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###Start by considering 'Do I really want to do this?'

Start by considering 'Do I really want to do this?'

I have no problem referring to enums directly in HTML, but in some cases there are cleaner alternatives that don't lose type-safe-ness. For instance if you choose the approach shown in my other answer, you may have declared TT in your component something like this:

public TT = 
    // Enum defines (Horizontal | Vertical)
    FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout: FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout   

To show a different layout in your HTML, you'd have an *ngIf for each layout type, and you could refer directly to the enum in your component's HTML:

*ngIf="(featureBoxResponsiveService.layout | async) == TT.FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout.Horizontal"

This example uses a service to get the current layout, runs it through the async pipe and then compares it to our enum value. It's pretty verbose, convoluted and not much fun to look at. It also exposes the name of the enum, which itself may be overly verbose.

Alternative, that retains type safety from the HTML

###Alternative, that retains type safety from the HTML AlternativelyAlternatively you can do the following, and declare a more readable function in your component's .ts file :


Much cleaner! But what if someone types in 'Horziontal' by mistake? The whole reason you wanted to use an enum in the HTML was to be typesafe right?

We can still achieve that with keyof and some typescript magic. This is the definition of the function:

isResponsiveLayout(value: keyof typeof FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout)
    return FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout[value] == this.featureBoxResponsiveService.layout.value;

Note the usage of FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout[string] which converts the string value passed in to the numeric value of the enum.

This will give an error message with an AOT compilation if you use an invalid value.

Argument of type '"H4orizontal"' is not assignable to parameter of type '"Vertical" | "Horizontal"

Currently VSCode isn't smart enough to underline H4orizontal in the HTML editor, but you'll get the warning at compile time (with --prod build or --aot switch). This also may be improved upon in a future update.

###Start by considering 'Do I really want to do this?'

I have no problem referring to enums directly in HTML, but in some cases there are cleaner alternatives that don't lose type-safe-ness. For instance if you choose the approach shown in my other answer, you may have declared TT in your component something like this:

public TT = 
    // Enum defines (Horizontal | Vertical)
    FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout: FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout   

To show a different layout in your HTML, you'd have an *ngIf for each layout type, and you could refer directly to the enum in your component's HTML:

*ngIf="(featureBoxResponsiveService.layout | async) == TT.FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout.Horizontal"

This example uses a service to get the current layout, runs it through the async pipe and then compares it to our enum value. It's pretty verbose, convoluted and not much fun to look at. It also exposes the name of the enum, which itself may be overly verbose.

###Alternative, that retains type safety from the HTML Alternatively you can do the following, and declare a more readable function in your component's .ts file :


Much cleaner! But what if someone types in 'Horziontal' by mistake? The whole reason you wanted to use an enum in the HTML was to be typesafe right?

We can still achieve that with keyof and some typescript magic. This is the definition of the function:

isResponsiveLayout(value: keyof typeof FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout)
    return FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout[value] == this.featureBoxResponsiveService.layout.value;

Note the usage of FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout[string] which converts the string value passed in to the numeric value of the enum.

This will give an error message with an AOT compilation if you use an invalid value.

Argument of type '"H4orizontal"' is not assignable to parameter of type '"Vertical" | "Horizontal"

Currently VSCode isn't smart enough to underline H4orizontal in the HTML editor, but you'll get the warning at compile time (with --prod build or --aot switch). This also may be improved upon in a future update.

Start by considering 'Do I really want to do this?'

I have no problem referring to enums directly in HTML, but in some cases there are cleaner alternatives that don't lose type-safe-ness. For instance if you choose the approach shown in my other answer, you may have declared TT in your component something like this:

public TT = 
    // Enum defines (Horizontal | Vertical)
    FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout: FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout   

To show a different layout in your HTML, you'd have an *ngIf for each layout type, and you could refer directly to the enum in your component's HTML:

*ngIf="(featureBoxResponsiveService.layout | async) == TT.FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout.Horizontal"

This example uses a service to get the current layout, runs it through the async pipe and then compares it to our enum value. It's pretty verbose, convoluted and not much fun to look at. It also exposes the name of the enum, which itself may be overly verbose.

Alternative, that retains type safety from the HTML

Alternatively you can do the following, and declare a more readable function in your component's .ts file :


Much cleaner! But what if someone types in 'Horziontal' by mistake? The whole reason you wanted to use an enum in the HTML was to be typesafe right?

We can still achieve that with keyof and some typescript magic. This is the definition of the function:

isResponsiveLayout(value: keyof typeof FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout)
    return FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout[value] == this.featureBoxResponsiveService.layout.value;

Note the usage of FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout[string] which converts the string value passed in to the numeric value of the enum.

This will give an error message with an AOT compilation if you use an invalid value.

Argument of type '"H4orizontal"' is not assignable to parameter of type '"Vertical" | "Horizontal"

Currently VSCode isn't smart enough to underline H4orizontal in the HTML editor, but you'll get the warning at compile time (with --prod build or --aot switch). This also may be improved upon in a future update.

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###Start by considering 'Do I really want to do this?'

I have no problem referring to enums directly in HTML, but in some cases there are cleaner alternatives that don't lose type-safe-ness. For instance if you choose the approach shown in my other answer, you may have declared TT in your component something like this:

public TT = 
    // Enum defines (Horizontal | Vertical)
    FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout: FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout   

To show a different layout in your HTML, you'd have an *ngIf for each layout type, and you could refer directly to the enum in your component's HTML:

*ngIf="(featureBoxResponsiveService.layout | async) == TT.FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout.Horizontal"

This example uses a service to get the current layout, runs it through the async pipe and then compares it to our enum value. It's pretty verbose, convoluted and not much fun to look at. It also exposes the name of the enum, which itself may be overly verbose.

