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VBA - change cell formatting based on another cell's format

How to change cell formatting based on another cell's format? I tried the following code: Range("A9:A9").Select Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select Selection.FormatConditions.Add ...
Ye Lwin's user avatar
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Can VBA be used to set print area as a formula in a sheet?

I am using VBA to create sheets from a template and then creating named ranges scoped for each sheet created. Each named range corresponds to the print area that would be a page when printed. I also ...
Gimmetime's user avatar
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Excel: Countif with multiple criteria

Sheets("Create Summary").Range("B3").Value2 = _ Excel.WorksheetFunction.CountIfs( _ wsSourceData.[P:P], "Airports", wsSourceData.[AQ:AQ], "Not completed&...
Anshu's user avatar
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VBA Formula Instead of FormulaR1C1

Following code works as intended. However I am trying to avoid copying the formulas in each cell inside my FormulaArray using FormulaR1C1. It slows down my data collection in my other array. Because ...
mjac's user avatar
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How can I avoid or change the Error Format via VBA?

I have to export regularly from an external program an Excel table. In this table, there are phone numbers in a list. Those exported numbers give me a kind of format error that can´t be fixed changing ...
Jorge Nitales's user avatar
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Excel Macro to show applied formulas as Text

I want to loop through all columns and check the row 2 which has the data to check if there are any columns with references to other cells or if there are any formulas in them. So, if there is no ...
Machine88's user avatar
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How to apply/change color to partial text in a cell from the resultant excel formula in VBA?

I have this statement in excel cell B12 which is actually the resultant value of a very complex excel formula: "● Up to January 23, 2024 - The national mean monthly temperature was 10.12 °C, ...
Raza Ashfaq's user avatar
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Dynamic array with VBA - Excel [duplicate]

I m using VBA code to import below formula to specific cell: .Range("AA9").Formula = "=SORT(UNIQUE(FILTER(tblClients[Clients],ISNUMBER(SEARCH($C$2,tblClients[Clients])),""Not ...
Error 1004's user avatar
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Formula2 vs Formula in vba [duplicate]

I am using vba to edit the value of cells in excel. When i use the macro recorder, I see that excel is populating using this: range("E10").select activecell.formula2R1C1("my formula&...
Spoger's user avatar
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Excel VBA Adding Parentheses around Column Name in formulas [duplicate]

I have this very basic code in VBA: Activecell..Formula2 = "=XLOOKUP(RC[-100],'[" & wbState.Name & "]" & wsState.Name & "'!B:B,'[" & wbState.Name &...
djblois's user avatar
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Write a formula in a worksheet cell referencing cells in a different workbook

I am working with three Excel workbooks and a template. I have a master (“Master”) workbook that has references to everything (using named ranges) and the VBA code to open the three other spreadsheets....
user14643530's user avatar
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Paste formula in EXCEL through VBA

I've created the following VBA in EXCEL: these Formulas convert a field for example 2022072610:22:40 in column J to: Column K --> 26-07-2022 (dd-mm-yyyy) Column L --> 10:22:40 ("[$-x-...
Thom Haasert's user avatar
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Excel VBA macro to filter a tab based on results of a COUNTIFS formula

I am working with a tool which looks at the workload of our team. One tab has an overview of all the types of tasks we work on, while we have a separate tab for each specific process (let's call them ...
macroman121's user avatar
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Excel Formula or VBA to find next cell in a row with a wildcard value AFTER date column

I am trying to make a column that shows a student's next planned event. I have some code that works but I would have to copy paste it for every single line offset and update it every time a student ...
Brandon's user avatar
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Find negative amts (column D), add the sum grouped by Column J neg total divided by the # of neg # per MID, add to the positive MID amt (column D)

There is VBA code that creates this spreadsheet. My only problem now is removing all negative numbers in column D. The MID (column J) totals must match to a larger project. Therefore, I can't just ...
user18408684's user avatar

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