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How to deploy my Apache Zookeeper image to AWS?

diagram How can I deploy my application (3 microservices and an Apache Zookeeper docker image) to AWS? Can I have an docker image running in AWS? Does it have any cost included? All 3 microservice ...
Ryan Seiyu's user avatar
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Distributed Locking with Zookeeper for Quartz Task

To solve this problem, How to run quartz task on single pod in kubernetes cluster? I got to know that zookeeper would be the good choice in order order to prevent quartz tasks executing on all running ...
Rohit's user avatar
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Is there a way to get configurations from git repository and save them to zookeeper?

I need a java application that will monitor git repository and whenever there is a change it will save it to zookeeper. I need to distribute my configurations from git repository to zookeeper. Does ...
aslan95's user avatar
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Apache Curator + Spring Boot: Simple Observer pattern example

I am trying to start a basic project structure where multiple spring boot application will share resources using apache curator. I am following the guides specified in documentation but changing the ...
djulb's user avatar
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How to assure that some processing is made in single instances

Let's assume that I want to call some processing on set of students. Let's say we've got students S = [ s1, s2, ..., s10 ]and three service instances I = [ i1, i2, i3 ]. I want to make sure that ...
iwannabeprogrammer's user avatar
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Apache ignite client not reconnect automatically after zookeeper server restart

I am running a single node Apache Ignite server with zookeeper discovery SPI mechanism using single node standalone zookeeper. I am trying to connect the Ignite server from the client application ...
sujin's user avatar
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Duplicate config code problem for all spring microservices [closed]

Is there a way to create a spring configuration class and use it to all my microservices? Right now I have to copy a duplicate config class to all microservices. And if there are changes , I have to ...
Seyed Hossein Masbough's user avatar
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Read class from Zookeeper (path with underscore) in Spring Boot application

We store in Zookeeper nodes some standard configuration for multiple cases. It is a flat list of simple values (string, boolean, integer etc). So for now we have a class describing this config, with ...
marlett's user avatar
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exclude BootstrapConfiguration classes in spring boot for tests

I have an application which reads its configuration properties from Zookeeper instance. There is one internal spring-boot-auto-configure module which helps in reading the information from zookeeper ...
Kuldeep Singh's user avatar
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Setup Zookeeper to deliver configuration one time only per application instance [Spring]

I can't find a solution or any hints online regarding my problem. I want to set up central configuration manager with Apache Zookeeper for my Spring Boot application which can have multiple ...
backend-designer's user avatar
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Dubbo service startup error:Error creating bean with name 'userServiceImpl' nested exception is org.I0Itec.zkclient.exception.ZkTimeoutException

I configured dubbo, using the registry zookeeper, when I start the service, I get an error. I modified the timeout to 10000 and the error has not changed. I turned off the firewall in the virtual ...
jkwgq's user avatar
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How to load properties into environment from zookeeper before initialising beans in web application

Spring based web application: Existing: The context is loaded from file("web.xml") and properties required for application are being loaded from properties file referred in xml context file. New: Now ...
Anand Kumar's user avatar
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Managing JMS Message Containers on Application Startup and Shutdown

Currently, we have four JMS listener containers that are started during the application start. They all connect through Apache ZooKeeper and are manually started. This becomes problematic when a ...
Swiftprotector's user avatar
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ContextRefresher in spring autowired

I have a java application in which one of the classes has ContextRefresher autowired: public abstract class AbstractConfigurationPersister implements IConfigurationPersister { @Autowired ...
Brandon's user avatar
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org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextException: Failed to start bean 'org.springframework.kafka.config.internalKafkaListenerEndpointRegistry

I am developing Spring Boot + Apache Kafka + Apache Zookeeper example. I've installed/setup Apache Zookeeper and Apache Kafka on my local Windows machine. I've taken a reference from link: https://www....
Prateek's user avatar
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