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Kafka consumerdoesn't receive messages in docker

I am creating a very basic consumer/producer setup for Kafka. I am using both Zookeper and Kafka with a Docker compose. Both seem to be connecting but when it comes to produce or consume, nothing ...
NeoChiri's user avatar
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Kafka producers failing to produce message due to LeaderNotAvailableError

I'm having some issues with kafka and zookeeper, I have 3x kafka brokers and 3x zookeepers. I'm getting several kafka issues from all over my containers, some have this: time="2023-12-26T09:46:...
Omri. B's user avatar
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kafka-topics.bat --list --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 is not returning list

kafka-topics.bat --list --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 is not returning anything kafka-topics.bat --list --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 is not showing anything The above command meant to show me ...
Harsh Kumar's user avatar
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Unable to check consumer group on Kafka topic

I have created the topic on 3 node kafka cluster as below /opt/UMB/kafka/bin/ --create --zookeeper broker1:2181,broker2:2181,broker3:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 64 --topic ...
veer kumar rathore's user avatar
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Remote(WAN) kafka client cannot write data to kafka which is in LAN

I'm trying to configure advertised.listener to receive data from remote host. Producer running on remote host and sends data to kafka. Kafka running in our LAN. Also there is a port mapping: ...
Madiyor's user avatar
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using kafka on multiple network

I have a kafka cluster on different VMS. I want to enable to produce and consume from topics from 2 different networks, 10.X.X.X and 172.x.X.x. I tried to configure different solutions like not ...
NoamiA's user avatar
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Kafka broker on EC2 is not connecting to my zookeeper on my local network

Guys if someone has experienced this issue - please can you help me - i have been racking my brains on this with no success and have pored over as many posts as i can. Scenario I have zookeeper / two ...
Neale Chaudhury's user avatar
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Console based consumer for dockerized kafka

I have docker container running kafka. Once I push the message I want to run a console based consumer and listen from the particular topic. is there any way to do that?
Arnab's user avatar
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Grant access to ANONYMOUS user on Kafka and Zookeeper SASL/PLAIN server

I'm running a basic (1 broker) Kafka (v2.3.0) and Zookeeper instance on my machine with a working SASL/PLAINTEXT authentication mechanism and I'm trying consume topic as ANONYMOUS user. I'm using ...
batodev's user avatar
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How does Zookeeper retrive the consumer offsets from __consumer_offsets topic?

This is a followup question to "Where do zookeeper store Kafka cluster and related information?" based on the answer provided by Armando Ballaci. Now it's clear that consumer offsets are ...
samshers's user avatar
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Where does zookeeper store kafka cluster and related information?

By saying cluster info, I am referring to information like subscribed consumers/consumer groups read and committed offsets leaders and followers of a partition topics on the server etc. Does ...
samshers's user avatar
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Kafka Consumer subscribes to topic but doesn't consume messages and doesn't appear in consumer group list

A Kafka Consumer (org.apache.kafka:kafka-clients:2.3.0) should consume messages from a topic with one partition. The service logs the consumer subscription but it doesn't consume messages and doesn't ...
batodev's user avatar
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Python Kafka consumer with offset management

I am a newbie to Kafka and I am trying to set up a consumer in Kafka such that it reads messages published by Kafka Producer. Correct me if I am wrong, the way I understood if Kafka consumer stores ...
iDev's user avatar
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Does a kafka consumer machine need to run zookeeper?

So my question is this: If i have a server running Kafka (And zookeeper), and another machine only consuming messages, does the consumer machine need to run zookeeper too? Or does the server take care ...
F_Bass's user avatar
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Where are consumer groups list stored in recent Kafka version?

Apparently, in earlier kafka version, the list of consumers for a certain consumer group was stored in zookeeper. Where is this information stored for latest kafka release?
Siri's user avatar
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