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$(this) not set in the jQuery UI dialog "open" option

At the bottom of a word game there are 4 buttons, which open jQuery UI dialogs with certain words from the game dictionary: I am trying to simplify the game code by creating the following function: //...
Alexander Farber's user avatar
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1 answer

JavaScript doesn't apply on jQuery UI dialog

$("input, select, textarea") .addClass("ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all") .css({ padding: ".2rem .5rem" }); So, I use the ...
Ward Verduyn's user avatar
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Why are the changes immediately reset when a dialog window is opened?

I want to open a dialog that loads the code of another page. This works so far. Now I want to set a select of the loaded dialog to one of its options and then disable (lock) it. But every change I ...
Tim's user avatar
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How can I close a JQuery dialog using a pre-defined function?

I want to make my dialog close after the following function: function decide(category, choice, price, bool) { data.push([category, choice, price, earn]); } I have tried playing around with JQuery's ...
LitFishie121's user avatar
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Changing jquery UI dialogue titlebar HTML from span to H2

I am using a JQuery UI dialogue and it renders the below HTML. I want the span tag to be replaced with H2 tag, do we have any way to do this <div class="ui-dialog-titlebar ui-widget-header&...
akash prasad's user avatar
3 votes
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jQuery load() has 200 response code, but desired contents not loaded in selected element

In one JSP file I have an element: <div id="mydialog"></div> I have an anchor tag <a href='#' id="#newentry"> On the click of the anchor tag I have some jQuery ...
omri's user avatar
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Input fields of jquery dialog box freezes

I have a dialog box with a button and checkbox on it. On open function of dialog box i have following code: $('#dialog1').dialog({ modal: true, open: function (event, ui) { $('#...
Sweta Prajapati's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Jquery Dialog not loading in aspnet MVC

i want to be to display child records when i click a button . The data is displayed as a table. I have created a partial view that will display the records. I have created a controller action method ...
user3079559's user avatar
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When the jQuery dialog is on I do not want the user to interact with the background

If the user clicks an external link, the jQuery UI dialog appears with "ok" and "cancel" buttons and when they hit "ok" it should take them to the external site. Everything is working as expected, ...
User's user avatar
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2 answers

JQuery - How to target correct button in multiple JQuery cloned Dialogs?

I am cloning multiple instances of a JQuery Dialog: $('#button').click(function() { $('.dialog').clone().appendTo('body').removeClass('dialog').dialog({ width: '300', height: '200'...
IlludiumPu36's user avatar
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How to replace window.alert('') with jQuery UI dialog - merging two scripts

I am looking for some help with merging two jquery scripts. Both attached examples are working with basic functionality, but I do not have enough experience in order to combine them into one script. ...
bzc0fq's user avatar
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Scrollbar freezing when there is lots of data in jQuery dialog

I have a jQuery Dialog box which is populated by an AJAX call to a controller action in MVC. This AJAX call returns more than 13,000 rows of data which is bound to a table inside the dialog. ...
subhrendu's user avatar
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Is there a Vanilla JS alternative for the jQuery UI Dialog widget [closed]

Is there a Vanilla JS replacement for the dialog widget provided by jQuery UI? It should at least allow to contain arbitrary markup, so alert or prompt are not an option.
doberkofler's user avatar
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jQuery UI - Prevent dialog from dragging above div

Is there a way to prevent jQuery UI dialog from going above or below #top div? I'm not looking for z-index solution, but rather something like offset from the top. In this case dialog should be unable ...
RhymeGuy's user avatar
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Datepicker on jQuery UI dialog fails on second opening of dialog

I have a static page with a link that opens a modal Dialog that loads a sub-page. The sub-page includes an input with a Datepicker widget. When I first open the Dialog, the sub-page loads and the ...
Francisco's user avatar
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Changing Jquery UI Dialog Button to a form submit button

I'm trying to use one of the Jquery-ui Dialog buttons as a form submit button. I want to use the submit button because it triggers HTML5's form validations where form.submit() would not. Currently, I'...
Soujirou's user avatar
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Jquery-ui Tabs Open dialog box on tab click (stop code)

This is my code. I am trying to stop the clicked tab from loading until i get a response from the dialog box. Also if i click cancel, i wan to return to the previously selected tab. currently the way ...
Micah Caffrey's user avatar
2 votes
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Jquery modal not working properly

I am trying to use jquery ui modal but it doesnot working as my needs ie, i want to show the data only inside the modal but here it shows before i clicking the button . function pop_up() { var ...
sooraj s pillai's user avatar
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How do I manually close a jquery-dialog?

