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Possible to update a forwarding number by sending SMS?

Very new Twilio user and I have a really specific use case and wonder if this is possible? I am part of a team of volunteers for a water rescue charity and we have an on call Incident Commander (IC). ...
RobUK123's user avatar
-3 votes
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Call forwarding / Recording / Messaging not working

Hi guys. I am not understanding how to set up a call/sms forwarding and recording. I have tried whit flows. I can see the inbound call, but there is no forwarding and no recording. I am trying to ...
Tamir Perl's user avatar
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Forward Twilio MMS Messages Using Twilio Resources

I am trying to use Twilio to forward SMS and MMS messages to multiple phone numbers using Twilio recourses. I followed the online documentations and got SMS forwarding up easily. But I did not find ...
MSieg's user avatar
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Is it possible to relay/forward messages from contact A to contact B using Twilio on WhatsApp?

I would like to be able to have a single phone number that holds a list of contacts. And then for contact A to be able to send a message to that phone number that looks like this: "Fred: Hi fred!&...
Marco Olariu's user avatar
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How to Code PHP for Twilio to forward SMS to Email

Coding newby here. I am trying to write some PHP code to enable SMS forwarding to email with a Twilio phone number. Unfortunately, I haven't had any success in doing so. I saw some tutorials using ...
Mustansir Lokhandwala's user avatar
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Workaround for countries that aren't supported by Twilio

The situation is pretty standard: probably there are no CCaaS (Contact Center as a Service) providers that can sell you phone numbers in nearly any country in the world. Lets take Twilio - it doesn't ...
Laimonas Sutkus's user avatar
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Twilio call forwarding from caller to third party number

I want to ask if it's possible to forward call not from called side but from caller? For example, first user calls to second user. Second user picks up. Then system (or second user) automatically (or ...
user3263668's user avatar
2 votes
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Why does Twilio call forwarding operate differently than carrier call forwarding?

From what I understand, there is a difference between how Twilio handles call forwarding and how the telcom carriers do it. In the first situation, for standard carrier forwarding, say A calls B. ...
Joel Wigton's user avatar
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Call forwarding in Twilio from C#

I am using the latest version of the Twilio Rest API .NET nuget library and I would like to forward an existing voice call. I did find some existing code [HttpPost] public async Task<ActionResult&...
Mark's user avatar
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Forwarding Twilio numbers

I am still new to Twilio, and I was wondering if anyone knows how I can forward my Twilio phone numbers so that I can receive the calls in my office phone number?
Estefania Gonzalez's user avatar
3 votes
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Twilio Forwarding the "Calling Number"

Twilio Newbie with QOTD (Question of the Day). I figure this should be pretty basic but I cannot seem to find the answer. I was successful in forwarding a phone number to my cell phone....Easy.......
Michael Przybylski's user avatar
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Twilio: How to set up a time dependent call forward

I run a company that has two locations, 1 in France and 1 in Australia. We do a lot of business with American companies so we set up a US number with Twilio. Currently, that number is forwarded to our ...
Chris Sargent's user avatar
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How do I use call forwarding and display an edited caller ID string?

When using call forwarding, is there a way to show the originating phone number with a + appended to it? For example, Sue calls 555.1212 from 555.1414. The call is forwarded to 555.1717. The caller ID ...
user2557046's user avatar
7 votes
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Twilio call forwarding

I have a question about Twilio's call forwarding concept. I want to create an application that lets users forward their existing numbers to Twilio, which processes the necessary information, and ...
Prajoth's user avatar
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