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GameObjects fall downwards in Unity when they should MoveTowards spaceship

I'm making my first C# game/program with Unity. Basically, the meteoroids should move towards the spaceship but they lose velocity and start falling downwards. The code below worked before I added the ...
Harley's user avatar
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Mono Default Assembly Path Is Wrong C++

I am trying to load assemblies from a mono game using mono_domain_assembly_open however I have to set the full path to the assembly in order for it to load which is causing considerable lag when ...
Exam Expert's user avatar
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Why does Unity give not detect enemies and run the TakeDamage() function after running the OverLapCircle() function? (UNITY 2D)

Here is the enemy health script with the TakeDamage() function // Import the necessary Unity libraries. using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; // Define a ...
CreatoMan's user avatar
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How to use mono_add_internal_call properly if C++ project and C# dll are under different directory

I have a C++ project which want to invoke function in C# dll, therefore I followed the mono-document, and have below code in C++ project: static MonoString* Sample() { return mono_string_new(...
LoneliNerd's user avatar
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How can I import a ttf file as Font in Unity at runtime?

I'm working in a project and I need to load font, cuz these fonts can be customizable I'm trying methods like just Font class ctor, trying using TMPro but I can't find some info about that and looks ...
Tiziano Kraft's user avatar
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Specify to use native .Net class and not Mono's implementation in Unity

When working on a Unity IL2CPP .Net Framework project, is it possible to force the application to use the native .Net 4.8 version of a specific class instead of the Mono implementation? I don't ...
Reahreic's user avatar
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Unity: the null-coalescing operators not working [duplicate]

Problem I cannot use ?? and ??= operators in Unity. public class Compo : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] Transform? _tr; void Start() { _tr ??= transform; Debug.Log(_tr); ...
hotari's user avatar
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Unity: Native Plugin is not found in standalone build on other computers

I have compiled and imported the GameNetworkingSockets library into the unity Plugins folder. When doing a standalone build on my pc and running it, everything works fine, but when running the build ...
THE YAAAAA's user avatar
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How to test Obfuscated app which runs via Unity

As its known Mono is an fork of .NET Framework but with nuances, such as some things could be not implemented or not working in some versions of Mono, probably everywhere idk (eg Environment.FailFast),...
sunnamed's user avatar
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How to build Visual Studio .csproj as Mono?

I`m using Visual Studio 2022. The goal Run Console application (.NET Framework) - on Mono (without Unity or other tools). Console Application code: internal class Program { private static Task ...
sunnamed's user avatar
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Calling managed function inside CommandBuffer hang domain reload

I'am trying to call managed function inside CommandBuffer via IssuePluginEventAndData. It accepts (void* function pointer, int eventId, void *data). Here's the function: [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(...
Alex's user avatar
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OmniSharp requires a complete install of Mono (including MSBuild)

OS: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS OS Type: 64-bit GNOME Version: 42.4 Unity Editor Version: 2021.3.13f1 Error: OmniSharp requires a complete install of Mono (including MSBuild) to provide languages services ...
Salah Rashad's user avatar
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Backwards compatible replacement for C# 8.0's async streams

I hope the question title does not become imprecise, but it may happen that a direct replacement isn't available and a code restructuring becomes inevitable. My task is to stream audio frames from ...
MeFisto94's user avatar
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How to configure intellisense on vscode with unity and linux?

I recently switched to Linux and I have problems with Unity and VSCode. When I open any of my scripts, classes like MonoBehaviour don't exist... I found that you should change Omnisharp: Use Global ...
RORAK's user avatar
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Marshalling Conventions C++ vs C#/Mono

I have the following C++ API #ifndef AGUR_H #define AGUR_H #define AGUR_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default"))) #include <cstdint> extern "C" { AGUR_EXPORT void ...
CipherShark's user avatar

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