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Rails gem acts_as_list, scoping the position to the user

I am using Rails 4 and the ActsAsList gem to give our Project model a position. Projects can be owned my one user, and collaborated on with many users. When a user re-orders their projects, it affects ...
Emily Kingan's user avatar
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Using acts_as_list, set scope to string column

Using acts_as_list, I'm trying to set the scope to the where column. acts_as_list scope: :where where is the name of a string column in the model. But when I'm getting this error: undefined ...
mahmoodi's user avatar
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multi position column with acts_as_list

How to use multi position columns with acts_as_list gem ? for sample : rails g migration AddPositionToTodoList position:integer position2:integer position3:integer controller: todo_list = TodoList....
mamali's user avatar
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Maintain order of saved attributes list for model

I have two models with a has_many to has_many relationship through a join table. class Article < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :authorings, -> { order(:position) }, :dependent => :destroy ...
npresco's user avatar
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Set Position Value from Index for nested model attributes

How can I set a position field in the attributes for a nested model so that my has_many relationship remembers it's sort order? I want to set the position from the index so that it reflects the order ...
Will's user avatar
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AR equivalent to these SQL statements or how otherwise to use them in Rails?

I wanted to use the gem acts_as_list to reorder lists. But it doesn't seem to handle more restricted queries than association-based (I want to order lists based both on an association AND objects ...
Fellow Stranger's user avatar
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Restrict scope in acts_as_list

class TodoList < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :todo_items, -> { order("position ASC") } end class TodoItem < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :todo_list acts_as_list scope: :todo_list end ...
Fellow Stranger's user avatar