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Questions tagged [jquery]

jQuery is a JavaScript library. jQuery is a popular cross-browser JavaScript library that facilitates Document Object Model (DOM) traversal, event handling, animations, and AJAX interactions by minimizing the discrepancies across browsers. A question tagged jQuery should be related to jQuery, so jQuery should be used by the code in question, and at least jQuery usage-related elements must be in the question. Consider also adding the JavaScript tag.

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How do I create unique ID in div?

I have an infinite scroll page in Wordpress. While scrolling, the script loads, but it renders all the text1.js in to the first <article><div>. This means that when I see article 1, text1....
PommardXL's user avatar
-6 votes
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Need Slider that moves with hover [closed]

[I want to create a slider which work like this with html css js, which means when i hover to the next slide the slider moves] (]( ...
shahzeb khalid's user avatar
-2 votes
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html-pdf library , pdf create method, not working, not able to create pdf using this lib

html-pdf: Received the exit code '1' html-pdf: Evaluation - ReferenceError: Can't find variable: $ Stack: at undefined When i am trying to create pdf using html-pdf lib , using below then i am ...
Shagun Rai's user avatar
1 vote
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ASP.NET Core Razor Pages - Logging User Logout Time on Browser/Tab Close

I have an ASP.NET Core 8.0 project using Razor Pages where I'm logging user login and logout times. Currently, I'm facing an issue where if the user closes the browser/tab directly, the logout time ...
Yuvraj Jadhav's user avatar
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2 answers

How to validate array of array inputs Jquery?

How do we validate array of array input boxes using jquery validation plugin? Below is html code. <form id="transport-form"> <div class="form-group> <label> ...
B L Praveen's user avatar
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Ajax Jquery append dropdown only populating once [duplicate]

When choosing a state, the user can also filter by city. However, the cities only populate once on their dropdown. All of the data for the new state selection(the cities) is being sent and logged. But ...
Sovereign Vapor's user avatar
-1 votes
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jQuery: onclick event works only the first time

Trying to add two event handlers on two elements respectively. The second element will only appear in DOM after users clicks the first element. My problem is the first event handler only work for one ...
Jane Lim's user avatar
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1 answer

jQuery Chat - Scroll to the bottom

I have a script that scrolls to the bottom of the messages div when it loads the chat or when a new message is sent. I was checking if the user was already at the bottom of the div because if it is ...
Cezar Duarte's user avatar
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jQuery Hide or show an element upon confirming delete

I have the following PHP loop: for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($order->products); $i++) { $id = $order->products[$i]['id']; ... ... echo ' <div id="piGal_' . $id . '...
Edward B.'s user avatar
0 votes
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How to query post requests on browser

I've been getting started with querying APIs, and I spent a while today frustrated with trying to do a POST request through my browser, the same way I was able to do GET requests. I folded and got ...
klaus's user avatar
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Check for Table null in Jquery for JSON response

I have a JSON Response which has 5 tables. So I parse that same JSON. After parsing, I am getting 1st table as [] . So I want to check that condition. Below is the JSON response and parsing. var ...
hud's user avatar
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How to disable options with especific value in all selects with same name?

I have several selects like this: <select id="slctDat1" name="slctDat1" class="form-select"> <option value="1">Text1</option> </...
SOUserNumber613's user avatar
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Selectize not showing results that starts with the character Ñ

I have a list with several options but the search is not showing the element that start with the Ñ character. If this character is in the middle of the string, it has no problems. here i copy the code ...
Luis Emmanuel Deprati Duque's user avatar
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Prepending <i> element inside <span> problem

$(document).on('click', '[showsubcommentsid]', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var clickitem = $(this); var onoffstatus = $(this).attr("OnOffStatus"); var hasopennedonce = ...
user26029025's user avatar
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How to access dropdown panel click event in CKEditor5?

