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How does useSelector hook impact performance when selecting individual properties vs. destructuring the state in Redux?

I am using Redux in my React application and I often need to extract values from the Redux store using useSelector. Here are the two approaches I have considered: Approach 1: Selecting individual ...
Ishu Modanwal's user avatar
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React Native FlatList: What's more performant, passing object or passing reference to object?

I'm using MaterialTopTabNavigator with React Navigation v6. Each tab contains a FlatList. I have an array of objects that I want to render in each list, and this object is stored in Redux. I have two ...
gkeenley's user avatar
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Rendering a lot of data into the form of Material UI cards is getting very slow and low performances

I'm building a web application using React, Redux and MUI. I've a page where i'm showing all the products (approx 8000 products) with MUI card for each ( The ...
Theo's user avatar
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Updates are slow with Redux

I'm building a React Native app, using Redux and AsyncStorage. When a user deletes an item, updates happen a bit slow (2-3 seconds). I have an array of objects (rather small). I delete an item in this ...
Xenia's user avatar
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NGXS state change to often, performance issue in angular

I'm having performance issues in my NGXS logic, and i'm a little lost about how to fix it. So i will share my current code explain it and try to share the ideas to how to fix it. So the code is ...
nicearma's user avatar
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Redux dispatch action taking too long despite reducer function attached executes fast

I am getting chrome violation errors of type setTimeout handler took 500+ ms which are seriously blocking my app, and some happen every time an action attached to a websocket payload comes and is ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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Should I use state or call a function for better performance?

I have a Redux Form page with some fields that have to be disabled when a condition is met. My question is whether I should check this condition once when I do the fetchData call on mounting the ...
Rodius's user avatar
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How is performance affected by the dispatching of numerous actions in a React and Redux app?

How big of an effect do actions have on performance, more precisely: dispatching said actions? Let's say the same action is dispatched 10 times in a row on a single user interaction with the UI, how ...
Lucian Anghel's user avatar
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React with Redux, big performance loss when fetching images and setting them as part of state slice

I have a React app, the state is managed with Redux. The user can search for a game and a multitude of results, whose titles loosely match the query, will appear on submitting. Every time the user ...
Lucian Anghel's user avatar
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Reselect selectors and Redux Store with frequently changing properties

I have a store that looks like the following: allItems item1: {uivalue1: 1, uivalue2: 2, position: {x, y}} ... selectedItemsKeys: ['item1', 'item2'] Some of the UI components that I have need only ...
mkhatib's user avatar
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Which is faster for a redux reducer: switch or map?

The redux documentation, when recommending best practices for reducer, mentions refactoring away switch statements and replacing them with a dictionary/map of action to handler, so instead of: switch(...
curiosity's user avatar
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Is it more performant to useSelector() on an object vs the object's properties?

Let's say we're working on our Customer Profile page with an object in the store called CustomerProfile. export interface ICustomerProfileState { status: string, customerId: number, ...
8protons's user avatar
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Buttons and touchables on React Native lag with delay

I'm tying to create a basic e-shop in my application and it works fine. Every item in flatlist has 3 buttons ( TouchableOpacity ) to set quantity. Those buttons are very slow: 1 second between clock ...
zedArt's user avatar
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What is the maximum size of the redux store in a react native application?

I am writing a React Native App. I am using Redux to store my data. I am using this data everywhere hence I store it in redux and don't request it from server. This data is modified with combined of 3-...
John Stuart's user avatar
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redux calculated data re-rendering how to fix

I have a list of cards that take the state tree. I have one selector that gets the list of jobs, then two selectors that use that selection to map and combine an object to pass into the card. function ...
altruios's user avatar
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