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Login Redirection Issue in Express.js with Passport Authentication

I am developing an Express.js application and facing a persistent issue with user authentication. Despite successful user registration and confirmed entries in the database, the login process does not ...
Ricardo Luna's user avatar
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Cross-domain Authentication Issue with Passport.js and Next.js Client

Problems I'm using Passport.js for authentication on a Node.js server (localhost:8000) and a Next.js client (localhost:3000). Despite trying various solutions, I can't get cross-domain authentication ...
Samuel Duhaime-Morissette's user avatar
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can someone explain how serializeuser deserializeuser work here with google login and normal login

why when someone not logged in with google tries to post something the req.user gives the google id only but when its a user thats not logged in with google the req.body gives the id and the username ?...
brazilclouds's user avatar
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passport serialize/deserialize user google login problem with googleid and normal id

why if a user logged in with google makes a post to secrets the req.user only includes the googleId but when its a normal user it contains all the object stored in the db im trying to use the objectId ...
brazilclouds's user avatar
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InternalOAuthError: Failed to fetch user profile with Passport.js LinkedIn Strategy

I'm trying to implement LinkedIn authentication in my Node.js application using Passport.js and the passport-linkedin-oauth2 package. After a successful login redirect, I'm encountering the following ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Redirecting to different routes according to user type

This is my express code, I'm handling authentication by passport.js and passport-local-mongoose, I've been having trouble redirecting different user type to their dashboard var express = require("...
Shree75's user avatar
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how to get a callback from discord desktop app

I am developing this web application that has a login to the workspace but after the user logs in successfully I want to make sure that he is running the discord app installed on his pc and is logged ...
Omar Zroud's user avatar
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Implementing a login system using react and passport local

Im currently trying to set up a login authentication for react using a passport local strategy. Here is the code: The authentication code: const passport = require('passport') const {Strategy} = ...
Quatromic's user avatar
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Trouble Sending JWT from Backend to Frontend after Google OAuth Login

I'm learning about authentication and JWT by building a small project. But I'm stuck trying to send the JWT (JSON Web Token) back to the frontend after a user logs in with Google OAuth. The problem is,...
Krichen Yassine's user avatar
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Passport js "isAuthenticated()" doesn't work as expected. But it does work with postman

So, I have a simple Node Express server and I am handling authentication with Passport.js. I am struggling when trying to make it work correctly. Here's the setup: I have a React frontend where users ...
Juan Manuel's user avatar
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How Angular should get the data of the logged in user (session)

My and my classmate currently working in a project, where I creating the backend in Node.js with express, and he is creating the frontend in Angular. Currently we try to make the registering (already ...
Bálint Klubert's user avatar
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I can't log in with local-passport

I'm new in passport and I would like some help. I can't log in after adding local passport to my program. The login page is loaded and is always redirected to itself, and is not taken to the main page ...
Marcos Neto's user avatar
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Passport - req.isAuthenticated() returns true in /login route after local strategy, but not in /current-session after passport.authenticate("session")

I am building a full-stack app with a PERN stack. I can POST a username and password from the front-end to /login and log in successfully - isAuthenticated() returns true. However, if I then send a ...
James's user avatar
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Why is my Node.js app redirecting me to the failureRedirect route no matter what?

I am making a simple login page using Node.js for back-end stuff and passport for authentication. To me all my code looks good and it looks like it should work. I even put it into chatGPT and it ...
TheCodenOne's user avatar
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Passport isAuthenticated return false after successRedirect

I'm a beginner of coding. I'm trying to build an authentication system with passport-local. When I entered the correct email and password, the passport.authenticate succeed, to make sure that I use ...
Jason's user avatar
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