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Disable all Sundays and some specific dates in jQuery UI datepicker

I am trying to disable all Sundays and some specific dates in jQuery UI datepicker. These conditions, together, don't work in my code. Only sundays are getting disabled. Here is the code var array = [,...
user22409362's user avatar
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Compare value of jQuery Datepicker with the value of an Advanced Custom Fields field [duplicate]

I have a page with a jQuery Datepicker. Once the value is selected, I want to be able to store it in a PHP variable, so I can compare it with a variable I am getting from an Advanced Custom Fields ...
JMA's user avatar
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jQuery datepicker month select box opens and closes immediately inside Bootstrap modal

I've encountered a conflict between Bootstrap's modal and jQuery UI datepicker where I can't use the month select box because something closes it immediately after being open. Steps to reproduce: ...
CIRCLE's user avatar
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Any way to make lastVal work for a jQuery UI datepicker that is displayed inline?

As I mentioned above, I'm displaying a jQuery datepicker inline and can't get lastVal working. For further illustration I've edited a jQuery datepicker with working lastVal to displaying inline and ...
csabinho's user avatar
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How to alert user of date selection criteria?

I have seen this question being asked here: Alert User When Selecting Disabled Date Unfortunately, there is nothing to glean from the answers provided. We have a requirement to prevent users from ...
Tairoc's user avatar
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How to set third min-max relationship for jQuery UI datepicker

In my application I'm using jquery datepicker for 3 date inputs, "receiveDate", "startDate" and "endDate". I already set my startDate always earlier than endDate by: $(&...
Acadia's user avatar
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Jquery Datepicker element displaying date in incorrect format and messed up styling

I am having a problem with my datepicker element that is driving me crazy. I am using the following code to create the datepicker element in index.cshtml: @using ChartDataStructures; @model UpToDate @{...
grant martin's user avatar
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JQuery UI DatePicker - Input Blocked when Calendar Overlays card-header

I have implemented JQuery UI Datepicker on a site. I have an issue where that when I click to show the calendar dropdown, where the dropdown overlays the bootstrap card in the next row, anything over ...
Simon Evans's user avatar
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jquery ui datepicker - beforeShowDay not working when I first open the clendar

it looks like the beforeShowDay doesn't work the first time I open the calendar on the current month. I'm having the jquery ui datepicker with few active days each month. when I refresh the website ...
user3316244's user avatar
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How can we do date highlight which we particular disabled using jquery in ui datepicker

Here is my code as below, Please help me to find out solution for add highlight on those dates which I particularly disabled and Sundays. And Do not want to highlight disabled previous dates from ...
Ravina Madhani's user avatar
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jQuery UI datepicker onSelect NOT working

I have From Date and To Date jQuery datepicker controls and if I change From Date, then To Date should automatically be 180 days from From Date Below code is not firing the onSelect event even if this ...
CPK_2011's user avatar
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Jquery UI Datepicker - if user enter last 2 digit of year in input field it should show as 4 digit of year

$("body").on("focusin", ".date_field", function(e) { $(this).datepicker({ yearRange: "c-40:c+10", minDate: $(this).data("minimum-date&...
Garima Jain's user avatar
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jQuery UI Datepicker Event catcher NOT within the plugin code

I am trying to trigger an event outside of the jQuery UI's onSelect code. I am trying to use jQuery (and I tried vanilla JS too), to catch the on select event of a date, which is actually a 'table td' ...
ClosDesign's user avatar
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How can I configure jquery-ui datepicker to enable for selection only the last friday of each month?

obviously I dont know much about JS so I try best to run the datepicker. In our picker, we wanted only be able to pick every last Friday of the month. I've already written the code for this and it ...
Chris's user avatar
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Getting/setting value from Jquery UI Datepicker returns undefine from chrome extension

I'm using chrome extension to automate my few tasks, one of them is to select the date from datepicker. but i'm unable to perform actions on Jquery UI datepicker by using its methods such as: $("....
Rida Fatima's user avatar

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