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{"message":"no Route matched with those values"}

I am new to Kong so bear with me:) I am hosting my APIs on a windows server as added service as follows on an Ubuntu box ( is added to hosts ...
Saeed Gorbani's user avatar
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SpringBootTest with Zuul Proxy - Empty response

Introduction: I'm currently writing integration tests for my API Gateway with Zuul Proxy using SpringBootTest. I've already created a working mock microservice on port 8089 returning some json data, ...
Michael's user avatar
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How to Forwarding Requests from a Controller to Another Controller Programmatically in Spring MVC

Nowadays, I've been making an API system and I've got stuck in a problem regarding forwarding requests. In my API system, all of requests from users come to proxy controllers first, and then the ...
eminentstar's user avatar
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Real IP behind Apache Load Balancer (Proxy) Server

I need to forward the real ip of the visitor to Apache Load Balancer. I have done it on Nginx successfully by just adding following two lines: proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; ...
skalkanci's user avatar
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Use a client behind NAT as proxy through public server

I have a few problems to understand the theory of exposing clients behind NATs via a public server, for example to use the client as a proxy (preferably SOCKS5). I want to solve this problem using Go ...
Johnny BeGood's user avatar
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Reverse Proxy lighttpd https not working

I have multiple Tomcats running on my Server. I use lighttpd to reverse proxy the incoming requests for different domains. So far I only used http without https and this config worked for me: $HTTP["...
Lars's user avatar
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How can I forward class methods in Objective-C?

In Objective-C I know you can forward selectors from one instance to another: - (id)forwardingTargetForSelector:(SEL)aSelector; How can I also forward class methods to another class? ...
MaxGabriel's user avatar
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Forwarding events to selected instance

Is there a good strategy to exchange the receiver of multiple events (let's say an object instance A) during runtime to another instance B (or multiple instances)? For example think of a menu bar with ...
mvo's user avatar
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HTTP proxy server - need to handle dynamic client

I have developed serve-client model based on UDP. Client are connected to server on random basis. I mean number of clients alive at a time is not fixed. Any new client can communicate any time. It ...
user2377110's user avatar
49 votes
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How to use HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR properly?

Alright, I have an small authentication issue. My web service allows to connect to my API over HTTP with a username and password, but this connection can also be restricted to a specific IP address. ...
kingmaple's user avatar
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A problem with forwarding an exported function in a DLL

Hi I am forwarding an exported function of a DLL to another function in my DLL. I use ExpX64 for editing the export table of the DLL. (for example I forward the ?MyFunc@MyClass@@SAJJAEAUMyStruct@@@Z ...
Mehdi Asgari's user avatar
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Is there a way to resend UDP packets using Twisted?

Problem: Simple UDP proxy - receive UDP packets from multiple sources on port X and forward (resend) them to IP Y on port Z. Description: I am able to create a simple UDP server using twisted, and ...
SpankMe's user avatar
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Web forwarding proxy in C# or PHP available?

I have some shared server web hosting in the States (I'm from the UK), which allows me to publish PHP and .NET applications. I cannot install my own software onto the remote server, but I'd like to ...
Dave R.'s user avatar
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How to forward the TCP/IP traffic of a process in Windows XP?

alt text (The curly lines with dots represent a network route.) Having a process called "foo.exe", is there a way to forward everything it ...
John Smith's user avatar