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Mongoose CastError: Cast to ObjectId failed for Twitter ID (type string)

I’m working on a content syndication project where I’m implementing Twitter authentication using Passport.js and Mongoose. The authentication flow works up to the point of deserializing the user. I’m ...
Belmin's user avatar
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passport js middleware will always redirect me to the faliure route

please help me find the issue with my passport.js setup i swear i will never use passport again just please help me this time passport.js const passport = require('passport'); const mongoose = require(...
Tan Ya's user avatar
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i m traying to update user profile information Database

enter image description'/profile/update', isLoggedIn, function(req, res, next) { const userId = req.user._id; userModel.findById(userId, function(err, user) { if (err) { return next(...
Ele's user avatar
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Passport authentication showing unauthorized in node.js after registering the data successfully in my database?

I have made a register route with a docSchema registration using the register function of the class. Now the problem is that upon registering on the frontend it does not throw any error but rather ...
Aman Tyagi's user avatar
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Passport-local-mongoose not working for login after successful signup

I am using passport -local mongoose for authentication. Everytime I am successfully able to signUP the user but when I try to log in with the same id password, wrong username password error pops up //...
Kartic Joshi's user avatar
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How to authenticate user, using PassportJS using local strategy during user registration?

I'm following a Udemy Course and in that there is this section where the tutor saves the user to mongoDB, using passport-local-mongoose, and after saving there is an Authenticate function which it ...
Ransike Randeni's user avatar
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How do you store a login session to be used in another route node express passport jwt mongoose

I'm trying to build a route that will allow the logged in user to change their password. I have a register new user and login route that is working alright, but I don't know how to store that token ...
user15697542's user avatar
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Why am I seeing "bad request" when I run my code using nodemon app.js?

**this is my app.js code: ** import dotenv from "dotenv"; import express from "express"; import bodyParser from "body-parser"; import ejs from "ejs"; import ...
Isabella's user avatar
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Passport.js local strategy. How to avoid direct-typing-in-the-address-bar access to the protected route?

This is my app.get: app.get('/secrets', async (req, res) => { if (req.isAuthenticated) { try { const foundUsers = await User.find({'secrets': {$ne: []}}); res.render('secrets', {...
Novigda's user avatar
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"done" function isn't working after moving from callbacks to promises for mongoose query

I am trying to reconfigure some code because mongoose no longer allows for callbacks. However, although I can find a user with findOne(), I am having trouble passing that user back to routes.js for ...
garson's user avatar
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Buliding an Organization Structure

MY application is build With Nodejs , Atlas Mongodb DB and Express for user Authentication Im using PassportJS. for the DB connection I Use Both Mongoose and MongoClient Im Looking forward to Split my ...
Dan Nir's user avatar
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What would the new way of passport deserialization look like?

In am following a simple MVC tutorial to build a login authentication system. Till a few days back, I had a working serialize ...
phoenix's user avatar
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Passport seem to not set properly req.user after initialization

I use Mongoose (connected to a mongoDB atlas cluster), ExpressJS, and NodeJS to make a login/authentication system but after login and initialize with Passport, req.user doesn't return the user info ...
Davik Zetus's user avatar
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throw new MongooseError('Query.prototype.exec() no longer accepts a callback'); MongooseError: Query.prototype.exec() no longer accepts a callback

i am trying to register and authenticate user using passport. registration form is working fine throw new MongooseError('Query.prototype.exec() no longer accepts a callback'); ^ ...
01-CSEC2-3_ANKUSH KUMAR's user avatar
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Serializing and Deserializing other than user model

I have two schemas one for farmers and other for users but when serializing it is not working.. when in the registered all of the data goes to the Users model const farmerSchema = new mongoose.Schema({...
Sreekumar's user avatar

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