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Added code support info and transpiler suggestion.
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Mohsen has a great answer above in ES6 that sets the name, but if you're using TypeScript or if you're living in the future where hopefully this proposal for public and private class fields has moved past stage 3 as a proposal and made it into stage 4 as part of ECMAScript/JavaScript then you might want to know this is then just a little bit shorter. Stage 3 is where browsers start implementing features, so if your browser supports it the code below just might work. (Tested in the new Edge browser v81 it seems to work fine). Be warned though this is an unstable feature at the moment and should be used cautiously and you should always check browser support on unstable features. This post is mainly for those future dwellers when browsers might support this. To check support check MDN and Can I use. It's currently got 66% support across the browser market which is getting there but not that great so if you really want to use it now and don't want to wait either use a transpiler like Babel or something like TypeScript.

class EOFError extends Error { 
throw new EOFError("Oops errored");

Compare this to a nameless error which when thrown will not log it's name.

class NamelessEOFError extends Error {}
throw new NamelessEOFError("Oops errored");

Mohsen has a great answer above in ES6 that sets the name, but if you're using TypeScript or if you're living in the future where hopefully this proposal for public and private class fields has moved past stage 3 as a proposal and made it into stage 4 as part of ECMAScript/JavaScript then you might want to know this is then just a little bit shorter. Stage 3 is where browsers start implementing features, so if your browser supports it the code below just might work. (Tested in the new Edge browser v81 it seems to work fine)

class EOFError extends Error { 
throw new EOFError("Oops errored");

Compare this to a nameless error which when thrown will not log it's name.

class NamelessEOFError extends Error {}
throw new NamelessEOFError("Oops errored");

Mohsen has a great answer above in ES6 that sets the name, but if you're using TypeScript or if you're living in the future where hopefully this proposal for public and private class fields has moved past stage 3 as a proposal and made it into stage 4 as part of ECMAScript/JavaScript then you might want to know this is then just a little bit shorter. Stage 3 is where browsers start implementing features, so if your browser supports it the code below just might work. (Tested in the new Edge browser v81 it seems to work fine). Be warned though this is an unstable feature at the moment and should be used cautiously and you should always check browser support on unstable features. This post is mainly for those future dwellers when browsers might support this. To check support check MDN and Can I use. It's currently got 66% support across the browser market which is getting there but not that great so if you really want to use it now and don't want to wait either use a transpiler like Babel or something like TypeScript.

class EOFError extends Error { 
throw new EOFError("Oops errored");

Compare this to a nameless error which when thrown will not log it's name.

class NamelessEOFError extends Error {}
throw new NamelessEOFError("Oops errored");

Added runnable code
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Mohsen has a great answer above in ES6 that sets the name, but if you're using TypeScript or if you're living in the future where hopefully this proposal for public and private class fields has moved past stage 3 as a proposal and made it into stage 4 as part of ECMAScript/JavaScript then you might want to know this is then just a little bit shorter. Stage 3 is where browsers start implementing features, so if your browser supports it the code below just might work. (Tested in the new Edge browser v81 it seems to work fine)

class EOFError extends Error { 
 name = "EOFError";

class EOFError extends Error { 
throw new EOFError("Oops errored");

Compare this to a nameless error which when thrown will not log it's name.

class NamelessEOFError extends Error {}
throw new NamelessEOFError("Oops errored");

Mohsen has a great answer above in ES6, but if you're using TypeScript or if you're living in the future where hopefully this proposal for public and private class fields has moved past stage 3 as a proposal and made it into stage 4 as part of ECMAScript/JavaScript then you might want to know this is then just a little bit shorter.

class EOFError extends Error { 
 name = "EOFError";

Mohsen has a great answer above in ES6 that sets the name, but if you're using TypeScript or if you're living in the future where hopefully this proposal for public and private class fields has moved past stage 3 as a proposal and made it into stage 4 as part of ECMAScript/JavaScript then you might want to know this is then just a little bit shorter. Stage 3 is where browsers start implementing features, so if your browser supports it the code below just might work. (Tested in the new Edge browser v81 it seems to work fine)

class EOFError extends Error { 
throw new EOFError("Oops errored");

Compare this to a nameless error which when thrown will not log it's name.

class NamelessEOFError extends Error {}
throw new NamelessEOFError("Oops errored");

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Mohsen has a great answer above in ES6, but if you're using TypeScript or if you're living in the future where hopefully this proposal for public and private class fields has moved past stage 3 as a proposal and made it into stage 4 as part of ECMAScript/JavaScript then you might want to know this is then just a little bit shorter.

class EOFError extends Error { 
 name = "EOFError";