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YARN + yarn resource manager stores a ton of znodes related to running/old applications in zookeeper

We have HDP production Hadoop cluster , include 2 active / standby resource managers services Some details from our cluster HDP version - 2.6.5 OS Linux machines version - 7.9 Number of node ...
jessica's user avatar
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zookeeper connection timeout by error: Could not open client transport for any of the Server URI's in ZooKeeper

I want to connect to zookeeper on default port (2181) and discover hive metastor by jdbc-url: jdbc:hive2://host:port/;serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2 but i got error: ...
amir darvish's user avatar
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hdfs reformat name node failed by error Unable to check if JNs are ready for formatting

I want to start fresh hdfs cluster, I start zookeeper and yarn with command : ./ start && after above command I started journalnode on each 5 node with command: hdfs --...
Amir's user avatar
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Accumulo not sourcing accumulo-site.xml during initialization

I'm facing an issue with Apache Accumulo where it seems to be not sourcing the accumulo-site.xml file during initialization. I have made sure that the accumulo-site.xml file exists in the correct ...
Felhi Rihab's user avatar
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Role of Zookeeper in Hadoop

I understand based on the slides that in the context of Hadoop that Zookeeper is used for storing information of Master, and status of different tasks, which worker is working on which partition AND ...
Vineel's user avatar
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java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Does not contain a valid host:port authority: http at

Note that i have deployed statefulsets of 2 namenodes, 2 datanodes and 3 journalnodes for Apache Hadoop 3.3.3 HA on kubernetes. but namenode is throwing the following error. $ hdfs --config /opt/...
Abhishek D K's user avatar
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Why could split-brain situation happen in Resourcemanager HA using ZooKeeper

I was wondering why we need the extra ACL fencer to avoid split-brain situation in Resourcemanager HA using ZooKeeper. Because I thought when active RM thinks that it is still active with temporarily ...
s666's user avatar
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hadoop3.3.1 failed

When I try to use Hadoop3.3.1, HDFS has been successfully run. When performing YARN services, I encountered the following issues, and the configuration file information is an error message as follows: ...
chenchen's user avatar
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HBase Shell - org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.ServerNotRunningYetException: Server is not running yet

I am trying to set up distributed HBase on 3 nodes. I have already set up hadoop, YARN ZooKeeper and now HBase but when I launch hbase shell and run the simplest command for example status or list I ...
MrWrzosek's user avatar
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Why does a datanode doesn´t disappear in the hadoop web site when the datanode job is killed?

I have a 3 node HA cluster in a CentOS 8 VM. I am using ZK 3.7.0 and Hadoop 3.3.1. In my cluster I have 2 namenodes, node1 is the active namenode and node2 is the standby namenode in case that node1 ...
Pablo Ochoa's user avatar
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257 views Waiting for startup of standalone server | MiniZooKeeperCluster

I am trying to write some unit tests using HBaseTestingUtility. When I say startMiniCluster() on HBaseTestingUtility, private HBaseTestingUtility hBaseTestingUtility = new HBaseTestingUtility(my_conf);...
Vijender Kumar's user avatar
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ZK hbase replication node grows exponentially though hbase datas properly replication for peers

In the hbase-1.4.10, I have enabled replication for all tables and configured the peer_id. the list_peers provide the below result: hbase(main):001:0> list_peers PEER_ID CLUSTER_KEY ...
Roshan's user avatar
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java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError when I start hbase

There are three node3(node1,node2,node3) in my cluster.I have installed hadoop-2.5.2,zookeeper-3.5.4-cdh5.10.0,jdk-7u67-linux-x64 on my Centos server ,they all work well. Then I install hbase-0.98.6-...
zjt's user avatar
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HBase fully distributed mode [Zookeeper error while executing HBase shell]

Following these two tutorials: i.e tutorial 1 and tutorial 2, I was able to set up HBase cluster in fully-distributed mode. Initially the cluster seems to work okay. The 'jps' output in HMaster/ Name ...
0xMinCha's user avatar
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Distributed Hbase failed to start, with error info: Server is not running yet

I am trying to set up a distributed Hbase based on Hadoop, with one namenode on my Ubuntu 20.04 and three datanodes on localhost and two VMs. All went well when I started Hadoop and Hbase, jps info on ...
JyYang's user avatar
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