I want to listen to the font list toolbar dropdown click event in CKEditor5. I am not able to find how to access the fonts list dropdown component of CKEditor5. How does one register for this event? I ...
Omkar's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Select2 not loading options on initialization

I have a select on my page and it has options in it. When I initialize the select2 the options are not loaded. <select class="form-select form-select-sm" id="select-user-1"> ...
Diogo Corigo's user avatar
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Boostrap open and close modals in sequence

I am using Cakephp3 and using Bootstrap modals to open my modals once after another something like this way in sequence .. <a href="/website/...
Mittul At TechnoBrave's user avatar
1 vote
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jquery navigation list with sliding pages over the home page [duplicate]

I am a complete beginner with jquery and I need your help to improve my side nav. I try to make a side navigation inspire by this Wix template The difference is my menu is floating on the left, with 3 ...
The beginner's user avatar
3 votes
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Video doesn't start playing when scrolling into view ONLY mobile devices

I am experiencing problems in the mobile version. From desktop to scroll the video starts correctly but from mobile it doesn't work. Searching I also found this question but it did not lead to the ...
bastiag5's user avatar
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How to include img tag in html2canvas.js code? [duplicate]

I'm making paper documents into html web documents. There is a webpage as shown in the picture below, and if you type and sign and click Save, it will be saved as a *.png image file. However, if there ...
아이작's user avatar
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How to clear/erase the input value when using jquery datepicker and the input is readonly

I have an input that as soon as the value is chnaged it submits the value and is saved in our database, therefore we can only allow date format values, and the best tool is using datepicker with a ...
Eduardo Ponce de Leon's user avatar
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Trigger jquery callback with selectors in jest

I have a JS script where using jQuery with multiple class selectors and a callback function function MainPage(){ function pageFunction(){ $(".page").on(", ...
keerthi's user avatar
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Target a Block in vtiger to insert a new block using jQuery

I have written a Jquery code to target a module and insert a new block with certain parameters. But unfortunately, i noticed that the block doesn't appear but when i use the developer tools in browser ...
Peter Iteka's user avatar
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JQuery error in Electron: '$ is not defined'

I am building a Flask web app using pyinstaller, and I've been trying to get it to work on Electron. The project uses jQuery and Bootstrap along with a couple of other libraries. The problem is that I'...
Juno C's user avatar
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function for customizing woocommerce statistics

I'm trying to customize the statistics tab of Woocommerce, in the "promo code" submenu of statistics it displays the codes used, the number of orders concerned and the amount of discounts ...
Sitio's user avatar
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Get all CELLS from a specific Datatable ROW

So I'm adding a row to my datatable using var newRow = myTable.row.add([ questionText, '', '', '', '', '' ]).draw(false); And I then want to get all the cells from that row ...
CoqPwner's user avatar
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This filter in datatables is not working for filtering more than one word

It works properly for one word categories, however if there are spaces in between it doesn't show results.I'm not quite sure how to fix it, can you please check my code and let me know what is not ...
jcdjcdjcd's user avatar
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Calling Wordpress PHP route within an IFrame

I want an add to cart functionality within an iFrame that is built on my local drive (localhost3000). There exists a route in the wordpress site that hosts it, but I am not sure how to bypass COORS ...
Arya Bansal's user avatar
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Only first called href opens iframe in Lightbox other hrefs open new page

i am using jquery simple lightbox. I need to open 10 links in total in lightboxes, all showing different iframes. Only one lightbox at a time should be displayed. This works fine with the first href, ...
Hard00 Fernandez's user avatar
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Limit the displayed search results to 10 (minimum) using Choices.js

I've adjusted the searchResultLimit option to 10 in my code, but only 4 results are displayed. Here is my code: <select name="category_id" id="category" class="form-control ...
Alex01's user avatar
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Auto fill another textbox with details from database based on autocompleted textbox in webform

I have gotten as far as autocomplete the textbox(username) from database, my other problem is how to make it that the other text box(address) to autofill in the users corresponding address from the ...
faugnxxx's user avatar
-1 votes
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Adding Elementor Template Shortcode in ACF meta field not rendering js and jquery in login site

I am here to create a template using Elementor and that shortcode I want to add in ACF pro version so that shorcode renders but the thing is in the login site js and jQuery are not fully rendering ...
habibur rahman's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Prevent focus on specific elements jQuery

OK, I have a weird need. I'm not trying to trap focus inside of a specific div, I'm trying to prevent it from entering specific other ones. I have a script which changes the class on a div from "...
DeanH's user avatar
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Filter a wordpress table with JS?

