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JS event listener not working on div after knockout conditional

In a .cshtml file (razor page from .NET), I have a partial HTML element under a knockout conditional : <!-- ko with: key --> <div class="..." style="display: none;" ...
Kevin L.'s user avatar
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baguetteBox - lightbox not working inside knockout js foreach binding

I try to preview image using when clicking an image. The problems are, whenever I click image src inside foreach binding. It redirect to new File src page (File: C/(file url) instead ...
whatISboolean's user avatar
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howto retrieve appSettings key from front-end .js file using knockout.js

I have an backend application and i am using web.config and other files to store configuration keys. I have a front-end built with javascript files using knockout.js. We would like to know how ...
Luis Soto's user avatar
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How to prevent function with parameters from being called on page load?

I have a function that is called after button is clicked. it looks like this <button class=".." data-bind="click: $root.openModal"> Now I am trying to pass parameters to ...
Greg's user avatar
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KnockoutJS - How to hide certain elements inside foreach using Observable Arrays?

I have a list of WebsiteOwners. I'm trying to build a UI which will display more information about the owners when I click on them. this.toExpand = ko.observableArray(); //initialize an ...
Rutvik Lhase's user avatar
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Upload file using knockout-file-bind

I am trying to send a multipart form consist of text and file type using knockoutjs. There is an error regarding data-bind file. Here's my formView: <div class="form-horizontal"> &...
whatISboolean's user avatar
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When an element is selected from the list, I want my other list to be filled

I am writing a web project, I want my bottom list to be filled when an element is selected from my top drop-down list, how can I do that? I need to do this in the method. <div> ...
tressert's user avatar
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Bootstrap tooltip in the same partial view renders when the partial view is initiated from one page, but fails when initiated from another

I have a common partial view (_New.cshtml) that is rendered from two different pages (Loads-1 and Loads-2) in the application. Within the partial view there is a tooltip (on hover). The tooltip ...
Nayak S's user avatar
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How to bind input values in a foreach loop on knockout

I have a foreach loop set up to go through a list of objects and display them as input fields on the page but can't get the values to be saved to the object when the input is updated. In the ...
Mike's user avatar
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AJax Call that pass KnockoutJS Observable Array to the HTTP Post Controller Method fails

I am trying to make a Ajax Call to the Http Controller POST method, the data passed from the ajax to Controller is the Array of JSON which is an ObserverableArray from KnockoutJS. The AAX Call to the ...
trx's user avatar
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Initial value dropdownlist Knockout

I have the following code: <div class="form-group"> @Html.LabelFor(model => model.Author, htmlAttributes: new { @class = "control-label col-...
Cristi's user avatar
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Download File Via Background Task c#

I recently converted one of my controllers to a background Task, which returns an HTTPResponseMessage once the thread is completed. The issue i am facing is to get the download to pop up after the ...
Mohammed Ismail's user avatar
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How to send data to the ASP.NET Core MVC controller in C#?

I am trying to send data from my Javascript to my post method controller. I have knockout as my method to bind from Javascript to my view. This is my controller, and this is wher convocationData is ...
Jseb's user avatar
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KnockoutJS MVC Partial view selected information

I'm trying to implement a partial view to my HTML page where I expand the size of the QR Code that's on screen to make it easier for the user to see whenever they are to click the button showQRPanel. ...
nyzo's user avatar
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Sort array by date in underscore.js

I am using Coffescript, underscore.js, knockout, and I am trying to sort an array by date, but for some reason its not working let accounts = [ { id: 101, content: "abc1", createdDate: "...
Techno's user avatar
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