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How to make user data persistent in local storage in electron-app?

I'm building a tasks-to-do application using electron. As I'm new using it, I have found a lot of problems to make the tasks already uploaded persistent in the application. I'm creating the tasks ...
MavapeGZ's user avatar
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Electron - Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND

relatively new to electron area: I tried a few method to solve this issue such as using ./ instead of / or adding "homepage" : in packaging.json and still won't work. I was trying to import ...
Zyaan's user avatar
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JS/Electron Read json to textarea and overwrite with change in text

I have succesfully read the json and read the variable in the textarea, in this way: function additem() { fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, 'weekplan.json'), 'utf8', (err, data) => { if (...
CheckMate's user avatar
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Getting HTML form values with JavaScript and saving them into JSON key and value pairs

Objective FrameWork used : ElectronJS I want to take the user submitted form, and use the NodeJS script to generate a JSON file on client PC. The json file will have key and value pairs. Please see ...
Mazino's user avatar
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Electron - How to pass JSON from main window to remote window?

I'm working with a total of 3 files. index.html: ... <a href="#" onclick="fetch(function(data) {console.log(data); subWindow(data)})">subWindow</a> ... The fetch() function returns a ...
user13581602's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can I read JSON file and generate dynamic page using jQuery based on JSON

i am new to this node and json things and I have someproblems getting data out of JSON. This is my code 'use strict'; const fs = require('fs'); let questsRawData = fs.readFileSync('quests-db.json')...
Klak031's user avatar
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Electron won't open file from JSON

I'm trying to use the onclick='shell.openItem('filename') with the filename being populated by JSON. When I console.log(data[i].url) it returns the correct kmz file for each button, but when I click ...
RT7's user avatar
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Electron - another program is using this file?

I created a search bar that searches JSON and displays the info in html with an "open link" button. The files are local kmz/kml files that are opened up in Google Earth when a user clicks the button. ...
RT7's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Electronjs "App threw an error during load, ReferenceError: require is not defined"

Developing an application using electron but I'm getting error when I run npm start: $ npm start > [email protected] start C:\Users\jakeh\OneDrive\Documents\Coding\Electron Apps\Test > electron . ...
Jake Hughes's user avatar
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Store JSON information within a HTML file or the other way around

That title might be a little confusing but I don't know how to put it otherwise. I have some JSON encoded data in a .json-file: {"foo":"bar", "bar":"foo", "far":"boo"} and some HTML content in a ....
leonheess's user avatar
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Running javascript in Electron Secondary Window

I have created an electron application that has multiple windows that can open ex. an about page and a preferences page. This is what my main.js looks like. const {app, Tray, Menu, BrowserWindow} = ...
A. Epstein's user avatar
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electron quick start application not working

I'm new to electron and trying to follow different tutorials. Currently I'm following this link to Write my First Electron App my app is structured like this your-app/ ├── package.json ├── main.js ...
Naila Akbar's user avatar
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