I'm building my own WP theme and I try to avoid JS in Wordpress like the plague because it's hieroglyphics for me... And I still haven't found a resource to learn correctly in a WP environment.... ...
f.soucy's user avatar
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SimpleLightBox trigger open with button jQuery

I have looked at all examples, including those at but I seem to be stuck and wondering if something else isn't going on that I am missing. I am intializing a simpleLightbox ...
jeynon's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

How to implement this carousel using Bootstap? [closed]

I tried to fully create a website like Now I am stuck at this carousel. I do not understand how to make it with a smooth slide effect. I expect a smooth slide effect on ...
Алишер's user avatar
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'Load More' Button for Multiple Galleries in Divi in the same page

I have a website built with Divi, and on one page, I have multiple galleries (with class .pa-gallery-load-more), each displaying 8 photos initially. I've added a "load more" button (with id #...
Marta Chiari's user avatar
-1 votes
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Script does not work after clicking the insert button [closed]

There is a script in the html that I imported that is related to the design of the table, as soon as the user clicks on Insert, it automatically drop off all the designs related to the insert row only ...
Hai Elimelech's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do I create a image and a text sliding effect

I have my html section as <section class="w3l-main-slider" id="home"> <div class="banner-content"> <?php ...
cmucheru's user avatar
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KendoDialog actions TypeError: name.toLowerCase is not a function

I want a Kendo Dialog with two bottons. The code in jsp file is below. Getting error when deleteRow fuction is called. I think it is because of actions block of code. It works when I remove actions. ...
Adil's user avatar
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Changing stroke colour on scroll with jQuery

So I have a Lottie animation that I am trying to change stroke color as the page is scrolled. Forgive me as I am new to this, but I pinched this code off here and it works fine. How would I edit it so ...
danny244's user avatar
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Gijgo Datepicker Date with two digit Year converted to 20th Century

I am using Gijgo Datepicker in my website, my requirement is to show 2 digit year, and I changed the format to 'dd/mmm/yy' which is working fine, but when I select a date i.e. 1 Jan 1990 and reopen ...
Danish Adeel's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to create formating tag based on user select from multiselect dropdown in javascript

I have formating (bold,italic,underline) list in multiselect dropdown. Based on user selection i need to create formating tag. example: if user select bold and italic from dropdown i need to create ...
Jerry's user avatar
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How to add class to td only if text in that td and other td are present

I need to add a new class to a td (the first in the code below), but with two conditions: only if that td has a specific number on it (for example "2"), and if the next td also has some text ...
henry's user avatar
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Import an Excel file using AJAX and Laravel

I'm trying to import an Excel file using AJAX and Laravel in my application. the form of excel import is an inner form (form inside another form) The error handling seems to be working partially, but ...
khaled amoudi's user avatar
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How to put apache superset as an app in a django project

How to put apache superset as an app in a django project I tried to install the tool using docker, but I want to use the superset tool with the django project so that it becomes an application among ...
Shamsan Mohammed's user avatar
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TypeError: option timepicker is not recognized! it is shown

<script type="module"> document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',function(){ var calendarEl = document.getElementById('calendar'); var calendar = new ...
Adarsh Kumar Singh's user avatar
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Background-color not changing in sequence

In response to a button click I have the following jQuery code in a code snippet on a WP site jQuery("#cf_course_planner tr").css("background-color", "#f66"); jQuery(&...
Paul Mc's user avatar
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jquery how to download inline data as a file

Say I have a database driven website with lots of events, each event is loaded and displayed on a listing page. I want to present the data of each event as a download (lets say an eventname.txt file) ...
Martin's user avatar
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Custom WooCommerce Admin notice with a dynamic message

I cannot display an admin message by sending an argument to the function. It was suggested I use a closure function but this does not appear to work. Here is the code function ...
mrslope's user avatar
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