only work in V8. There is no support for Error.captureStackTrace in other environments.


The idea is extend Bailey's custom error with a decorator that wraps it. The decorator takes a name for the error type, and returns a function that takes an error message, and encloses the error name.

CoreError = (@message) ->

    @constructor.prototype.__proto__ = Error.prototype
    Error.captureStackTrace(@, @constructor)
    @name =

BaseError = (type) ->

    (message) -> new CoreError "#{ type }Error: #{ message }"


Now it is simple to create new error types.

StorageError   = BaseError "Storage"
SignatureError = BaseError "Signature"

For fun, you could now define a function that throws a SignatureError if it is called with too many args.

f = -> throw SignatureError "too many args" if arguments.length

This has been tested pretty well and seems to work perfectly on V8, maintaing the traceback, position etc.

Note: Using new is optional when calling the decoratorconstructing a custom error.

Custom Error Decorator

This is based entirely off of George Bailey's answer, and uses CoffeeScript, but I thought it may still be useful here as it extends and simplifies the original idea, and is easy to convert to JavaScript.

Note: This will only work in V8. There is no support for Error.captureStackTrace in other environments.

The idea is extend Bailey's custom error with a decorator that wraps it. The decorator takes a name for the error type, and returns a function that takes an error message, and encloses the error name.

CoreError = (@message) ->

    @constructor.prototype.__proto__ = Error.prototype
    Error.captureStackTrace(@, @constructor)
    @name =

BaseError = (type) ->

    (message) -> new CoreError "#{ type }Error: #{ message }"

Now it is simple to create new error types.

StorageError   = BaseError "Storage"
SignatureError = BaseError "Signature"

For fun, you could now define a function that throws a SignatureError if it is called with too many args.

f = -> throw SignatureError "too many args" if arguments.length

This has been tested pretty well and seems to work perfectly on V8, maintaing the traceback, position etc.

Note: Using new is optional when calling the decorator.

Custom Error Decorator

This is based on George Bailey's answer, but extends and simplifies the original idea. It is written in CoffeeScript, but is easy to convert to JavaScript. The idea is extend Bailey's custom error with a decorator that wraps it, allowing you to create new custom errors easily.

Note: This will only work in V8. There is no support for Error.captureStackTrace in other environments.


The decorator takes a name for the error type, and returns a function that takes an error message, and encloses the error name.

CoreError = (@message) ->

    @constructor.prototype.__proto__ = Error.prototype
    Error.captureStackTrace(@, @constructor)
    @name =

BaseError = (type) ->

    (message) -> new CoreError "#{ type }Error: #{ message }"


Now it is simple to create new error types.

StorageError   = BaseError "Storage"
SignatureError = BaseError "Signature"

For fun, you could now define a function that throws a SignatureError if it is called with too many args.

f = -> throw SignatureError "too many args" if arguments.length

This has been tested pretty well and seems to work perfectly on V8, maintaing the traceback, position etc.

Note: Using new is optional when constructing a custom error.

added 243 characters in body
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Carl Smith
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added 243 characters in body
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Carl Smith
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Carl Smith
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