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Questions tagged [google-analytics]

Google Analytics is a free web analytics solution that uses JavaScript to send data. Use for questions only about implementing the JavaScript portion. Questions related to Google Analytics data or usage should be submitted to

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Google Analytics not tracking transactions

I'm having trouble getting Google Analytics to track transactions for commerce. Here's the code I'm generating on my order confirmation page. I don't know how to debug this either, I can't find ...
reconbot's user avatar
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Firefox "Bad request" caused by corrupt google tracking cookie

We have an issue on our site whereby some Firefox users are receiving a "Bad Request" message when they visit our site (nothing else, just the words "Bad Request"!) This would appear to be due to a ...
Mr Benn's user avatar
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Google analytics - Tracking events that happened in the past

Let us say I have a log file that has events that happened in the past. Now for some reason suppose that I am not able to track those events in real time using GA but want to do it at a later point of ...
gary's user avatar
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5 answers

PHP array keys - how to display?

I'm doing some work with a Google Analytics class. I get output as below: Array ( [20090401] => Array ( [ga:pageviews] => 5000 [ga:visits] => 2500 ...
Rohan's user avatar
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Are there any drawbacks of "asynchronous tracking" with Google Analytics?

From an old answer I have recently learned that Google Analytics, besides the traditional tracking code, offers so-called "asynchronous tracking". From the documentation, it seems like asynchronous ...
Jørn Schou-Rode's user avatar
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Track custom firefox search engine with google analytics

I made a custom Firefox search engine. It used the code below. Is it possible for me to track the use of this on the site. My concern is that searches form the firefox search engine will look like ...
Vincent's user avatar
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Web Analytics for Platform with Custom Events

I'm building a platform that produces websites. Think as a similar example. Each site is going to be a subdomain of my domain like or I have a few ...
Nader's user avatar
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Setting up Google Analytics for a Google Code project, how long until the tracker has been registered?

I know this can be a gray area question, and might be migrated to Superuser, but I think that the most people I can find that has done this will be here, due to one of the sites in question being ...
Lasse V. Karlsen's user avatar
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How do I let a user add Google Analytics to a page deep within a site?

Each user on my site has a "section" of their own at a part like /user/20 I want each user to be able to specify a Google Analytics code, e.g. UA-12345-6 and have that Google Analytics code placed ...
Graeme's user avatar
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Can I Set Google Analytics to Ignore Certain Sources or Locations?

Basically, I'd like my Google Analytics results to ignore me! Thanks, as always.
Al C's user avatar
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Analytics API to check which bot visited

Does anyone know how to find out which bot visited your web site/page using Google Analytics API and .Net?
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logging incoming traffic from google Sponsored Links clicks

a client asked me to write a script that will log visitors reaching hs site via google adds (Sponsored Links). the idea is to keep track of: 1.users' ip 2. what add they clicked 3. what key words they ...
samoyed's user avatar
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"Target feed is read-only" in Google Analytics API using PEAR HTTP_Request2

I'm trying to fetch all profiles for some Google Analytics account in PHP. I'm using HTTP_Request2 class from PEAR (with cURL adapter, but I've also tried with Socket) and I keep getting "Target feed ...
krcko's user avatar
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6 answers

Google Analytics database [closed]

Does anybody know how data in Google Analytics is organized? Difficult selection from large amounts of data they perform very-very fast, what structure of database is it?
hippout's user avatar
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API for historical traffic data? [closed]

Does anyone know of a public API for historical traffic data? Some quick googling pulls up an API from Yahoo which offers real-time data, but I'd be curious if anyone hosts a service for historical ...
matt b's user avatar
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How to track a download page with google-analytics and php?

I have a download page in php that after performing some checks returns a file, without displaying any html: header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-...
cfischer's user avatar
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21 votes
4 answers

Why does Google Analytic request a GIF file?

Why does Google Analytic request a GIF file? Is it because the GIF allows access to more data than JavaScript alone. Is it to get the IP address of the user?
alex's user avatar
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Create an "sub" account on Google Analytics through an API dynamically

Does anyone know how (if possible) to create an account dynamically? I have a few accounts I need to setup on Google Analytics, and I would love to not have to manually enter each one on GA's site. ...
will's user avatar
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Website redevelopment and preserving Google Analytics

I'm currently working on a project to re-develop a public sector website. The website uses Google Analytics and has done since April 2007, so alot of data has been captured. The new site will be ...
bannypotter's user avatar
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Question on Google Analytics

The below code is for Retrieve user Accounts on Google Analytics. My question is what is to be replaced instead of the code ga:AccountName and ga:ProfileId in the below code To find the visitors ...
Hulk's user avatar
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How to trigger Google Analytics events from Python?

I'm developing a site that has a REST API and I'd like to track the API usage using Google Analytics events. Is there a straightforward way to trigger GA events from Python that doesn't involve ...
Soviut's user avatar
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What is this obscure error in Google Analytics tracking code on a _trackEvent() call?

I am calling the Google Analytics _trackEvent() function on a web page, and get back an error from the obfuscated Google code. In Firebug, it comes back "q is undefined". In Safari developer console:...
Laizer's user avatar
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6 answers

Event tracking data - How long to show?

