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What is happening when i pass a date string as response to the Jquery Ajax Call from WebMethod

I attempted to pass a date as a response from the webmethod via a jquery AJAX call. and the time is in GMT/UTC format oct 26 2021 12:01 am. However, the AJAX response contains /Date(1635264118393)/, ...
Tanya's user avatar
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When multiple people try to save a transaction the user id is going null to the database

When multiple people try to save a transaction the user id is going null to the database. I am fetching user information based on session id from database each time. I have tried query string and ...
Mridul V's user avatar
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AJAX method not posting to web method

I have this method that uses AJAX to post data from a form to a web method in the C# backend. Unfortunately, the method is not being hit. I did my research and all accessible resources states that ...
Walters's user avatar
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jQuery - AJAX - Upload file via FormData isn't working [duplicate]

The following setup triggers the "success" event, however the response is simply the content of the aspx page. HTML <input id="fileInput" type="file" /> <button ...
Richard Harris's user avatar
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4 answers

Passing Multiple parameters to Web Method using jQuery in ASP.NET C#

i have bind drop down using WebMethod (Services) I have multiple drop down list and need to bind on mutully dependent to each other like cascading of dropdown list but while passing value for one ...
user14304386's user avatar
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Need help - MasterPage always return null when call from WebMethod (ASP.NET) C#

I am building a shopping cart, and everything works fine. Now, I am trying to use jQuery to insert and show data from the database. I use jQuery to insert data successfully, but I cannot update the ...
Tuan Nguyen's user avatar
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Ajax call not hitting the webmethod in C# Code Behind

Good morning. Currently I'm having a problem having my ajax call go from the JQuery to C# code behind. After that's successful it should return the true value at the end of the function. I've tried ...
bluesky's user avatar
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ExceptionType: "System.FormatException" Message: "30/6/2019 is not a valid value for DateTime."

I have two Ajax requests. The first one gets a date from the datepicker and checks with a database date. This is working fine. The second request gets the date from a datepicker and retrieves the ...
Karrieop's user avatar
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Ajax call on page webmethord return Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)

Ajax call returns a Object object but can't read the data, and it's giving undefined error. function GetGooleMapnew() { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: ...
Indexonindia's user avatar
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POST method to send RAW TEXT data and get HTML Response using Jquery AJAX Web Method and check with POSTMAN

I'm Trying to do a POST Request using RAW TEXT. I want to send POST Request from POSTMAN like, in body Section I've selected RAW(from radio buttons) and Text(from drop-down) and pass below simple ...
Er Jainam Shah's user avatar
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Alert box by using WebMethod return with Message

I want to show an Alert Message Box When Selected Date is Match with Database Date on datetime picker. Even though WebMethod is working fine, my code right now is everytime I select, alert message ...
java404's user avatar
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How to evaluate 2 strings in ASP.NET C# WebMethod return in JQuery [closed]

I have a WebMethod that updates an SQL database based on parameters passed from a ASP.NET button. On success the WebMethod returns the state and is used to show or hide a div. However the Javascript ...
Kyle G's user avatar
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3 answers

Call WebMethod from JQuery with Parameter in C#

I have the following HTML hyperlink I want to call it in jQuery when it clicked <a href="#" data-toggle="dropdown" id="notID" class="dropdown-toggle f-s-14"> <i class="...
Yusuf Shayah's user avatar
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ajax call fails first 2 times and then returns success from 3rd time

<button type="button" id="btnSubmit" class="btn btn-success" runat="server" onserverclick=`enter code here`"Submitbtn_ServerClick">Submit</button> <script> $(document)....
prasad Jasti's user avatar
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Sending email on button click

I just wanted to ask what is the best way to send email's on button click. My back end is in C# and front-end mainly in asp. I have simple table with few text boxes. I gather their values with jquery ...
freej17's user avatar
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