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use dubbo-go as client to call java springboot registered method in zookeeper error

I have a Spring Boot service that has registered some methods with ZooKeeper through Dubbo, and here is the configuration file for that service. spring: cloud: zookeeper: connect-string: ...
阿财继续努力's user avatar
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Multiple instances of springboot running on same database - best way to handle concurrent db access

We have an environment where we run multiple spring boot web services all linked to a single database schema. All of them are registered to Eureka and a gateway is responsible of accepting client ...
user666's user avatar
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Dockerized spring boot app can't access host machine's kafka instance through localhost

I have a dockerized spring-boot web service that needs to produce to a Kafka topic. I'm running Kafka with Zookeeper locally on Ubuntu. My web service is running in Docker on the same machine. I have ...
Jesse Ford's user avatar
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How to deploy my Apache Zookeeper image to AWS?

diagram How can I deploy my application (3 microservices and an Apache Zookeeper docker image) to AWS? Can I have an docker image running in AWS? Does it have any cost included? All 3 microservice ...
Ryan Seiyu's user avatar
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RefreshScope bean are not getting updated on zookeeper config node values changed

I my trying to implement the dynamic property refresh in spring-boot application. My config server here is zookeeper. But it seems, that there's some issue and without application re-start the values ...
tusharRawat's user avatar
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Zookeeper vs DynamoDB LockProvider

I am making changes to a Java project and it is not required to use DB for shedlock for running tasks at one node. Can I use only ZoopKeeperCurator to run the scheduled task at only one node at a time?...
CodeFreak's user avatar
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Zookeeper : java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.zookeeper.admin.ZooKeeperAdmin after updating spring boot

I am trying to update an springboot application which uses org.apache.zookeeper.zookeeper. After updating the spring boot version. I am getting one of the two errors given below depending upon the ...
Krish's user avatar
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Apache Curator + Spring Boot: Simple Observer pattern example

I am trying to start a basic project structure where multiple spring boot application will share resources using apache curator. I am following the guides specified in documentation but changing the ...
djulb's user avatar
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Zookeeper : java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.zookeeper.admin.ZooKeeperAdmin

I had a zookeeper with version 3.4.10 and curator with version 2.12.0 but zookeeper with versions less than 3.5.8 has a strict transitive dependency on log4j1. I would like to use log4j2 that's why it'...
Ray's user avatar
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Is there way to watch one ZNode in two process in zookeeper?

I have /math is the root node(have been set Watcher on this on in both processes). I create child node math/exam01 in process A, and create child node math/exam02 in process B(after create child math/...
Blind's user avatar
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Why i've this error in loop "Fetch offset 437 is out of range for partition , resetting offset"

I've this loop when connect to my kafka server: [m[32m[30/07/2020 14:19:56] [DEBUG ] [Consumer clientId=consumer-KOSILCConsumer-1, groupId=KOSILCConsumer] Initiating connection to node kafka1:...
rolling's user avatar
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How to lock zookeeper node data using spring boot?

I need to create a spring boot rest API from which I can get data(custom integer ID) from a node, increment it and again update it to the same node. I am using this into a distributed environment so I ...
suyash308's user avatar
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How to run multiple gradle bootRun at startup on OSX?

I'm trying to edit bash_profile to run two gradle repos at startup, but it doesn't seem to work. I can only run one and the other one never gets to run. Also, whenever I open a new terminal window, it ...
conchimnon's user avatar
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This server is in the failed servers list (failed on local exception: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.FailedServerException)

While connecting from local machine Java Program to the Hbase server's zookeeper we are getting following error failed on local exception: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.FailedServerException: This ...
Udit shashank Shukla's user avatar
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Spring Boot App refuses to connect to the Kafka brokers

So I just recently started on using Kafka and for some odd reason, although the kafka and zookeeper servers containers are running as intended on the documentation and by using the command docker ps. ...
FirstJ's user avatar
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