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Alberto Bricio
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I'm trying to launch pinch gestures without launch rotate gestures also. My purpose is launch both gestures separately.

I have built hammer configuration in my module, as below:

import * as Hammer from 'hammerjs';
import { HammerGestureConfig } from '@angular/platform-browser';

export class HammerConfig extends HammerGestureConfig{

    buildHammer(element: HTMLElement)
        const hammerManager = new Hammer(element);
        let rotate = new Hammer.Rotate({enable: true});
        let pinch = new Hammer.Pinch({enable: true});
        let pan = new Hammer.Pan();

        pan.requireFailure([rotate, pinch]);
        hammerManager.add([rotate, pan, pinch]);

        return hammerManager;

I am trying with:




This changes doesn't work. Only rotate gestures are launched...

If I add:


It launches both events...

Are there any way to launch them separately? I will appreciate any kind of help

I'm trying to launch pinch gestures without launch rotate gestures also. My purpose is launch both gestures separately.

I am trying with:




This changes doesn't work. Only rotate gestures are launched...

If I add:


It launches both events...

Are there any way to launch them separately? I will appreciate any kind of help

I'm trying to launch pinch gestures without launch rotate gestures also. My purpose is launch both gestures separately.

I have built hammer configuration in my module, as below:

import * as Hammer from 'hammerjs';
import { HammerGestureConfig } from '@angular/platform-browser';

export class HammerConfig extends HammerGestureConfig{

    buildHammer(element: HTMLElement)
        const hammerManager = new Hammer(element);
        let rotate = new Hammer.Rotate({enable: true});
        let pinch = new Hammer.Pinch({enable: true});
        let pan = new Hammer.Pan();

        pan.requireFailure([rotate, pinch]);
        hammerManager.add([rotate, pan, pinch]);

        return hammerManager;

I am trying with:




This changes doesn't work. Only rotate gestures are launched...

If I add:


It launches both events...

Are there any way to launch them separately? I will appreciate any kind of help

Notice added Draw attention by Alberto Bricio
Bounty Started worth 50 reputation by Alberto Bricio
added 24 characters in body; edited title
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Alberto Bricio
  • 422
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Angular HammerJS/HammerJS - Avoid rotate gesturegestures on pinch in/out event

I'm trying to launch pinch gestures without launch rotate gestures also. My purpose is launch both eventsgestures separately.

I have useam trying with:




And itThis changes doesn't workswork. Only launch rotate gestures are launched...

If I add:


It launchlaunches both events...

Are there any way to launch itthem separately? I will appreciate any kind of help

Angular HammerJS - Avoid rotate gesture on pinch in/out event

I'm trying to launch pinch gestures without launch rotate gestures also. My purpose is launch both events separately.

I have use:




And it doesn't works. Only launch rotate gestures...

If I add:


It launch both events...

Are there any way to launch it separately? I will appreciate any kind of help

Angular/HammerJS - Avoid rotate gestures on pinch in/out

I'm trying to launch pinch gestures without launch rotate gestures also. My purpose is launch both gestures separately.

I am trying with:




This changes doesn't work. Only rotate gestures are launched...

If I add:


It launches both events...

Are there any way to launch them separately? I will appreciate any kind of help

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Alberto Bricio
  • 422
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  • 7
  • 23

Angular HammerJS - Avoid rotate gesture on pinch in/out event

I'm trying to launch pinch gestures without launch rotate gestures also. My purpose is launch both events separately.

I have use:




And it doesn't works. Only launch rotate gestures...

If I add:


It launch both events...

Are there any way to launch it separately? I will appreciate any kind of help