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Questions tagged [insert-update]

A mixed flavour of data entry mode and data modification mode. It can be used when insert is required for case of non-existing data and modification if data exists.

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Insert data from Table A to Table B, then Update Table A with Table B ID

I currently have two tables like the following: Table A TableAId TableAPrivateField CommonField1 CommonField2 CommonField.. TableBGeneratedId 1 datadatadata datadatadata2 datadatadata3 d... NULL 2 ...
Fabio Valt's user avatar
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Upsert records in postgresql

I am working with postgresql database and I have below update query which works fine - 'UPDATE "main"."item_vendor"\n' + ' SET\n' + ' "vendor_id" = $1,...
rosed's user avatar
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Not getting value in input field on clicking button in jquery

Simple problem. I have id and a variable I want to concatenate. However when I click on edit button it shows id in input field but not showing correspondant department name in department input field. ...
musfirah hamid's user avatar
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How to update instead of aggregating Google Slides when updating records in Google Sheet with Google Apps Script?

Using Google Apps Script, I generate G-Slides based on a template (first slide top left) as shown below... ...from a Google Sheet where each row has a set of attributes corresponding to its ...
HP-Nunes's user avatar
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Open Edge Progress database update query

I'm a beginner in Open Edge Progress database. Is there any query to update/insert data into progress database table my try was ASSIGN TABLE.COLUMN=DATA END Is this correct?
Naruhina's user avatar
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How update the value in SubForm if is duplicate in access

In access I have Form name FB (table name = FB) and SubForm name FBB ( table =FBB) (relationship one to many) I use ( currentdb.execute "insert into FBB (FBID, ProductName, Quantity) "& ...
Abdullatif AOUADI's user avatar
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insertIgnore of Exposed is not inserting data

I have made this table: object PartnerOwnerMappingTable : IntIdTable("partner_owner_mapping") { val ownerId = integer("owner_id") val driverUUID = uuid("driver_uuid") ...
prashant gupta's user avatar
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Copy first row values to all rows and update two columns value from another table

We have a table where the first row will be updated with UI input through API, we have to replicate the same data for different dates from another table. How do we do it in SQL (working on SQL Server ...
Chaitra Murthy's user avatar
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How to change name of a field in MongoDB with java for each document in the collection?

Due to some decisions I will have to change the name of some fields in all documents in a single collection. For purpose of automation testing I am inserting documents and then checking some logics. ...
Alex's user avatar
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MYSQL SELECT statement failing within an UPDATE, within a LOOP

I am writing a stored procedure to update a company calendar. The calendar data is stored within a MYSQL table. The stored procedure is an insert function which should force all calendar events ...
Luke Krell's user avatar
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How to upsert record from one db connection to another in postgres using dbeaver?

I have two connections in my dbeaver namely preproduction and postproduction. Both the database have a table called profiles. I want to upsert data from my postproduction.profiles into preproduction....
Areeba Akhtar's user avatar
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Update a single row in a table in SQL

So, I am creating a new table that gets populated from another table. NewTableA.ColA is getting populated from an existing OldTableB.ColB Source query that populates NewTableA.ColA: SELECT TOP (1) ...
WhoIsNotActive's user avatar
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3 answers

Clojure: Create or update Map values in a vector

I want to update some values in my vector. To change this : [{:key 0, :values {:value1 1, :value2 100}} {:key 1, :values {:value1 5, :value2 300}}] In this: [{:key 0, :values {:value1 1, :value2 100}}...
Noweh's user avatar
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golang/pq : "pq: function uniq(integer[]) does not exist"

Here's my code (works fine with gin) query :=` UPDATE posts SET liked_by = uniq(array_append(liked_by, $1)) WHERE id = $2 RETURNING liked_by` return p.DB.Exec(query, userID, post.ID) The error I'm ...
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How to do an UPSERT in Python for MSSQL [duplicate]

I have the following problem. I am getting some data from an api in form of a json. I want to load this json data into an existing table. I get the data in following format: { "abcd": &...
fnavw's user avatar
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