###Alternative, that retains type safety from the HTML Alternatively you can do the following, and declare a more readable function in your component's .ts file :


Much cleaner! But what if someone types in 'Horziontal' by mistake? The whole reason you wanted to use an enum in the HTML was to be typesafe right?

We can still achieve that with keyof and some typescript magic. This is the definition of the function:

isResponsiveLayout(value: keyof typeof FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout)
    return FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout[value] == this.featureBoxResponsiveService.layout.value;

Note the usage of FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout[string] which converts the string value passed in to the numeric value of the enum.

This will give an error message with an AOT compilation if you use an invalid value.

Argument of type '"H4orizontal"' is not assignable to parameter of type '"Vertical" | "Horizontal"

Currently VSCode isn't smart enough to underline H4orizontal in the HTML editor, but you'll get the warning at compile time (with --prod build or --aot switch). This also may be improved upon in a future update.

###Start by considering 'Do I really want to do this?'

I have no problem referring to enums directly in HTML, but in some cases there are cleaner alternatives that don't lose type-safe-ness. For instance if you choose the approach shown in my other answer, you may have declared TT in your component something like this:

public TT = 
    // Enum defines (Horizontal | Vertical)
    FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout: FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout   

To show a different layout in your HTML, you'd have an *ngIf for each layout type, and you could refer directly to the enum in your component's HTML:

*ngIf="(featureBoxResponsiveService.layout | async) == TT.FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout.Horizontal"

This example uses a service to get the current layout, runs it through the async pipe and then compares it to our enum value. It's pretty verbose, convoluted and not much fun to look at. It also exposes the name of the enum, which itself may be overly verbose.

###Alternative, that retains type safety from the HTML Alternatively you can do the following, and declare a more readable function in your component's .ts file :


Much cleaner! But what if someone types in 'Horziontal' by mistake? The whole reason you wanted to use an enum in the HTML was to be typesafe right?

We can still achieve that with keyof and some typescript magic. This is the definition of the function:

isResponsiveLayout(value: keyof typeof FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout)
    return FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout[value] == this.featureBoxResponsiveService.layout.value;

Note the usage of FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout[string] which converts the string value passed in to the numeric value of the enum.

This will give an error message with an AOT compilation if you use an invalid value.

Argument of type '"H4orizontal"' is not assignable to parameter of type '"Vertical" | "Horizontal"

Currently VSCode isn't smart enough to underline H4orizontal in the HTML editor, but you'll get the warning at compile time (with --prod build or --aot switch).

###Start by considering 'Do I really want to do this?'

I have no problem referring to enums directly in HTML, but in some cases there are cleaner alternatives that don't lose type-safe-ness. For instance if you choose the approach shown in my other answer, you may have declared TT in your component something like this:

public TT = 
    // Enum defines (Horizontal | Vertical)
    FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout: FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout   

To show a different layout in your HTML, you'd have an *ngIf for each layout type, and you could refer directly to the enum in your component's HTML:

*ngIf="(featureBoxResponsiveService.layout | async) == TT.FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout.Horizontal"

This example uses a service to get the current layout, runs it through the async pipe and then compares it to our enum value. It's pretty verbose, convoluted and not much fun to look at. It also exposes the name of the enum, which itself may be overly verbose.

###Alternative, that retains type safety from the HTML Alternatively you can do the following, and declare a more readable function in your component's .ts file :


Much cleaner! But what if someone types in 'Horziontal' by mistake? The whole reason you wanted to use an enum in the HTML was to be typesafe right?

We can still achieve that with keyof and some typescript magic. This is the definition of the function:

isResponsiveLayout(value: keyof typeof FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout)
    return FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout[value] == this.featureBoxResponsiveService.layout.value;

Note the usage of FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout[string] which converts the string value passed in to the numeric value of the enum.

This will give an error message with an AOT compilation if you use an invalid value.

Argument of type '"H4orizontal"' is not assignable to parameter of type '"Vertical" | "Horizontal"

Currently VSCode isn't smart enough to underline H4orizontal in the HTML editor, but you'll get the warning at compile time (with --prod build or --aot switch). This also may be improved upon in a future update.

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###Start by considering 'Do I really want to do this?'

I have no problem referring to enums directly in HTML, but in some cases there are cleaner alternatives that don't lose type-safe-ness. For instance if you choose the approach shown in my other answer, you may have declared TT in your component something like this:

public TT = 
    // Enum defines (Horizontal | Vertical)
    FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout: FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout   

To show a different layout in your HTML, you'd have an *ngIf for each layout type, and you could refer directly to the enum in your component's HTML:

*ngIf="(featureBoxResponsiveService.layout | async) == TT.FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout.Horizontal"

This example uses a service to get the current layout, runs it through the async pipe and then compares it to our enum value. It's pretty verbose, convoluted and not much fun to look at. It also exposes the name of the enum, which itself may be overly verbose.

###Alternative, that retains type safety from the HTML Alternatively you can do the following, and declare a more readable function in your component's .ts file :


Much cleaner! But what if someone types in 'Horziontal' by mistake? The whole reason you wanted to use an enum in the HTML was to be typesafe right?

We can still achieve that with keyof and some typescript magic. This is the definition of the function:

isResponsiveLayout(value: keyof typeof FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout)
    return FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout[value] == this.featureBoxResponsiveService.layout.value;

Note the usage of FeatureBoxResponsiveLayout[string] which converts the string value passed in to the numeric value of the enum.

This will give an error message with an AOT compilation if you use an invalid value.

Argument of type '"H4orizontal"' is not assignable to parameter of type '"Vertical" | "Horizontal"

Currently VSCode isn't smart enough to underline H4orizontal in the HTML editor, but you'll get the warning at compile time (with --prod build or --aot switch).