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removed caveat - I was wrong
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Eric Lease
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You can create a custom decorator to add to your component to make it aware of enums.


export enum MyEnum {


import { MyEnum } from './myenum.enum';

export function MyEnumAware(constructor: Function) {
    constructor.prototype.MyEnum = MyEnum;


import { Component } from '@angular2/core';
import { MyEnum } from './myenum.enum';
import { MyEnumAware } from './myenumaware.decorator';

  selector: 'enum-aware',
  template: `
    <div [ngSwitch]="myEnumValue">
      <div *ngSwitchCase="MyEnum.FirstValue">
        First Value
      <div *ngSwitchCase="MyEnum.SecondValue">
        Second Value
    <button (click)="toggleValue()">Toggle Value</button>
@MyEnumAware // <---------------!!!
export default class EnumAwareComponent {
  myEnumValue: MyEnum = MyEnum.FirstValue;

  toggleValue() {
    this.myEnumValue = this.myEnumValue === MyEnum.FirstValue
        ? MyEnum.SecondValue : MyEnum.FirstValue;

There is a caveat when dealing with ngIf and a pipe, and honestly I don't know why this is the case right now (probably something to do with how the template is expanded), but you have to use this.<enum type>.<enum value>

e.g. assume myEnumValue, above is actually an Observable<MyEnum>, and I want to pipe it through async, I could use it in an ngIf like this...

*ngIf="(myEnumValue | async) === this.MyEnum.FirstValue"

This doesn't seem to be the case with ngSwitch. i.e. the following works

<div [ngSwitch]="myEnumValue | async">
   <div *ngSwitchCase="MyEnum.FirstValue">
      First Value
   <div *ngSwitchCase="MyEnum.SecondValue">
     Second Value

You can create a custom decorator to add to your component to make it aware of enums.


export enum MyEnum {


import { MyEnum } from './myenum.enum';

export function MyEnumAware(constructor: Function) {
    constructor.prototype.MyEnum = MyEnum;


import { Component } from '@angular2/core';
import { MyEnum } from './myenum.enum';
import { MyEnumAware } from './myenumaware.decorator';

  selector: 'enum-aware',
  template: `
    <div [ngSwitch]="myEnumValue">
      <div *ngSwitchCase="MyEnum.FirstValue">
        First Value
      <div *ngSwitchCase="MyEnum.SecondValue">
        Second Value
    <button (click)="toggleValue()">Toggle Value</button>
@MyEnumAware // <---------------!!!
export default class EnumAwareComponent {
  myEnumValue: MyEnum = MyEnum.FirstValue;

  toggleValue() {
    this.myEnumValue = this.myEnumValue === MyEnum.FirstValue
        ? MyEnum.SecondValue : MyEnum.FirstValue;

There is a caveat when dealing with ngIf and a pipe, and honestly I don't know why this is the case right now (probably something to do with how the template is expanded), but you have to use this.<enum type>.<enum value>

e.g. assume myEnumValue, above is actually an Observable<MyEnum>, and I want to pipe it through async, I could use it in an ngIf like this...

*ngIf="(myEnumValue | async) === this.MyEnum.FirstValue"

This doesn't seem to be the case with ngSwitch. i.e. the following works

<div [ngSwitch]="myEnumValue | async">
   <div *ngSwitchCase="MyEnum.FirstValue">
      First Value
   <div *ngSwitchCase="MyEnum.SecondValue">
     Second Value

You can create a custom decorator to add to your component to make it aware of enums.


export enum MyEnum {


import { MyEnum } from './myenum.enum';

export function MyEnumAware(constructor: Function) {
    constructor.prototype.MyEnum = MyEnum;


import { Component } from '@angular2/core';
import { MyEnum } from './myenum.enum';
import { MyEnumAware } from './myenumaware.decorator';

  selector: 'enum-aware',
  template: `
    <div [ngSwitch]="myEnumValue">
      <div *ngSwitchCase="MyEnum.FirstValue">
        First Value
      <div *ngSwitchCase="MyEnum.SecondValue">
        Second Value
    <button (click)="toggleValue()">Toggle Value</button>
@MyEnumAware // <---------------!!!
export default class EnumAwareComponent {
  myEnumValue: MyEnum = MyEnum.FirstValue;

  toggleValue() {
    this.myEnumValue = this.myEnumValue === MyEnum.FirstValue
        ? MyEnum.SecondValue : MyEnum.FirstValue;
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Eric Lease
  • 4.2k
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  • 45

You can create a custom decorator to add to your component to make it aware of enums.


export enum MyEnum {


import { MyEnum } from './myenum.enum';

export function MyEnumAware(constructor: Function) {
    constructor.prototype.MyEnum = MyEnum;


import { Component } from '@angular2/core';
import { MyEnum } from './myenum.enum';
import { MyEnumAware } from './myenumaware.decorator';

  selector: 'enum-aware',
  template: `
    <div [ngSwitch]="myEnumValue">
      <div *ngSwitchCase="MyEnum.FirstValue">
        First Value
      <div *ngSwitchCase="MyEnum.SecondValue">
        Second Value
    <button (click)="toggleValue()">Toggle Value</button>
@MyEnumAware // <---------------!!!
export default class EnumAwareComponent {
  myEnumValue: MyEnum = MyEnum.FirstValue;

  toggleValue() {
    this.myEnumValue = this.myEnumValue === MyEnum.FirstValue
        ? MyEnum.SecondValue : MyEnum.FirstValue;

There is a caveat when dealing with ngIf and a pipe, and honestly I don't know why this is the case right now (probably something to do with how the template is expanded), but you have to use this.<enum type>.<enum value>

e.g. assume myEnumValue, above is actually an Observable<MyEnum>, and I want to pipe it through async, I could use it in an ngIf like this...

*ngIf="(myEnumValue | async) === this.MyEnum.FirstValue"

This doesn't seem to be the case with ngSwitch. i.e. the following works

<div [ngSwitch]="myEnumValue | async">
   <div *ngSwitchCase="MyEnum.FirstValue">
      First Value
   <div *ngSwitchCase="MyEnum.SecondValue">
     Second Value