I have set up event tracking for the first time with Google analytics. My account is receiving normal traffic data but the test clicks I am doing are not showing??? Added ga.js tracking code to ...
Jackson's user avatar
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managing redirection with google analytics

I have a site that contains the file redirect.php?id=123 It redirects folks to another site using an id it pulls from the database. I'd like to track the page on Google Analytics, see where users ...
quickr's user avatar
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username Logging on google analytics

All, I have a site named To track the activities on this website i have used google analytics. Ans to access the user has to be logged in. i.So my question is how do we track the ...
Hulk's user avatar
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Cannot get Google Analytics API to register page views on iPhone

I would like to gather usage statistics for my iPhone app using Google Analytics so I'm trying to configure it using the following tutorial:
Sebastien's user avatar
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How to aggregate analytics from Google, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, etc [closed]

I have a video blog for which I would like to track certain statistics, including stats from Google Analytics, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, etc. The problem is that the various stats are on different ...
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Google Analytics Mobile (ipod/iphone) Custom Variables tracking

It's a bit of time I'm using analytics in my iPhone applications and I find it very useful...but apparently it seems to give me only the ability to track pageviews and events. I just would like to ...
i_mush's user avatar
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Two separate sites, one ecommerce site Google Analytics question

We have two separate families of sites ( and offspring [ etc.] and and offspring). sites and sites are tracked separately using Google ...
Apemantus's user avatar
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Multi-domain setup on Google Analytics

We have a dozen or so sites, as well as the occasional subdomains so: etc We have been using separate GA codes for each site. This works fine, but it means ...
Apemantus's user avatar
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2 answers

Anyone know a Google Analytics Style jquery Date Selector

Here's what Google Analytics has: I haven't been able to find one in jQuery anywhere. Anyone seen it? Would be hot right.'s user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Google-Analytics API to track Site Search?

So there's this nifty _trackPageview() api method on a tracker object, but is there a corresponding method that can be used to manually track a search? In other words, _trackPageview() reports to GA ...
Mike Caron's user avatar
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Can Google Analytics Track Results from Form POST action?

My product search on my website uses HTTP POST to submit the search information. I want to track the search results page, learning what people are searching for and the results that they get. I'm told ...
Mike Caron's user avatar
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12 answers

javascript - Detect if Google Analytics is loaded yet?

I'm working on a project here that will store some info in Google Analytics custom variables. The script I'm building out needs to detect if GA has loaded yet before I can push data to it. The project ...
Geuis's user avatar
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Google Analytics scope question

I'm studying GA and and want to know if it is possible to save any custom information. For example I have a lot of checkboxes on the page and want to know checked statistics. I mean checks count for ...
Danil's user avatar
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trackPageView on Google Analytics for iPhone Not Working

I'm trying to get Google Analytics working on an iPhone application without much luck. I've followed all the instructions on their website (google/apis/analytics/docs/tracking/mobileAppsTracking.html)...
DigitalZombieKid's user avatar
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Why is the visits counter on the Google analytics report site stays on 0?

I've created a simple Google analytics test site that has events (on the buttons) and log visits upon entering the page. The status in the Google analytics report site is set to "Receiving Data". Why ...
Eran Betzalel's user avatar
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Can I use google analytics on vkontakte?

I want to use Google Analytics on my Vkontakte application (written with Flex). Vkontakte does not support naturally in Google Analytics (not as Facebook) which means I can't even put the Google ...
Eran Betzalel's user avatar
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jquery deep linking - how does it effect analytics?

I am looking into using , but I am wondering how it effects google analytics. Google analytics is a snippet of code at the bottom of pages. I would imagine deep ...
Jared's user avatar
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Add Analytics to account of someone other than the one who set it up?

I have been requested to get involved with a family member's site. To date, they have been paying an SEO outfit, which I believe has been feeding them lies and milking them for money. I can see that ...
SamGoody's user avatar
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Google analytics not gathering data from .asp page

I've installed Google Analytics several times in the past without trouble. However, recently i've installed GA on a .asp page for the first time. Google Analytics dashboard tells me the tag is ...
sthg's user avatar
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Does anyone use Google Analytics? How Google does it to avoid counting the owner of the website as visitor?

I don't want to be counted as visitor every time I test my page in the hosting. Does Google know i'm the owner of the site by checking if i'm logged in my Gmail account?
0 votes
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Tools to generate reportanalytics feeds from google

Can you recommend any programmable tools/extensions that can be used to generate reports out of google analytics feed on th fly? Essentially some kind of pdf generator from feed, not sure though. Or ...
dhaval's user avatar
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Cause Google Analytics log from non-web application (eg. via WebClient)

I'd like to gather some stats about the usage of my application, and since I already have web stats in Google Analytics, I thought it'd be cool if I could send a request from the app that causes a hit ...
Danny Tuppeny's user avatar
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In Flex, what's the difference between 'creationComplete' and 'addedToStage'?

I want to count (via google analytics) the times a pop-up is displayed to the user. Which event should I use to deduce that the pop-up is being displayed to the user?
Hisham's user avatar
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Which browsers support <script async="async" />?

On December 1, 2009, Google announced support for asynchronous Google Analytics tracking. The asynchronous tracking is achieved using the async directive for the <script> tag. Which browsers ...
knorv's user avatar
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HTML valid way of tracking outbound links via Google Analytics?

I am using this, and I have it tracking an outbound link, but I want my page to be valid. This is the error I am getting: There is no "OnCick" attribute The HTML is: <p>View some of our ...
Brad's user avatar
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Google Ecommerce tracking code not working [closed]

My client has asked me to implement GA ecommerce code in their ecommerce website. So I added the code to the success page. I just purchased an item from the site, and the following is the code that ...
Fiona's user avatar
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Google Analytics - can it collect form data?

Simple scenario: I have a signup form, with user name, password, email address, may be credit card number. At the bottom of the page, I implement the Google Analytics code. when user clicks submit, ...
Murvinlai's user avatar
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How to divide a search query into sub queries?

I am just wondering if there is an algorithm that can divide a user input query for a search engine into a set of sub queries. for example if the entered query is "plcae to stay and eat" the sub ...
user200340's user avatar
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