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I've been trying to apply unique index in combination in mongoDb databse using in my node.js backend, but unable to get away with the duplicate error

The movie is supposed to be added to the single document named as watchlist of all user, but i tried to apply unique index in combination of profile_id(user) and content_id(movie_id) so that same ...
Arish Ali's user avatar
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How to have mongoDB populate subfields of transactions collection, for the sender and receiver, based on their _ids provided from the users collection

Here's my Mongoose Schema for the three collections users, accounts and transactions respectively: const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ username: { type: String, required: true,...
user24956669's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Querying for deeply nested subdocuments in Mongoose

I've been having trouble trying to query for a deeply nested subdocument while using Mongoose. My DB structure is like this: { "_id": "662aa6ccae109745e30dc664", "...
O'Diego's user avatar
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I encountered a problem when i write a simple asynchornous function to update a data in MonogDB

i was trying to implement a javascript asynchornous code which can be able to update a data with the specified ID in MongoDB like this but as a result i got nothing as an output i dont know why? async ...
space - time's user avatar
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How to update a field using its previous value in MongoDB with updateOne

I was trying to update the document with updateOne but got an error in code unable to access the previous value to update the field. getting type cast error. Using Mongoose version 7.0.1 ...
Puneet Phull's user avatar
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Can I filter a mongo query by virtual populates?

I have a parent reference relationship between a property model and a sale model. Within my sale model, I include a field to reference the parent property: property: { type: mongoose.Schema....
Kyle Marsh's user avatar
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Get DBRefs in one request. The Extended Reference Pattern

I have identical products that are sold in different cities at different prices. Product.js const mongoose = require('mongoose'); const Schema = mongoose.Schema; const ProductSchema = new Schema({ ...
Aglaophot's user avatar
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How can i populate a sub Schema in different model in mongoose

I want to populate a model which has an ObjectId of a document which is present as sub schema on another model Sub Schema var addressSchema = new Schema({ address: String, phoneNumber: Number, ...
Devanshu Singh's user avatar
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How do I delete a document in mongoDB using mongoose in Node.js?

I want to delete a document from a collection in mongoDB. This is my schema: const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema( { _id: { type: String, default: () => uuidv4().replace(/\-/g, &...
Siddharth Sagar's user avatar
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Populating or aggregating inside virtuals for mongoose

I had a old virtual which is used by almost around 100 queries, AssignmentSchema.virtual('m1s', { ref: 'M1', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'm2Id', options: { match: { entityType: 'm2entity' ...
Irtesam virani's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

how to access object inside the array?

{ "_id" : ObjectId("64caa6599b2ec8d2da9e8e58"), "message" : { "text" : "hey" }, "users" : [ { &...
siimransiingh's user avatar
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How to iterate over a mongoose schema inside another schema and update data

I have two mongoose.Schema Collection: Cities and Countries, the Cities contain only cities like this: {city_name: "Berlin"}, {city_name: "Heraklion"}, Countries has also a ...
Java wanna bee's user avatar
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Not able to compare username in database with that entered by the client

So I am trying to create a basic authentication app without using any modules or auth strategies. Just by pushing user credentials to a MongoDb database and then by comparing the entered credentials ...
SCodeyRHODES's user avatar
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I want update object document fields into an array in MongoDB database

I am new to MongoDB trying to update an object field into an array in multiple documents in MongoDB. Below I have mentioned my previous model and the new model also. I already updated the schema but I ...
Rajesh Senapati's user avatar
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How can I populate nested Schema?

I'm trying to populate a field in my SCHEMA. This is my Schema This is the GameSchema const GameSchema = new Schema({ GameType: { type: Number, required: true }, Schedule: {...
Deelan Valderama's user avatar

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