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#At first You Can Install Node Then Install Angular:#

At first You Can Install Node Then Install Angular:

##If npm not found or not recognized then you can follow the following steps:##

If npm not found or not recognized then you can follow the following steps:

  • Search environment variables from start menu's search box.
  • Click it then go to Environment Variables
  • Click PATH
  • click Edit
  • Click New and try to copy and paste your path for 'bin' folder [find where you installed the node] for example according to my machine 'C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin'

###If you got any error. try the another step:###

If you got any error. try the another step:

  • Click New, then browse for the 'bin' folder

If you got any error still now, please take a screen shot and post with description as needed.

#At first You Can Install Node Then Install Angular:#

##If npm not found or not recognized then you can follow the following steps:##

  • Search environment variables from start menu's search box.
  • Click it then go to Environment Variables
  • Click PATH
  • click Edit
  • Click New and try to copy and paste your path for 'bin' folder [find where you installed the node] for example according to my machine 'C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin'

###If you got any error. try the another step:###

  • Click New, then browse for the 'bin' folder

If you got any error still now, please take a screen shot and post with description as needed.

At first You Can Install Node Then Install Angular:

If npm not found or not recognized then you can follow the following steps:

  • Search environment variables from start menu's search box.
  • Click it then go to Environment Variables
  • Click PATH
  • click Edit
  • Click New and try to copy and paste your path for 'bin' folder [find where you installed the node] for example according to my machine 'C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin'

If you got any error. try the another step:

  • Click New, then browse for the 'bin' folder

If you got any error still now, please take a screen shot and post with description as needed.

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Md Wahid
  • 450
  • 5
  • 12

#At first You Can Install Node Then Install Angular:#

##If npm not found or not recognized then you can follow the following steps:##

  • Search environment variables from start menu's search box.
  • Click it then go to Environment Variables
  • Click PATH
  • click Edit
  • Click New and try to copy and paste your path for 'bin' folder [find where you installed the node] for example according to my machine 'C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin'

###If you got any error. try the another step:###

  • Click New, then browse for the 'bin' folder

If you got any error still now, please take a screen shot and post with description as needed.