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I am getting Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) - intermittently in Knocout/MVC app

Getting intermittent 500 internal server error while laoding page. Client Side code to load Dropdown on Page whenever error occoured it is not hitting server side controller. // Perform initial ...
user23605580's user avatar
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Magento 2: wrong shipping method saved in order

We have 2 delivery methods enabled on Magento 2.4.6: home delivery and a custom store pickup. If the home delivery method is selected and correctly saved in the order, the customer's address is ...
Fano Avotiana's user avatar
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Ajax call request are taking longer time to execute

In an MVC & knockout.js application call is being made using following function GetCalendar: function (monthYear) { var html = ''; $.ajax({ url: baseURL + 'ajax/GetCalendarHTML', ...
Learning's user avatar
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Knockout jumping the gun when ajax is involved and acting as though events have fired when they haven't fired yet

I am using <details><summary> elements as a quick "accordion" and fetching data when the user expands the element by clicking on the summary. A fetch-data-only-on-demand ...
Tim's user avatar
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Is there any way to replace the json filter with dynamic variable value using typescript code

I have a json filter in which firmwareversion value needs to be replaced with dynamic value. Below is my code: //JSON filter this.comX200FilterValue = '{ "deviceType": "ComX", &...
Philip's user avatar
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How to get the each array value in the switch case using typescript

I want get the value of each object in my switch case, based on the value i get in the case, I need to return some statements; Below is my code what I have tried: // Here I will get the list of ...
Philip's user avatar
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Binding Ajax Response Issue "You cannot apply bindings multiple times to the same element." in knockoutJs Magento2.4.3

I am calling ajax inside knockoutJs and want to binding data inside html file on checkout page. How could i achieve this. Please help me. define( [ 'jquery', 'ko', 'uiComponent' ], ...
Shilpi Varshney's user avatar
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Unable to convert jquery ajax response to array javascript [closed]

I have an API which returns an array of format: [ { "abc": "def", "efg": "hij" }, { "abc": "def", "efg": &...
Sourabh's user avatar
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How do I send a JavaScript array to a controller in a .net core 3.1 application?

The javascript side of things looks like this: var self = this; = ko.observableArray([]); self.saveServices = function () { if ( > 0) { ...
CrazyLegs's user avatar
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none is saving in django admin

productscreate.html <form data-bind="submit: save" method="post"> {% csrf_token %} <table border="1"> <tr> <td>Title: <...
Ranjitha Sanker's user avatar
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AJax Call that pass KnockoutJS Observable Array to the HTTP Post Controller Method fails

I am trying to make a Ajax Call to the Http Controller POST method, the data passed from the ajax to Controller is the Array of JSON which is an ObserverableArray from KnockoutJS. The AAX Call to the ...
trx's user avatar
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Select field is not showing the dropdown values

Can anyone please help me, I am stuck with this past two days. I am new to Knockoutjs / viewmodel. I am trying to understand how bind the data to the dropdownlist. The dropdown values needs to be ...
user81642's user avatar
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JSON response data type is not uniform

I have AJax call as below using JS .I am using Knockout JS var someManager = new AjaxManager('/YYYYYY/XXX/list'); CommonUtils.dispWaitPopup(); // someManager List addLoadCallback() ...
Anand Natarajan''s user avatar
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Knockout binding not updating in html

I have been working on a project that uses knockout for databinding from javascript to html. I am also reading data from a PLC using ajax, the data from the ajax request will put into the knockout ...
Verab's user avatar
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Knockout JS to update view model from ajax success that can be call outside of scope

Here I have define self.fromDate = ko.observable() and self.toDate = ko.observable() now this value is set when click event of button in function is call with ajax request. On success ajax call need ...
BalG Lal Shrestha's user avatar

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