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Unwrap Typescript fields in Knockout

I have a domain class, with all the fields being primitives, string, number or boolean. For simplicity, let's work with a bike: interface Bike { wheels: number; isMTB: boolean; brand: string; } ...
Silviu Burcea's user avatar
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Knockout title not updating with observable

I have a knockout binding with a function that should update the title depending on whether the page is in edit mode or not. The function seems to be working as expected, returning an empty string in ...
b_900's user avatar
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Change event not binding correctly on second/multiple Child View Model with KnockoutMapping

I'm working on an MVC/Entity Framework app (my first application, I'm primarily a SQL DBA/BI Developer) and I'm using knockout.js with the mapping plugin. I've got a view model with two child view ...
A Classy Spaceman's user avatar
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Knockout.js get property of an object for location.href

i recently discover Knockout and i'm struggling for getting properties of an object in a foreach: Here is my code : <table class="table"> <thead> <tr> <th>...
jean-francois carlier's user avatar
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Knockoutjs mappings don't add observables to array of strings

I'm getting this kind of data from the server { FirmName: "Firm Name", Address: "123 Address", AltNames: [ "First Alt Name", "Second Alt ...
Alexander Suleymanov's user avatar
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Knockout and ASP.NET MVC edit form display duplicate rows after mapping

Good morning everyone I searched for the problem but I can't find it. I'm trying to edit a quote in an mvc application with knockout, with a nested collection and computed variables The ...
KaribbeanDev's user avatar
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Capture differential / delta payload in Knockout view model

I am using a KO viewmodel which interfaces a REST end-point. The REST end-point serves me plain JSON data like: var data = { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe }; Data is then transformed ...
Neel's user avatar
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KnockoutJS: ko.mapping.toJS, but do NOT ignore computed properties

In KnockoutJS, we can go ko.mapping.toJS(object) and get our object returned with observables and whatnot converted to vanilla Javascript object. Now, ko.mapping.toJS ignores computed properties. I ...
D. Thaler's user avatar
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Knockout update only part of the viewmodel

lets assume a viewmode fromJS var js = { Foo1 : { BarA : 'text', BarB : 'other text' }, Foo2 : { BarC : 'some text' }}; var ...
Stijn Van Antwerpen's user avatar
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knockout nested observables using view controller

We are refactoring our client code and implementing viewmodels. I'd like to keep our viewmodels as dumb as possible, having them be solely data representations. We'll use a view controller and pub/...
monkeydeus's user avatar
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beforeChange value is undefined in Knockout when using the mapping plugin

Based on the answer of this question, I try to get the value before change in an observable with the following code. var phoneBook; function debug(s) { $("#log").append('<br>' + s); }...
icinema gr's user avatar
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Referencing mapped child observables with KnockoutJS

I would like to be able to map the incoming data down to the child objects and their observable arrays and access observables in child objects (in this example: Main -> BikeShop().BikeShopExtra()). ...
Mason240's user avatar
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Knockout foreach within foreach

Take for instance - <!--ko foreach: WorkItems--> <tbody data-bind="foreach: ActionPlans"> // table data here </tbody> <!--/ko--> I am trying to ...
bsod_'s user avatar
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convert the list of items into dropdown list knockout js

I'm new to knockout. May I know how should I convert this unordered list of items into dropdown list with same databinding. <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-4"> <h4>Select a Request ...
KimboSlice's user avatar
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How to convert json string to ko.observableArray([]), they get an error data is not defined?

I am new to knockout js, I create a table of data display with knockout framework and ajax call. I have Problem with the observable array should not get the values and display in table. My code is : ...
User123's user avatar

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