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jQuery UI setting absolute dialog position does nothing

I want to set the absolute position (x and y) of a jQuery UI (1.12.1) dialog. By all accounts I should be able to do that like so (although the jQuery docs inexplicably do not mention this syntax, ...
Jason C's user avatar
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jQuery $.ajax and jQuery UI dialog: Uncaught TypeError: Illegal invocation?

I am trying to send an AJAX request when I click a jQuery UI dialog Save button and this is how I am doing it: $(function () { var comment_dlg = $('#add_comment_dialog'); var quote_id = $('#...
ReynierPM's user avatar
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jQueryUI Dialog inside jQueryUI Tab - funny positioning

I've got a web page using jQueryUI tabs and some of these tabs have listeners which recieve a callback when it's data is changed by another process, and offers to update the page for you with the ...
ministe's user avatar
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Mysterious mouse event closes jQuery UI dialog

This is obviously a SSCCE. So we are tasked with writing the front-end of a missile launch control system. We opt for a Spartan layout given that this is deadly serious: just a text input box and a ...
Marcus Junius Brutus's user avatar
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Can initiate jquery dialog, but when opening get Uncaught TypeError: $(...).dialog is not a function

I have an ecommerce site where I allow users to add to cart via ajax. When the add to cart succeeds I show a dialog with a success message. At some point, and I don't know when, the dialog stopped ...
hgolov's user avatar
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create a new node in jstree using jquery dialog

I want to create a node in the jstree grid, when clicking create i want to popup a jquery dialog box in which i want to enter the node name and save it. How to implement jquery dialog popup with ...
Neege's user avatar
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JQueryUI Dialog: 'auto' width does not consider vertical scrollbar

I have a JQueryUI Dialog with the width property as 'auto'. Everything works fine except in cases where the content extends beyond the dialog's height: A vertical scrollbar appears (as is intended), ...
Sebastianb's user avatar
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How to use jQuery dialog() instead of confirm() from within C# code?

I am a Frontenddeveloper without further knowledge of C#, so please excuse my maybe stupid question. I am currently trying to use jQuery UI Dialog to replace the common JavaScript alert() and confirm()...
JonSnow's user avatar
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Create specific exceptions for JQuery-UI tooltip behavior in a document

I have a series of divs identifiable by class as dialog content templates. Among other things, the content divs have title attributes which are used by JQuery Dialog as the title of the dialog window, ...
KeithS's user avatar
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Why server side code is not firing from JQuery dialog in

I am using Jquery-ui version v1.12.1 I have a button in my form. Once it click, that will make a jquery-ui dialog box. Then I have a one textbox and one asp:button. when user click the button, it'...
mohamed faisal's user avatar
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Why my server side code is not firing on Button click?

I don't understand why my server side is not executed. Here is my code ASP code <div class="row" style="padding-top:20px;"> <div class="col-lg-4"> ...
Liam neesan's user avatar
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Transitioning from Kendo UI Window to JQuery UI Dialog

Looking for advice or help to remove Kendo UI Window code and replace it with JQuery UI Dialog. As we transition from ASP.Net MVC to a ASP.Net Core 1.0 MVC site, management has decided to do away ...
Mike Mastro's user avatar
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jQuery UI dialog: Combine width:auto and minWidth

I am initializing my jQuery dialog like this: .dialog({ maxHeight: 600, minWidth: 500, width: "auto", height: "auto" }); The goal is to have the dialog auto-size width to content on ...
oscilatingcretin's user avatar
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Jquery UI Dialog make not closable

I want to close when i click some button. I don't want to close when click escape or close icon. How can i do it ? i want to like this $("#BtnOpen").click(function(){ $("#MyDialog").dialog("open"); }...
Printy Criess's user avatar
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how to add box shadow when scrolling in jquery dialog

I want to add box shadow on .ui-dialog-titlebar when scrolling in dialog box. Something like this: Here is my code: $(function(){ $("#dlg-vop").dialog({ autoOpen: false, ...
pzoli's user avatar
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how to prevent page reload or page refresh after clicking jquery dialog close button

while closing dialog the whole page gets refresh. How can i avoid? Please see my code below: // delete button <a id="confirmDelete" class="button orange" href="#" onclick="goDelete(this);"...
Vandana's user avatar
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jQuery dialog won't switch to modal after initialization

If I initialize my modal like this: $("#dlg").dialog({ open: function (e) { $(this).load('mvc action url'); }, close: function () { $(this).dialog('destroy').empty(); }...
oscilatingcretin's user avatar
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Cannot get jQuery-UI dialog to open with dynamically created links

OK, strange issue here. I have the following code: <script> $("#calendar_container").on("click",".day-header-link", function(e){ refreshDialog(); $.ajax({ url: $(this).attr("...
Calvin Koone's user avatar
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How to vertical center dialog box with different hight of tabs?

I know that jquery ui dialog box is centered by default. But I have problem when I put into dialog box tabs. First one is a short login form and the second one is a longer reg form. When I open the ...
pzoli's user avatar
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how to add jquery tabcontrol in jquery dialog that open from other jquery dialog have a tab control

I have a jquery dialog form that contains a jquery tabcontrol. $(document).ready(function () { var dialog = $("#CreateForm").parentsUntil(".ui-dialog"); dialog[0]["...
amir hosein khanlari's user avatar
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jquery dialog - want radiobutton inside popup to value to input

I want to use jquery dialog to choose radio button and after choose it will .val() to my input but why it did not work? What's wrong with my code I'm not sure that I use onchange event for radio ...
doflamingo's user avatar
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jQuery UI Dialog appendTo issue

I just update from jquery ui 1.11.4 to 1.12.1 and current code doesn't work $('<div />').dialog(); I have to do this to show the dialog $('<div />').appendTo('body').dialog(); I try to ...
Reynier's user avatar
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How create my jquery ui custom dialog?

Hi I need to create this design from jquery ui dialog and I do not know where to start I have several problems because it takes the jquery libraries ui and I do not manage to reach my goal This is ...
pedro's user avatar
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Could jquery's dialog modal change page inside modal?

Hello I try to make the jquery dialog popup(modal) can change to other page in the popup (load other page in exist popup) but I don't know how to load the test3.php inside modal by coding in test2....
doflamingo's user avatar
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Need to close Jquery UI dialog from controller action in MVC 5

I am building a site where I am calling a partial view within a jquery ui dialog box. Within the partial view there is a 'save' button that commits the data on the form to the database. Currently it ...
silverbullettruck2001's user avatar
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Jquery UI dialog not working along side JQuery Mobile

I cannot get a simple dialog box working in JQuery when I also include JQuery mobile: <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="...
Jodes's user avatar
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Can not set jquery ui dialog overlay background color

I want to set the Jquery UI dialog overlay background to different color. The following CSS is not working. .ui-widget-overlay{background:red;} Please see fiddle.
Tester's user avatar
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JQuery confirmation dialog on submit click in PHP

I wrote a php code in which when I click on submit button some item in combobox will be deleted. Now I want confirmation and I wrote below code which is not working. php code: $DeleteButton=$_REQUEST[...
AmirA's user avatar
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jQuery UI dialog buttons click once

I have jQuery dialog with buttons. When user clicks on button, it take some time, to make ajax call and do some stuff. During this time, user is able to click again and again. I want to avoid this ...
srnjak's user avatar
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How can I bind Autocomplete to a dialog within Serene Template

If you go to this online sample template and see what I am talking about: Serene Template Samples When you clicked on "New Customer", the jquery modal dialog gets created via typescript. This dialog ...
wirble's user avatar
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