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Uncaught ReferenceError: angular is not defined exception if js libraries loaded with status code 206

In my index.html I added 2 js files. One is library file, and second is my main.js file (which has angularjs codes). <script src="js/lib/libraries.min.js?1599837573814"></script> ...
Hồng Sơn's user avatar
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How to display .exe file output in electron?

I am new to this , trying to run electron app through cmd. I have .js file that runs the .exe file. I can see output in cmd terminal. Along with that I need to print those output in .html. function ...
vardhan's user avatar
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AngularJS and Electron: Can't run AngularJS application inside Electron

I create simple game using HTML 5, CSS 3, EcmaScript 6, AngularJS 1.7.7, and JQuery 3.3.1. The game run smoothly when tested using Firefox, but when I ported it into desktop application using Electron ...
A Naive Dreamer's user avatar
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Putting div content out of browser window in electron app

I just cloned electron quickstart app from github. I see that it creates a browser window inside which we can put all our html content. mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({width: 800, height: 600}) ...
Shehzadi khushi's user avatar
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MouseLeave fires on child Elements in Electron

I am handling mouse hover events using the following HTML template and script. My app is written using AngularJS and hosted in Electron. HTML: <div id="controlArea" (mouseenter) = "...
TylerM2320's user avatar
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Create new DOM element if a specific height was reached with part of the old content from DOM element before

Update: 27th December 2016 I did change the heading, since every DOM element could be the target (it actually doesn't matter if it is a <p> element or not). I've provided some more informations ...
Megajin's user avatar
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Electron/AngularJS - Dynamically load video file from showOpenDialog

I'm using Angular 1.5.8 with Electron and I'm trying to start a video loader when a dialog.showOpenDialog file is selected in main.js. main.js click(item, focusedWindow) { dialog.showOpenDialog( ...
João Pereira's user avatar
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Angular NgRoute not loading partial in Electron App

I'm currently working on a simple Electron desktop app, using Angular version 1.3.0. I am using NgRoute to switch between a main.html and settings.html view. This works fine when tested in a locally ...
adotellison's user avatar
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Move file from src to dest using HTML FIleSystem API

This is a very simple question, but is giving me a lot of trouble. I want to move a file from origin to destination in my local file system. I'm using HTML5 FileSystem API. This is my code: // Note:...
Abel's user avatar
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How can I create save file without temporary file with AngularJS / Electron?

How can I create a save file without a temporary file? When I click on my "Export" button, I get a window that gives me the choice for a destination of my save file, but I have a temporary file : ~/...
Jérémie Chazelle's user avatar
24 votes
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How to print a DIV in ElectronJS

i'm trying to convert my web into an app made in ElectronJS in my web i print a div with a barcode. this works pretty fine, but in electronjs i can't reach this. originally i'd use this function $...
Paulo Galdo Sandoval's user avatar
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electron quick start application not working

I'm new to electron and trying to follow different tutorials. Currently I'm following this link to Write my First Electron App my app is structured like this your-app/ ├── package.json ├── main.js ...
Naila Akbar's user avatar
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