This is my pop up: I make a popup with javascript but I dont know how to close it, I already make a close button like this [x], but I want make another close button when user click "no" ...
pahlevi's user avatar
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jQuery-ui dialog don't show on click event

My jQuery-ui dialog don't show when clicking on a submit button html : <input id="pdfsub" type="button" name="pdfsub" value="PDF"> Javascript $(document).ready(function() { $("#...
user avatar
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1 answer

Open Jquery-ui dialog in another <script> tag

is it possible to initialize and open the jquery-ui dialog in a different "script" tag , like this : Specification : Working with EJS (Nodejs express templates) <script> $(document)....
user avatar
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Initializing and opening Jquery-ui dialog

i'm trying to load a jquery-ui dialog when the page loaded .the page content is loading but the dialog doesn't show. <script> $(document).ready(function() { $("#loginfailed")....
user avatar
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Can not open jQuery UI dialog multiple times - test case included

I have prepared a simple test case demonstrating my problem - I use a jQuery UI button to open a jQuery UI dialog: However this works only once. On subsequent button clicks I get the error: ...
Alexander Farber's user avatar
1 vote
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jQuery UI setting absolute dialog position does nothing

I want to set the absolute position (x and y) of a jQuery UI (1.12.1) dialog. By all accounts I should be able to do that like so (although the jQuery docs inexplicably do not mention this syntax, ...
Jason C's user avatar
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jQuery $.ajax and jQuery UI dialog: Uncaught TypeError: Illegal invocation?

I am trying to send an AJAX request when I click a jQuery UI dialog Save button and this is how I am doing it: $(function () { var comment_dlg = $('#add_comment_dialog'); var quote_id = $('#...
ReynierPM's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Mysterious mouse event closes jQuery UI dialog

This is obviously a SSCCE. So we are tasked with writing the front-end of a missile launch control system. We opt for a Spartan layout given that this is deadly serious: just a text input box and a ...
Marcus Junius Brutus's user avatar
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create a new node in jstree using jquery dialog

I want to create a node in the jstree grid, when clicking create i want to popup a jquery dialog box in which i want to enter the node name and save it. How to implement jquery dialog popup with ...
Neege's user avatar
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JQueryUI Dialog: 'auto' width does not consider vertical scrollbar

I have a JQueryUI Dialog with the width property as 'auto'. Everything works fine except in cases where the content extends beyond the dialog's height: A vertical scrollbar appears (as is intended), ...
Sebastianb's user avatar
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How to use jQuery dialog() instead of confirm() from within C# code?

I am a Frontenddeveloper without further knowledge of C#, so please excuse my maybe stupid question. I am currently trying to use jQuery UI Dialog to replace the common JavaScript alert() and confirm()...
JonSnow's user avatar
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Why server side code is not firing from JQuery dialog in

I am using Jquery-ui version v1.12.1 I have a button in my form. Once it click, that will make a jquery-ui dialog box. Then I have a one textbox and one asp:button. when user click the button, it'...
mohamed faisal's user avatar
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1 answer

Transitioning from Kendo UI Window to JQuery UI Dialog

Looking for advice or help to remove Kendo UI Window code and replace it with JQuery UI Dialog. As we transition from ASP.Net MVC to a ASP.Net Core 1.0 MVC site, management has decided to do away ...
Mike Mastro's user avatar
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jquery dialog - want radiobutton inside popup to value to input

I want to use jquery dialog to choose radio button and after choose it will .val() to my input but why it did not work? What's wrong with my code I'm not sure that I use onchange event for radio ...
doflamingo's user avatar
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Could jquery's dialog modal change page inside modal?

