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Abdulla Nilam
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, commonly just called Node, is often used for developing applications that rely on the ability to run both on the client and server side. Running the same language on both the client and the server benefits from improved code reusability and the less context switching.

A notable feature of is that it is non-blocking – if one task stalls or pauses for an I/O operation, another can take over while it is idle. This allows for high efficiency as the program as a whole never has to idle and wait for one task to finish. Libraries such as async take advantage of this capability. More information can be found here.

, commonly just called Node, is often used for developing applications that rely on the ability to run both on the client and server side. Running the same language on both the client and the server benefits from improved code reusability and the less context switching.

A notable feature of is that it is non-blocking – if one task stalls or pauses for an I/O operation, another can take over while it is idle. This allows for high efficiency as the program as a whole never has to idle and wait for one task to finish. Libraries such as async take advantage of this capability. More information can be found here.

, commonly just called Node, is often used for developing applications that rely on the ability to run both on the client and server side. Running the same language on both the client and the server benefits from improved code reusability and less context switching.

A notable feature of is that it is non-blocking – if one task stalls or pauses for an I/O operation, another can take over while idle. This allows for high efficiency as the program as a whole never has to idle and wait for one task to finish. Libraries such as async take advantage of this capability. More information can be found here.

Add NodeJS Best Practice Github page in Tutorials, Guides and Books section
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there's no point in hardcoding the versions into the wiki because they will constantly become outdated and need maintenance, just link to the official site and be done with it
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added 22 characters in body
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npm repository is moved to new link | Commonjs is not longer https | joyent and nodeup link to archieve link
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no referrals in tag wiki
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  • 38.2k
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  • 38.2k
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NodeJS is a runtime (a JavaScript runtime environment to be exact), not a framework. This is stated on the nodejs website itself. The word "framework" has been removed completely.
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Bumped versions. Removed dead links. The Register article links was removed because it's from 2011 and outdated.
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Touched up a few things - kept continuity up in some places with [tag:node.js] versus plain node, added two new relevant links.
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Add a free book into the "Free Node.js Books and Resources" section. This book start off with the introduction to the JavaScript language then only introduce Node.js. Furthermore the book is just updated recently to reflect the changes of the JavaScript and Node.js. Highly recommend it.
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