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Spa application (with iframes) to a modern SPA [closed]

I have a laravel project with php8.1, which as frontend uses simple, blade with Html, bootstrap, javascript other things on the front. This page consists of several modules or pages, which perform ...
Victor's user avatar
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Examples of Well-Written Angular Projects for Learning Best Practices [closed]

I'm learning how to write code properly and would appreciate examples of well-written Angular projects to study best practices. Specifically, I'm looking for projects that adhere to modern coding ...
Fathan Teuku's user avatar
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Is there a way to limit the long list of search results in my live javascript search bar so it responds faster on desktop browsers?

I have a javascript live search bar, it reads a .js file that holds the records. I added about 20,000 records to the original and an equal amount of corresponding links for those records. On my mobile ...
Tim L's user avatar
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Performance of using map once vs. multiple times [closed]

For most of my development career, I was convinced that iterating over an array multiple times should be avoided. After a lot of back and forth, I'm not so sure anymore, so I'd like to ask for your ...
Lucky's user avatar
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Browser Closing Automatically when i click Application Tab in inspect mode for React Projects [closed]

Title: Browser Crashes When Accessing Application Tab in Inspect Tool for React Project I am encountering an issue where my browser crashes whenever I attempt to access the Application tab in the ...
Kalingadha Mahantesh's user avatar
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Convert the greatest binary number (by number of binary digits) to decimal

Given a number of characters, I want to generate the greatest integer whose binary representation fits in that number of characters. My code working perfectly fine: const getValueOf=(y)=>{...
Hezi-Gangina's user avatar
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Icon Component with Dynamic SVG Imports vs Bundle Size next.js - v14.2.3

I am trying to create an Icon component in a Next.js application that imports SVGs dynamically without significantly increasing the bundle size. Despite using various methods such as require.context(),...
Kiran Raj R's user avatar
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PerformanceObserver On Page Refresh

I have been using PerformanceObserver API with PlayWright to capture several metrics in my application which. My application has multiple browser instances on Button/link clicks. Metrics like FCP, LCP,...
harsha.cs's user avatar
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Why is WebGPU performance so bad in my benchmark compared to WebGL?

Here's the code of my benchmark, tested it on Latest Chrome Canary on Win11 (with vsync disabled and fps unlocked). WebGPU has around 1/3 the FPS of WebGL bench, I can't figure out why is that. Code: ...
Adrian Mikołajczyk's user avatar
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Why does the audio output become pitched when the laptop is on battery while using chrome.tabCapture.capture?

I am facing this issue with most laptops. When I turn my extension on while on battery power, the tab audio I receive becomes pitched. When I connect the charger back, it returns to normal. const ...
CritIN's user avatar
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What performance disadvantages might I face with this approach to creating a library of iterators?

I'm working on my iterator library and I've come up with what I think is a convenient API. Here are some examples of how to use it: // API usages const iterable = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]; // First ...
Ryan Celsius's user avatar
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Accessing interleaved struct-like data from a TypedArray, without multiple reads?

This is a performance-related question. As such, regular JS rules and conventions are irrelevant here. Note also that JS objects are not in any way performance-equivalent to C structs, particularly ...
Engineer's user avatar
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Why javascript scripts load asynchronously without 'async' keyword? [duplicate]

I'm currently learning how Critical Rendering Path works in web development. Based on what I've read javascript resource should be requested and executed synchronously if there is no 'async' or 'defer'...
Michał Markiewicz's user avatar
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Does keeping template strings in my DOM makes it slower?

If I use <script type="text/template"></script> or <template> tag excessively to define large template strings in my DOM, does it make my DOM slower, considering it makes ...
Cortez's user avatar
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What is the fastest way to iterate the VALUES of a Map in JavaScript? [duplicate]

Suppose I have the following Map: new Map([ ['a', 1], ['b', 3], ['d', 6] ]) Does anyone know what would be the fastest way to retrieve the Map VALUES? I couldn't find on the internet what ...
Sleep's user avatar
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