Hello I try to make the jquery dialog popup(modal) can change to other page in the popup (load other page in exist popup) but I don't know how to load the test3.php inside modal by coding in test2....
doflamingo's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

jQuery UI dialog with - Object doesn't support property or method 'dialog'

I have an aspx page using a master page that is giving me issues when I try using a jQuery UI dialog. <asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="HeadContent" runat="server"> <link ...
Joe's user avatar
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13 votes
6 answers

jQuery dialog losing focus on scrolling

I have a jQuery dialog below. I'm using jQuery UI 1.11. $("#contactContainer").dialog({ closeOnEscape: false, modal: true, dialogClass: 'contactsFooter', open: function(event, ui) { $("....
Linga's user avatar
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3 answers

jQuery UI modal dialog: button icons do not appear

My modal dialog works perfectly (meaning I can adjust every option), except that the button icons option has no effect. Here's the code I'm using to generate the dialog: $('#alert_div') .attr("...
Harpo Jaeger's user avatar
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2 answers

How to remove extra space inside of jQuery UI dialog box

here is my dialog box I want to delete or remove the extra spaces inside of dialog box. How can I achieve it? for extra details here my HTML <div id="beneficiaries_window"> <?php $...
reyjoel's user avatar
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Appending to jquery dialog apparent bug -- any workarounds?

When appending to a jquery dialog, it automatically resizes the dialog to fit the new content. That's great. After moving the dialog, this functionality breaks. That sucks. As you can see in this ...
Skeets's user avatar
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Alter behaviour of jQuery UI Dialog

I have a dialog defined with jQuery UI in this way: this.dialog = $.dialog({ title: 'Title', open: function () { //do something }, close: function () { //do something ...
marcosh's user avatar
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image not refreshing in jquery Dialog, works fine in Google Chrome

I have a weird issue regarding jquery Dialog. I am using Jquery dialog for showing jcaptcha image. I have a refresh button on dialog. On click of a link, this captcha dialog should open. My issue is, ...
Rohan's user avatar
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My Jquery UI dialog doesn't fire if not preceded by an alert

My problem is I have a Jquery UI dialog which not fire if not preceded by an alert. The div for my dialog at the beginning of my page : <div id="dialog-confirm" title="Modification de la date ...
testa abalez's user avatar
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How to add extra buttons to jQuery dialog title bar

How to add extra button to jQuery dialog title bar I want to add extra buttons to jQuery Dialog Title Bar. I want to add minimum 5 Buttons to jQuery Dialog Title Bar. Maximum "N". Buttons like as ...
G Naga Subrahmanyam's user avatar
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Create multiple instance jQuery UI dialog on button click

I want to create multiple instance jQuery Dialog UI. I also want to create the multiple clone of each jQuery Dialog UI with same Title. If I click on Open Dialog 1, then Basic dialog 1 will open. If ...
G Naga Subrahmanyam's user avatar
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Jquery UI Dialog not centered vertically

Question about Jquery UI Dialog. Got function: function showOrderDetails(orderId) { $("#orderDetailsDiv").dialog(); } Function is called like this: <a href="javascript:showOrderDetails(...
alxexandr pavlov's user avatar
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jQuery UI dialog not appearing Squarespace adblock detect

I have created an AdBlock detector, and my jQuery dialog does not seem to be working. Note: the "adblock" variable is already referenced. Also, I am using Squarespace, which is why I had to add the ...
jscoder's user avatar
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jQuery draggable position unchanged

I have four draggables next to each other and I want it to be so that once a draggable is remove from the list, the rest would stay in place. <div class="draggables"> <div ...
Gabby_987's user avatar
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Jquery dialog issue in IE11

I have this piece of code to open a popup using jquery UI. $('#myId').dialog({ autoopen:false, height:"550", width:"90%", closeOnEscape:true, modal:true, show:{ effect:"...
Jayababu's user avatar
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No jumping drag/resize Dialog in scrolled window/area?

How to normal resize & drag UI Dialog in scrolled window/area? Is top/left correction of Dialog really necessary? (how to correct coordinates that both works) How about fixing Dialog? What ...
Kaster's user avatar
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Dynamic Jquery UI Dialog Not Working In IE

I've written a function that dynamically creates Jquery UI dialogs that looks like this. /* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++...
Kellen Stuart's user avatar
1 vote
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Access jQueryUI Dialog buttons upon creation

How do I access jQueryUI Dialog buttons upon creation and get their size? As a workaround, I could do so when it is opened. var $button1; var dialog = $('#dialog')....
user1032531's user avatar
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