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Do not use this and classes if not necessary. When you require files like repositories, controllers, services, it by default creates singletons, which is something you want (its basically like @Autowired in Java, but native). And singletons do not require classes and "this", whatever you need to define, define on the root of the file. Then just export functions/variables you want. If you dont use this, you cannot have problem with this.

    class Simple { 
      constructor(id) { = id;
        self = this;

      showThis(text) {
        console.log(this, ` ** ${text} **`)
const simple = new Simple(25);
const showThisFn = simple.showThis;
showThisFn("using it without apply");
showThisFn.apply(simple, ["using it with apply"]), "using it with call - basically same as apply, only syntactic sugar difference today")
boundShowThisFn = showThisFn.bind(simple);
boundShowThisFn("now it is bindbound with the instancefunction, so you dont have to specify it when calling it");

Do not use this and classes if not necessary. When you require files like repositories, controllers, services, it by default creates singletons, which is something you want (its basically like @Autowired in Java, but native).

    class Simple { 
      constructor(id) { = id;
        self = this;

      showThis(text) {
        console.log(this, ` ** ${text} **`)
const simple = new Simple(25);
const showThisFn = simple.showThis;
showThisFn("using it without apply");
showThisFn.apply(simple, ["using it with apply"]), "using it with call - basically same as apply, only syntactic sugar difference today")
boundShowThisFn = showThisFn.bind(simple);
boundShowThisFn("now it is bind with the instance, so you dont have to specify it when calling it");

Do not use this and classes if not necessary. When you require files like repositories, controllers, services, it by default creates singletons, which is something you want (its basically like @Autowired in Java, but native). And singletons do not require classes and "this", whatever you need to define, define on the root of the file. Then just export functions/variables you want. If you dont use this, you cannot have problem with this.

    class Simple { 
      constructor(id) { = id;

      showThis(text) {
        console.log(this, ` ** ${text} **`)
const simple = new Simple(25);
const showThisFn = simple.showThis;
showThisFn("using it without apply");
showThisFn.apply(simple, ["using it with apply"]), "using it with call - basically same as apply, only syntactic sugar difference today")
boundShowThisFn = showThisFn.bind(simple);
boundShowThisFn("now it is bound with the function, so you dont have to specify it when calling it");
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Anser for year 2024

A lot of information here is quite obsolete. This answer is focused on how to resolve in 2024+

  1. Use instances when calling function
  • never take function "out of its instance". If you need to call that function later, just keep the whole instance, for example like this:

class A {
  constructor(id) { = id;


const a1 = new A(5);
const a2 = new A(20);
const arr = [a1, a2];

// some business logic

arr.forEach(a => a.someFunction());

  1. Do not overuse this

Do not use this and classes if not necessary. When you require files like repositories, controllers, services, it by default creates singletons, which is something you want (its basically like @Autowired in Java, but native).

For example somethingService.js can look similar to the code below:

const someDefaultValue = 10;

export function doSomething() {

Then you dont have to think about using doSomething() as somethingService.doSomething() or doSomething() directly. (it will work the same)

  1. Use apply/call/bind

I am personally not fan of using apply (or call or bind which is basically the same, just called a bit differently) extensively, from my experience it can bring even more chaos into code. But there can be situations where you might need it, so I will list it here. You can basically "inject" this with whatever object you like inside function.

    class Simple { 
      constructor(id) { = id;
        self = this;

      showThis(text) {
        console.log(this, ` ** ${text} **`)
const simple = new Simple(25);
const showThisFn = simple.showThis;
showThisFn("using it without apply");
showThisFn.apply(simple, ["using it with apply"]), "using it with call - basically same as apply, only syntactic sugar difference today")
boundShowThisFn = showThisFn.bind(simple);
boundShowThisFn("now it is bind with the instance, so you dont have to specify it when calling it");

  1. Use Arrow Function => correctly

If you have function inside function and you use this, the arrow function will pass the this context in the way you would expect. Using function keyword will change the context of this.

(basically use arrow functions whenever it is possible and you are safe)

class A {
  constructor(baseValue) {
    this.baseValue = baseValue;

    arr.forEach(item => {
      console.log(`Arrow function: item is ${item} and this?.baseValue is ${this?.baseValue}`);
      console.log(item + this?.baseValue);

  doMathOldWay(arr) {
    arr.forEach(function(item) {
      console.log(`Old fashion function: item is ${item} and this?.baseValue is ${this?.baseValue}`);
      console.log(item + this?.baseValue);

const x = [1,2];
const a = new A(10);

In past (before Arrow function existed) it was often resolved with self/that keywords. If you encounter it and want to know more - check accepted answer in this thread.