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How to set properly localisation for datepicker in knockoutjs

I put locale: en in my options, but that doesnt work. Should I put somewhere else? ko.bindingHandlers.datepicker = { init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor) { //var ...
lonelydev101's user avatar
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Knockout Sortable issues with require.js and jquery UI widgets

I'm trying to implement the following: but it doesn't seem to understand the paths correctly through require. It says its looking for: "jquery-ui/ui/...
Mike's user avatar
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How to create an autocomplete combobox with KnockoutJS and JQuery UI

I've been trying to create an autocomplete dropdown based on the accepted response in this post but the autocomplete dropdown simply isn't showing up. It could be because the response is 9 years old ...
Wayward Entity's user avatar
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How do I remove an object from an array of objects. in knockoutJS. Error: Object doesn't support property or method 'remove'

How do I remove an object from an array of objects in Knockoutjs. I am new to knockoutjs and any help will be appreciated. A link to Jsfiddle Line 24 in the HTML code on jsfiddle is the click ...
Ida Heathcote-Fumador's user avatar
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knockout sortable update function afer moving item to different position

I have knockout sortable bookmark page where it is possible to group your bookmarks and change the position. I have all my functions working but i can't seem to get the "afterMove" to work. This is my ...
randomtardis42's user avatar
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Passing data between Knockout and jQuery UI dialog

I have an input element within a grid. On click I'm opening a jQuery UI dialog, but I'm not able to pass values. How can I do this? <div id="basediv"> <table> <tbody data-...
rkr's user avatar
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JQuery UI and RequireJS are mapping widgets incorrectly

I'm using RequireJS to load Knockout Sortable (v1.10), which has jquery-ui (v1.12) as a dependency. Both of these were added through bower and placed in my require config. However, I'm having some ...
JD Davis's user avatar
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Knockout component using jQuery-ui dialog ignores bindings

I'm using knockout components to modularize my UI. One of them instances a jQuery-ui dialog containing few buttons. All data-bind on them, and on anything contained in the dialog, is simply ignored. ...
SiliconValley's user avatar
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knockout-jqAutocomplete `options.value is not a function` error

I am trying to convert the knockout shoping card to a jquery AutoComplete using The dropdown works, whowever after the value is selected i get: ...
morleyc's user avatar
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sortable not working on popup

I am facing an issue in drag drop functionality between multiple lists in a popup when there are so many items in list 1. I'm using knockout-sortable.js and modal popup. <div class="seats" data-...
HSal's user avatar
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Sortable jQueryUI Table Rows

I have a table which displays parent-child relationship. I have made the table sortable using jQueryUI. However, I want to restrict drag/drop of rows to within their parent. So, for example, the ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Knockout observableArray not being populated by inherited datepicker value

I am having trouble populating an observableArray with a value inherited from a datepicker. I have a disabled textbox that displays the value of the datepicker as part of the data collection section. ...
AMouat's user avatar
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Knockout afterRender fires only once

I have this simple ViewModel: export class ViewModel { public arr : KnockoutObservableArray<Dtos>; constructor() { this.arr = ko.observableArray<Dtos>(null); ko....
Viktor Kiss's user avatar
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Knockout viewmodel function not called

I am using knockout (v3.2.0) and jQuery (v1.12.4) which are referenced in my _Layout.cshtml page. I have a function called cloneActivity in the javascript section of the ManageActivities.cshtml page ...
Brian Evans's user avatar
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jQuery UI datepicker's minDate option resets current value

I have jQuery UI datepicker integrated with KnockoutJS. <input class="input-small hasDatepicker" data-bind="datepicker: ItemCurrentDate, datepickerOptions: { dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy', changeMonth: ...
user3132547's user avatar

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