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I'm having an data loss issue using line Graphs in ApexCharts

ApexCharts seems to modify/remove some data, I'm not quite sure if this is a skill issue of mine, or something else. I'm getting data from an API from my server, the APIs data is intact and seems to ...
ThePyGuy's user avatar
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Electron IPC Main webContents not sending data to Renderer

Using the docs from Electron's website, I cannot send simple data using mainWindow.webContents.send('send-data-channel', data). I'm attempting to send a JSON file to the renderer using Node's fs ...
liminalFrog's user avatar
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How to make user data persistent in local storage in electron-app?

I'm building a tasks-to-do application using electron. As I'm new using it, I have found a lot of problems to make the tasks already uploaded persistent in the application. I'm creating the tasks ...
MavapeGZ's user avatar
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Preserve specific files from auto-update using electron-builder

I have an Electron application where I saved information into a JSON file. But this is unique for every user and I am not able to store it online. I want to preserve this file when I am deploying a ...
Elerua's user avatar
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Is <img :src="require`${JSON.parse(string)}`"> in electron vue is safe from XSS?

QUESTION UPDATED I am inspecting a client's application written with Vue.js and I found there a following construction. // Somewhere else in the code var data = JSON.parse(jsonString); // In the vue ...
Max's user avatar
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JSON being sent from Main Electron process coming over as undefined in the renderer

I am currently working on an Electron project to get my feet wet with the tech. So far I've found it very interesting and fun to play with, I'm building a little home controller for my IoT devices, ...
Recypher's user avatar
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Creating Electron executable from Angular local web application

I've this problem: I wanted to create a desktop app with a executable file, but i can't do it right, whatever i try. I successfully created the executable with electron-packager, i builted the app ...
Federico Coscarella's user avatar
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Learning Electron, trying to send data to renderer from main but appearing as undefined in renderer. Any help much appreciated

Am working with electron and encountering and issue that I cannot for the life of me fix despite it being so simple, where my received data is showing as undefined in renderer, yet shows correctly ...
benmag11's user avatar
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Uncaught Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'names.json'

Im getting the error Uncaught Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'names.json' and I have tried adding this code to my main.js: const path = require('path'); const directory = path.join('...
TheKidWhoCantCode's user avatar
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Get all items from an array that is imported via fs

I need to be able to get the values from jsonParsed.students[actStudent].evnetsPartaken Which is an array and would be for example [1,2,0] (example, not full data, check attachments for full data) { ...
Gatorz's user avatar
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Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined trying to use Powershell in Javascript via Electron

I have updated this question fully as a few people have directed me to other posts with the same issue. Unfortunately, I have tried NodeIntergration and Contextisolation. From what I can see it is a ...
Mark Philpott's user avatar
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Evaluating code directly from JSON, bad idea or is there a better way?

Essentially I'm making a game using JavaScript, CSS, HTML, etc inside of Electron so that I can easily access local files. The game would be entirely local and offline. Never makes any kind of ...
wendigo's user avatar
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Multiple tables in a for loop

Hello dear stackoverflow community, I want to make an Electron app [Javascript not jQuary] (or am in the process of doing so) and would like to add a function that puts one config into the "...
notFunnys's user avatar
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What is the best way to transfer certain data to another json document?

Explanation: I want to make an Electron app [Javascript not jQuary] (or am in the process of doing so) and would like to add a function that puts one config into the "format" of another. The ...
notFunnys's user avatar
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Why is my JSON object showing [Array] instead of the data in javascript after reformatting?

Currently I am trying to create a JSON object in java script which has an additional array containing all of the data that I currently posses: src is a JSON object which before any code is run is ...
Cjspring's user avatar

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