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All storm topology workers are shutting down on worker nodes

Let me give a brief of my storm cluster setup: total nodes : 12 total worker nodes: 12 nimbus node: 2 zookeeper node: 3 pace maker: 2 node 1 & 12 are running storm-nimbus node 1, 2 & 3 are ...
spaci1010's user avatar
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Apache Storm: Get Blob download exception in Nimbus log

I am facing an intermittent issue in one of my storm clusters during deployment of new topologies (deployment process also includes killing of old version of same topology. We first deploy the newer ...
jatin's user avatar
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Unable to Start this Storm Project

As a Storm learner, I am unable to start the project on my local machine the link of the project is - I had directly started with the command storm jar /home/join/...
Sagar Dwevedi's user avatar
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Run supervisor outside docker whereas nimbus runs as a docker container

I'm trying to run nimbus as container in docker and trying to use my machine as supervisor. I've tried the following. I've a docker compose that sets up nimbus and zookeeper containers nimbus: ...
Aravindh Vasu's user avatar
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NIOServerCnxn@362 - Exception causing close of session 0x0 due to Unreasonable length = 1600745078

I am trying to update Apache Storm version to 2.3.0 but after updating dependencies I am getting below error in zookeeper for indefinite time. 2022-08-18 06:50:46,431 [myid:] - INFO [NIOServerCxn....
Rishi's user avatar
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Apache Storm local cluster "Unable to canonicalize address"

I'm trying to run a local cluster with this command: storm local target/myjar.jar Storm responds with this error: WARN o.a.s.s.o.a.z.ClientCnxn - Session 0x0 for server localhost/...
pererasys's user avatar
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error while running the injector topolgy in strom crawler

i am using follwing resources with their versions given apache storm 1.2.3 storm crawler 1.16 zookeeper 3.6.1 elasticsearch 7.5.0 when i try to inject urls into my elasticsearch db through the ...
Gaurav Kumar's user avatar
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Apache Storm: Supervisor kills and restarts worker process

Using Storm 1.2.2 Kafka 1.1.0 After submitting topology, supervisor launches a worker processes. When checking the worker.log file for that launched Worker Process, it was found out that, somewhere ...
DP63's user avatar
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Storm cluster setup locally - not getting executed

I am trying to run zookeeper, nimbus and supervisor on same machine to simulate storm cluster (I understand storm is designed as distributed system but for learning want to simulate how things works ...
Raja Mandava's user avatar
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Storm apache upgrade (1.0.0 to 2.0.0)

I use the Storm Apache in 1.0.0 version (java client - storm-core) and zookeeper in version 3.4.8. I check the version 2.0.0 is "significant improvements in terms of performance, new features, and ...
roliveira's user avatar
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Migrate a (storm+nimbus) cluster to a new Zookeeper, without loosing the information or having downtime

I have a nimbus+storm cluster using Zookeeper, and I wish to move my cluster and point it to a new Zookeeper. Do you know if this is possible? Can I keep all the information of the old zookeeper and ...
miduarte's user avatar
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Storm 2.0.0 going Out Of Memory

I upgraded my code base to use storm 2.0.0 from 1.1.1. Now I observe that if I run topology in local mode, it goes out of memory after few minutes. [THREAD ID=AsyncLocalizer Executor - 2-...
padawan's user avatar
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Apache Storm Supervisor showing : kill: sending signal to 5517 failed: No such process

When i start my supervisor using bin/storm supervisor supervisor shows the following error: kill: sending signal to 5517 failed: No such process. storm.yml storm.zookeeper.servers: ["localhost"]...
Shubham Garg's user avatar
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prepare method executing multiple times

Hi I am creating a Topology using apache-storm in which my Spout is collecting data from Kakfa Topic and sending it to a bolt. I am doing some validation over the tuple and emitting stream again for ...
Pritish Joshi's user avatar
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Storm UI is not starting

I am upgrading the apache-storm version from 1.1.1 to 2.0.0. I have already made the necessary changes in my codebase and pom.xml. The whole project is building perfectly and topologies are starting ...
Shravan40's user avatar
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