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Pre-entered jqueryui datepicker "MM yy" formatted dates fail to render on ASP.Net server-side validation failure

I am using a jqueryui datepicker date (non-standard format: "MM yy" datepicker / "MMMM yyyy" C#). When the form fails server-side validation, dates that were pre-entered fail to re-render on return ...
AndrewStein's user avatar
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jquery datepicker not showing calender

I've multiple date pickers on multiple pages. I am rendering them through partial views. The issue is that some of them are showing calendar to pick the date and some not. This is my input tag(raw) ...
Shubham Sharma's user avatar
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MVC 4 models not accept jquery datapicker date format

I am using Entity framwork 6 , MVC 4 and jquery datepicker. When fill all the form data and press the submit button the ModelState.IsValid always return false value, because the jquery datepicker ...
Merbin Jo's user avatar
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Trying to implement weekly DateRangePicker control

I'm working on an ASP.NET MVC 5 application project, and I want to add a textbox to a view to hold a 7-day range. The textbox will have two icons, one on the left side and another on the right side of ...
Techie2015's user avatar
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Menu navigation not working with jquery datepicker

I have database generated menu with child menu items in my MVC4 web application which was working fine until I didn't implemented Jquery datepicker. As soon as I included datetimepicker.js and ...
kashi_rock's user avatar
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how to add javascript for date picker in ASP.Net MVC 4

I want to date picker widget for my view in mvc i created a java script as mentioned below but i could not able to get the date picker when i run the application. kindly help me. ...
ramki_ramakrishnan's user avatar
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TextBox with Date picker ? Date validation@ jquery

well coming straight to point . I am having a form with many controls and i am performing some sort of validations on it . I been stuck at one thing i have attached DATE-PICKER to one of My text-...
super cool's user avatar
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Jquery datepicker submit value to the MVC4 model

I have following code which is used to be one popup of datepicker in date enrollment field. and want to submit date value to the enrollment field in the database. in short i mean to say i want to pick ...
Jot Dhaliwal's user avatar
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jquery date picker not working MVC4

The following are my code files, I tried with these but never see any date picker popup. I don't know where the problem resides, the popup have to come on enrollementdate input box. student.cs ...
Jot Dhaliwal's user avatar
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disable jQuery Datepicker Icon doesn't work after PostBack

Does anyone know why I can not disable the datepicker image after a postback? I'm taking a post in a PartialView. $(document).ready(function () { var cartaoCreditoContaBancaria = $('#...
Danielle's user avatar
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MVC 4 Jquery Datepicker Initializes on Multiple Separate Threads

I'm using VS2010, MVC 4 with Razor, JQuery 1.8/JQueryUI 1.10.3 and AJAX in am AnyCPU web app. I'm seeing really odd behavior where the initialization of a JQueryUI datepicker runs on 3-4 separate ...
Stinky Towel's user avatar
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Always getting null in datetime field in mvc4

my problrm is very similar to the question in Getting date time always null back to controller in MVC3 But, even though I have specified the DataAnnotations, and also specified the format in the ...
user2771399's user avatar
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One individual jQuery UI DatePicker not working

I have three text inputs on a view. All have the class datepicker. @Html.TextBox("Dummy", DateTime.Now, new { @class = "datepicker" }) @Html.EditorFor(model => model.StartDate) @Html.EditorFor(...
ProfK's user avatar
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jquery validation date format issues in chrome

im using jquery validation and have a date field, using jquery i applay the datepicker to the edit field: HTML: <p>@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.rol.fecha_expiracion, new { @id = "...
EricGS's user avatar
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Jquery datepicker behave weird in IE browser

i have set StartDate and EndDate at runtime using View model value. using "setDate". and same for the End date. Here Date values are coming from model and i am setting these values in java script. ...
user1788162's user avatar

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