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LINQ - Left Join with multiple conditions and Is Null operators

I want to write following sql in linq. SELECT COL1, COL2 FROM ( SELECT A.COL1, MAX (NVL (C.COL2, 0)) COL2 FROM TBL1 A LEFT JOIN TBL2 C ON NVL (A.COL4, '') = NVL (C.COL4, NVL (A.COL4, '')) AND NVL (A....
alinz's user avatar
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LINQ join query to two tables with the same model

I have two tables in a database with the same structure. The tables have many columns, the types and names are absolutely the same. Let's say their names are OldTable and NewTable. In my project I ...
Anton Petrov's user avatar
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Using ToList in GroupJoin cause "could not be translated" error

I'm trying to Join all the replies that fit the condition Replies.ReplyTo == Ticket.Id in a reportInfo object. But when executing the request : Error message: System.InvalidOperationException: The ...
GasTorrent's user avatar
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Group Join Vs Include Vs Projection queries, what is the difference?

To the best of my knowledges, Group Join vs. Include vs. Projection queries all bring nested entities or should I say hierarchical data - usually for one to many. Also, they all render as a join on ...
ILIIA CHTEREV's user avatar
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Linq throwing error. The cast to the value type failed

var result = from lfx in m_Context.LabFavoriteXrefs join lfm in m_Context.LabFavoriteMasterEntries on lfx.lab_favorite_id equals lfm.lab_favorite_id into xm from x in xm....
KamalaH's user avatar
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Delegate func in LINQ

I have a problem with optimizing my code). Is it possible to create a method that returns necessary outerKeySelector (i => i.ItemId1, i => i.ItemId2 etc.) as func for Join that depends from ...
A1exZr's user avatar
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Queryable.Join with the WHERE clause using inner table?

I'm trying to use the Queryable.Join method to join Lists of objects together, but I want to use the WHERE clause against the inner table. I cannot reverse the order of the join tables in this case. ...
Eric's user avatar
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How to apply joins on different context files

var InsertionId = _DvContext.DvInsertionOrder .Select(x => new { x.Id, x.KiteDealId, x.KiteCampaignId, x.CampaignId }) .ToList(); var camapignId = _kcdbContext.KiteLineitems ...
Sarvjeet Kaur's user avatar
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EF Core advanced linq join context with c# list

Let's say I have some table named foo and I want to filter out some rows based on a list of id's. var idsList = new List<int> { 1, 4, ..., 9999 } I can't use contains statement due to ...
Kilas's user avatar
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How to apply sort by based on sum while join three table in Linq C#

I have one scenario, I need to implement in linq query. Scenario: Product table: | Id | Name | | --- | ---- | | 1 | ABC | | 2 | MNO | | 3 | FGH | | 4 | YUI | | 5 | IOP | | 6 | RTY | ...
N.Bharath's user avatar
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Group Sum On Join Query Where One Side Is Empty

I have an order class and shipment class. class Order { public long ID; public decimal ApprovedQuantity {get; set;} } class Shipment { public long OrderID {get; set;} public decimal ...
Mr. A's user avatar
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Contat 2 Lists from different tables into 1 and use AsQueryable()

Attempting to return the below 2 lists into something I can then query against. var people = (from c in _context.FollowingPeople select new Models.Following.FollowingModel { Id ...
Tim Cadieux's user avatar
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C# Pivot table data into a ViewModel using Linq

I have a use case that contains data stored in a values tables as shown below, that needs to be pivot based on a JobLevel and displayed in a DataGridControl, however in order to get this working I ...
Donald N. Mafa's user avatar
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SQL join query to LINQ using groupby and order by clause

I am trying to copy this join query into linq..But I don't understand where to add group by and order by statements.. select c.CheckID,cv.Earnings FROM [Customers0].[pay].[...
Ben's user avatar
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How to shorten the Join layers in Dynamic Linq

Whenever you add join a new layer is added and this is difficult to work especially in the where dynamic clause How can I summarize each join with one word I put a query that shows the queries I mean ...
خالد بشير's user avatar

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